Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Places People Live

House Feldbrunnen

I pass this villa every time I go into town. It was built be the owner of a factory, but was empty for some time. There is even a tennis court in part of the garden.

Solothurn 19.01 (1)

Another one of the local villas built by a  doctor-lawyer family, but now in other hands.

Baselstrrasse 28.10.2018

And now and again you find those neat littles houses where you wish you could also live.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Places People Live

10 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Places People Live

    • We live in one of those places with a low tax, because the millionaires finance it all for us. They do not build just ordinary houses, but villas and mansions. Some of the houses are vey old, built by families that have been handed down from one generation to another.


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