Colour Your World: Timberwolf

Five ages of man, Wyss Garden Centre, Zuchwil

The 7 ages of man as shown by statues at our local garden centre in the village of Zuchwil, Switzerland.


Fluffy having a wash

Fluffy, my blind Selkirk rex cat that left us for the Eternal corn chambers about a year ago at the age of 12. His official colour was a “blue tabby” although I don’t know where the blue was hidden in his fur.

Colour Your World: Timberwolf

Daily Prompt: Giggle

Living roomI do not like the word “giggle”. I find it a stupid description for a laugh. It is often found in primitive pieces of writing about “having a giggle” or “they were all giggling”. I do not giggle, I laugh, I might be hysterical. Perhaps there are tears of laughter running down my face, I have even been known to almost choke, especially if I am eating something at the same time. That is a serious situation, but because of the laughter and amusement at whatever it is, no-one takes me seriously. I could choke to death, but at least I went in an amusing way. I do not giggle, I have never giggled, giggling is for the others. I have never been infected by someone’s giggle. A giggle can even cause an annoyance, if you want to concentrate on something else.

It is evening in the Angloswiss household, all the daily chores have been completed, there was nothing to laugh or even “giggle” about, beause it was a serious process of cleaning, cooking and feeding the family. At last there is peace and quiet and time to relax in the special “stressless” chairs, made in Norway, where peoople do not seem to have stress. I wonder if the Norwegians giggle? To continue, Mr. Swiss takes his relaxing position in a chair with his Kindle and Mrs. Angloswiss decides to join him, with her own Kindle of course.

“Ha, ha, he, he”: sounds from Mr. Swiss.

“What are you laughing about.”

“He, he, he” and makes a slight cough.

“Are you OK?” she asks concerned.

“Just laughing at this book, ha, ha, ha. It is so funny.”

Of course I was disturbed, just reading the last pages of my mystery, horror book full of blood and thunder.

“What’s it about? It is one of those detective stories.”

“Ha, ha, ha. That is really a funny guy, you know he ….wha, ha, ha, chortle, chortle”

I am now running out of words to describe the hysterical guffaws from the neighbouring chair and was having problems concentrating on my book. At last Mr. Swiss closed the Kindle. Did it run out of power? No, he switched on the TV, it was time for the news. In the meanwhile I had finished my book. It had a happy ending, nothing to laugh about. The vampire woke up in the morning, left his coffin and forgot about the sunlight and so he shrivelled into a pile of ashes. The vampire hunter had drunk some LSD before letting the vampire have a bite and that is not good for vampires.  Everyone survivied except for the vampire: a happy ending and no reason to laugh or even giggle. No, you do not giggle after reading a vampire story.

I decided to start a new book. It was the next book in the Terry Pratchett series of books about the Discworld. You know, the flat planet balanced on the back of four elefants that are standing on the turtle Great A’Tuin, travelling through the universe. Terry Pratchett can be very amusing, especially when you discover that Death now has an apprentice to help with dealing with the dead. I laughed.

“Shhh, I am listening to the news.”

I was silent and then the wizard Rincewind appeared. This book was really funny. No I did not giggle, because as I said I hate giggles. They are primitive, silly and annoying at the best of times. I am the mother of two sons, and so they did not giggle, it was more ho, ho, ho, etc. etc. like their father I suppose. Anyhow I laughed, no it was amounting to a crescendo”

Action from Mr. Swiss: he records all important programmes on the TV, so he lost no gem of the immediate happenings in the world. I noticed the motion of reversing the recorded records of the news, to ensure he did not miss anything.

“I am trying to listen to the news.” he said: Unfortunately I was still sunk in the amusement of the book. I really tried my best. It was a good job I was not eating anything. I am rather partial to potato chips in the evening. There could have been an accident with the result that I might have to go to the ER at the local hospital choked on a potato chip.

Eventually the news was finished, under the pain of controlled laughter. I was happy, I could now read my book in peace and laughter. Mr. Swiss decided to join me and continued reading his book.

“Ha, ha, ha”

“Splutter, guffaw, he, he, he”

Just a normal evening with the family Angloswiss-Swiss.

Daily Prompt: Giggle

Good Morning

Japanese Cherry 12.04.

At last I got my close up of the Japanese Cherry Tree along the path to my home. We intended to go for a short walk, Mr. Swiss does not trust me on long walks at the moment. We met the neighbour and she joined us. It was a short walk, but went a bit lengthy catching up of things and I took one closeup photo of my favourite tree of the moment. The flowers do not remain for a long while and had already begun to disappear when I took this memorable photo. Such a beautiful tree and only about 7 days to enjoy the flowers. If the weather does not play properly, the flowers drop after only 3-4 days, but at the moment it nice and sunny in between.

Hawthorn 2016 2We have very colourful scenery at the moment. My anenomes are stil flowering, the daffodils are making a very last effort and now the tulips have taken over with their red and yellows. I have a hawthorne opposite my window where I am now writing this blog amongst my tea cup and breakfast. I have included a photo. I remember last year the local gardener for the estate arrived to prune the trees. I noticed he was not pruning the hawthorne, it was more like an organised assassination so I decided to say a few words of authority as to whether he was a gardener or a hired killer. Well not exactly, but in that way. He found that it was growing too wide and I told him for me it could not be wide enough. After a short discussion where he probably saw the sparks shooting from my eyes, he moved on. Last year it made a weak show, but this year it has recovered its strength again and the gardener has not been seen since near the hawthorn.

Siberian Burgloss 12.04.My siberian burgloss are also flowering at the moment. It is a kind of forget-me-not that is a perenniel (I think that is the right name for it) and it remains in the ground and appears every year in Spring. My sister-in-law gave me a few plants, and now they have spread around and arrive every year. I was quite pleased with this photo as I find the blue colour difficult to capture, especially if the sun is shining on them.

I have muttered on enough now, there are things to be done and must move on to daily life. Have fun everyone, and enjoy your day. If you are a golden oldie houswife like me I am sure you will have plans to conquer the local supermarket, the vacuum cleaner and perhaps even clean a few windows in between. Otherwise there is always the choice of taking a golde oldie sleep to replenish your energy.

And do not forget, if you are bored then play with the computer, you can write a blog, play Candy Crush in Facebook or discover how to Tweet. There are so many untold possiblities today thanks to Bill Gates and the gang. By the way WordPress congratulated me today for sailing with them for 8 years, meaning I was only a young 62 years old when I joined. How time flies.