Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hallways

Feldbrunnen to Solothurn 17.02 (7)

Leaving an underground car park

Dagenham Heathway station

Leading to Dagenham Heathway Station, London Underground

Inside Hotel Mansour Dhabi

I once had the luck to visit Marrakesh in Morocco with my husband’s company on a public relations journey. We stayed at one of the best hotels, Mansour Dhabi, which was newly built and full of the charms of the arabian nights. This was one of the entrance halls.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hallways

Daily Prompt: Where’s my Toothbrush

“Which one?”

“Today’s toothbrush of course.”

“Perhaps you prepared it yesterday.”

“I don’t prepare my toothbrushes dear, because I always have them ready. You know I like to clean my teeth before an important meeting to make a good impression for my daily appointments. I cannot disappoint the customers. We have been married for almost eternity, you should really know by now.”

“You must have mislaid it Rip, even you are getting older and more forgetful.”

“My job calls for eternal age, I do not get older and certainly not forgetful. My clock ticks as always.”

“Hi dad, going out.”

“Of course, I have a job to do, cannot disappoint people, just wanted to clean my teeth first. An important part of my work, but cannot find my toothbrush.”

“Even you are getting older dad.”

“So, enough, you mother said the same. I do not get older, and my memory is not failing me.”

“Got some customers today dad?”

“I have customers every day, never out of work. What are you doing son?”

“Cleaning my teeth of course. As your apprentice I should always look the part.”

“But that is my toothbrush.”

“You said it was about time I took life more seriously, it does not last forever, so I am using your toothbrush, a family heirloom.”

“Only when I say so son.”

“But I thought I would give you a hand and I have never had such clean teeth with this toothbrush.”

“Ok, give me a few minutes and I will be ready, but I really do not think we should share the toothbrush yet. One day your time will come I know, like all of us.”

“Leave the philosophising dad, we all know about it, So where are we going today?”

“Same place as usual and polish your hands. It is an important part, people see your hand, especially the one where you hold the …. you knw what I mean.”

“You mean I can carry it today.”

“Just an exception, so that you get used to it it. Do not forget, this is an eternal job, clean teeth and clean hands The toothbrush is an important part of the equipment. We want to leave a good impression. How do I look?”

“Great dad, your passport photo does you credit.”

Teeth Pat Inselspital 2 docx

And they left together, father and son, both with wonderfully clean, polished teeth. They closed the door behind them where the name stood “Grim R. Reaper and Son, 24 hour service”.

Daily Prompt: Where’s my Toothbrush?

Good Morning

Road to Langendorf 31.07 (5)

The Swiss National Day has arrived, although some could not wait and we were serenaded all night with bangs by those who could not wait. Our feline, Tabby, spent the night indoors sleeping in her Winter quarters, otherwise in Summer she sleeps outside. Yesterday we drove past the town entrance gates and I saw from afar that they were already decorated with a Swiss flag and some red an white stripy stuff. Red and white are the colours of our Kanton of Solothurn.

1st August 31.07 (4)

Even our village of Feldbrunnen (Feld=meadow, Brunnen=fountain) deicded to hang out its local flags as they do every year. One of the neighbours remarked that they are again hanging out the old washed out bits and pieces to celebrate. It doesn’t bother me, being a paper Swiss. On the other hand we are a small village, with quite a share of Swiss france millionaires and a few villas dotted around, so perhaps something better could be presented. Although I believe many of our millionaires made their fortunes in other countries. Mr. Swiss notices that more and more engish is spoken in the village with an american accent. Perhaps we will be celebrating 4th July next year.

1st August

The local supermarket made an effort on Swiss patiotism by selling plastic windmills with a Swiss pattern on them. I took the photo in the supermarket and did not buy one. So what do the Swiss do today? I noticed that the supermarket was packed with food shoppers yesteray, all buying their meat for the b-b-q at home, although the weather forecast predicted storms and torrential rain. At the moment the sun is shining. Many invite family and friends to the celebration at home and there will be lots of flash bangs in the gardens. The local town of Solothurn usually has its firework show on boats positioned on the river. There is also a procession for the children where they walk with illuminated paper lanterns showing Swiss designs. We just remain at home comforting a cat whose world is coming to an end. Mr. Swiss tells me that dogs are even more a problem. Cats are the hardliners I suppose.

What we are actually celebrating is a country that began with a few little states, but as the income tax advantages grew, more and more states joined in, although that is my opinion. The patiotic Swiss would talk about independence from the others, like Austrians and Germans etc. etc. Anyhow the mountains will be alive with fires burning on the tops tonight, if it doesn’t rain. When we were younger we would take family holidays at this time, and spent many 1st August in the Bernese Overland, where Switzerland was invented. However you soon noticed that are are only tolerated and the locals keep to themselves.

Swiss Bread

I bought a Swiss special bread some time last week, but found it was nothing different than usual soft bread, the only difference being that someone stuck a swiss flag into it.

And now I will move on. Life goes on, whether Switzerland has a birthday or not and I have things to do. Enjoy the day, see you around.