One Word Photo Challenge: Box

biscuit box

Even Queen Elizabeth of England appears on a box, a biscuit box. I just had to have it and bought it at London City Airport – a souvenir? Not really, but I can show it to my grandchildren one day (in the far far distant future probably).

English Letter Box in Oxlow Lane, Dagenham
And let’s stay in England, in London on the east side, somewhere in Dagenham, county Essex. I saw this lonely post box and just had to take a photo as a souvenir. English postboxes have the initials of the reigning monarch. This was an older example as it was marked with GR, the queen’s father  George VI.

Mac book

And here is the box that arrived with my MacBookPro, my Apple computer. The box was almost as exclusive as the computer, that is why I still have it – you never know.

One Word Photo Challenge: Box

Colour Your World: Wisteria


My sister-in-law has a wisteria on her house front. She has  a two floor house and it now reaches the roof. I was so enthuisiastic that when we bought our ground floor appartment with gardens on both side and a trellis work on the front side I decided I wanted my own wisteria. The first two years it explored the spaces and then it began to grow. It grew for at least 10 yearseven climbing to the balcony on the next floor. My neighbour was thrilled as it twisted its way into her balcony plate. I told her to cut it away, otherwise it would also take over her balcony. It was when it began to  block the sun light from the bedroom windows I decided perhaps I was just a little too enthusiasti.

One day the gardener arrive and removed it. I was sad but also glad. I also told him to remove the wires where it was climbing. Actually he wisteria really fought to remain. The vines had become tree stems. It looked very pretty when it flowered, but when the flowers fell and it rained we had a wonderful mess to clear away. The leaves also decided to drop and cover the path in a disgusting brown slime when it rained.

I do miss my wisteria, but we now have light and air. By the way it still shoots up now and again between the hedge, but I kill it with a machete with special tree cutters. It never gives up, beware of the wonderful wisteria. It sneaks in on you.

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly sitting on my buddleia in the garden.

Colour Your World: Wisteria

Daily Prompt: Crossroads

RötistrasseSo where shall we start. Shall I tell you about all the psychological situations in my life where I stood at the crossroads? Actually I never did because I always knew what I wanted and the crossroad sitution did not exist. On the other hand I lived on a crossroad for 20 years in the town of Solothurn. The building on the left was the appartment house we we had a 5 1/2 roomed flat on the first floor. I do not know why there was half a room, as they were all complete rooms: three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and an enormous hall which was more like 2 rooms knocked together.

Corner Schänzlistrasse-Rötistrasse, Solothurn

I just found a larger photo, although the house has now been  spruced up. The rent was reasonable and we were almost in the middle of town. The crossroad now looks quite empty, but that is due to the extention of the motorway which relieved a lot of the traffic circulation.

Otherwise it was a day and night noise, especially when the traffic lights changed. The crossroads resembled a Russian roulette if you wanted to drive over them. There are various laws in Switzerland, one being traffic from the right has the right of way. For someone like me that does tend to have a problem with directional knowledge, this could be a problem. The train also travelled along the road in the middle with a 20 minute timetable, with an exception during the night, when it stopped at midnight, but began again at 6.00 a.m. and Sundays when the rhythm was 40 minutes. The main railway station was on the left of the photo.

Rötistrasse and Main Station, Solothurn

You can see our building again on the right hand side just after the bridge and the main station at the bottom of the road. Yes, even Switzerland has its crowded places. It was a great place to live with 4 noisy school children (my 2 step children were then still living with us), but one day we decided to move out into the country where you really only find the fox and hedgehogs walking over the crossroads, and unfortunately are not always fast enough to survive the traffic.

I was let out again today, had an appointment for chest x-ray, and Mr. Swiss found that as I am a big girl now I could take the car. I think he said something about having something better to do with his time. I was again let loose on the roads with all the cross roads, which can be very confusing fo a brit that grew up with left sided traffic, although I never actually was allowed to drive in England. I did have a few half hearted attempts at learning, but I gave it up before my driving teacher did.

Today was full of surprises. I climbed into the car, drove off and as I turned the first corner something lit up and a signal appeared in the car. “You will have to tank” it said, in german of course. Our car only speaks german. Then it told me I could drive another 60 kilometers before it would need petrol or gas as some other countries say. I worked it out quickly in my head and discovered that the x-ray place was just on the other side of town, not more than 2 kilometers and I could easily arrive home without being stranded in the middle of the road afterwards. We have had this car a couple of years, but I actually never had to quench its thirst, Mr. Swiss does it all.

I eventually arrived safely to where I was going and had to wait, so I gave a quick call to Mr. Swiss telling him that I could have been in dire straits as the tank was telling me it was emptying. He replied that he knew it, but I still have enough petrol. He knew it and did not tell me? After my x-ray, which was a matter of five minutes I had psychologically prepared myself for the return journey. The clinic had a wonderful parking place, really no problem. I parked my car next to an empty space, I love empty spaces, but noticed that the empty space had been occupied by a short sighted idiot that must have fallen in love with my car door, as he had parked so near I  could not open it. I had to operate plan B and open the passenger door and climb over the seat. It is not a small car, a Skoda, but if it had been a volvo or rolls royce, climbing over the seat would not have presented a problem. I even have problems with walking, and climbing over seats is not my thing. After 5 minuts of uttering profanities (which do help) I arrived at the steering wheel. If Mr.  Ignorant had turned up in the meanwhile I would have given him a dose of Angloswiss phrases which would certainly forced him to kneel down and ask pray for forgiveness. However he remained missing – was probably watching me from a window somewhere.

Before I leave you here is a photot of my favourite crossroad/roundabout in London. It is somewhere on the was to the City Aiport. I love it, and often though it would be a good theme for a science fiction story. I am sure that extra terrestrials built and live inside it, waiting to take over one day, their space craft landing at the nearby airport.

On the A13 to London City Airport

Daily Prompt: Crossroads

Good Morning

front garden

I think it is going to be one of those days today. It is raining, there is a gale force wind blowing and my bird from hell on the right in the photo is  shivering, although he does tend to feel the cold very quickly as he  is more used to the heat.  Since I switched on my iPad (from my bed) things went wrong. I make a tour of various sites in the morning, beginning with my e-mails to see if the queen has now sent her invitation to the tea party at Buckingham Palace. I would have too organise a hat if she did, and of course my usual blue jeans t-shirt look would not be the thing to wear. However, there was no invitation, only numerous notifications from WordPress.

I then decided to see who wrote on WordPress during my European night, the colleagues over the pond being busy, because it was their day. That was the first disappointment. You know it probably “server not responding” the bloggers’ words of doom. I refreshed, and refreshed, after 10 minutes I tried by the back door over my Facebook community page, but this is static. I could look at the goods, but not touch them. Frustration was building up, I was an outcast, locked out. The last resource is to ask Mr. Swiss, but he was missing, at 07.00 a.m. he walked out of the door. Had he left me for another, no he once said he would not do it again, he is not a succour for punishment.

Water in the garageRelief, he returned after five minutes. It seems today is the day when our garage has a makeover. We all have to remove our cars and in the Swiss style it will be cleaned by applying a water jet. It is best to be one of the first to remove the car, because handy parking places are few and far between outside. Luckily this only happens twice a year, in Spring and in Autumn.

In the meanwhile I could still not access my wordpress site, server not answering. I uttered a few profanities over Safari which is the “I” stuff provider and tried with Chrome, but still no luck. I was in a state of despair, felt neglected and alone in the world and tried one last time. Yes, after twenty mintues it worked, it was alive, the day was saved. Of course I was behind in my timetable, but I managed to complete my Internet missions just as my iPhone rang the bell to tell me it was 7.30. Any other day does not really matter, but Tuesday is bathroom cleaning day, when all the tiles sparkle and I can see my reflection in them after the work is done. Now I have just finished breakfast and said Good Morning to everyone and I can move on.

This afternoon I have an appointment with an x-ray machine for a chest photo, my specialist really wants to know me inside and out at the moment, but my photos take a few seconds, so I am sure an x-ray will not take longer, or?

And now to the work. Be good, be kind to your computer and remember uttering profanities when it does not work is no help, it is just a matter of patience. I must admit it does reduce the inner feeling of tension and you no longer want to throw the computer out of the window.