Share Your World – 2016 Week 14


What do you do when alone for a couple of hours in the evening and do not watch the TV? You search for a prompt on the computer to keep you out of mischief and I have now found one, my first time here, so here we go.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
I cook myself, no problem and I have a gardener now and again. It would be cleaning, but every day and not just now and again and that person must do it according to my instructions.

What makes you laugh the most?
I like to laugh and can always see a funny side to things. I am a great fan of the books written by Terry Pratchett about the Flat World. A disc world carried on the backs of four elefants that are standing on the back of the great turtle A’Tuin that sort of floats through the universe. I love the humour of Terry Pratchett and the subjects of his books, from the amateur wizard Rincewind to Death (who also makes mistakes now and again). I read his first book about the first tourist on the Disc World and that did it for me. I think there are about 40-50 books, but I am now only on No. 5 and am reading them one after the other now and again. Unfortunately Terry Pratchett passed away a year ago.

What was your favourite food when you was a child?
I think it was Cadbury’s Milk Flakes which still exist. A long piece of english chocolate. It was composed of chocolate flakes, made a mess everywhere with the chocolate crumbles, but I loved them. When I go home to London, I always buy some to bring back to my home in Switzerland. My mum was also a bad cook, so no home made specialities for me. I also liked kippers very much, but since leaving London I have never found them again. I so long for a kipper.

Name at least five flowers or plants
Anenomes, Glycenia, Borage, Foxglove, Buddleia

What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week: That I survived the week without any injuries, which is not so self-evident with my luck and that I visited my favourite shop in town which has a closing down sale and could buy 3 pair of my favourite comfortable stretchy pants.

Next week: That I can buy the one pair of  trousers left at at the local shop where they are having a closing down sale that I saw last week and did not buy. I then have enough to last because I do not know where I will be able to buy them in future when the shop closes. My garden needs some rain, so I hope it will rain. I also hope that I do not have an accident and fall again, as I have problems to get back to the vertical position again.

Share Your World 2016 Week 14

Daily Prompt: Contrast

Paris (4)

How is this for a contrast. I am sure Mr. Swiss is the only live human surrounded by various graves full of dead people in a cemetery in Paris. Even the shadows caused by the sunlight added to the eerie background of the photo.

Last week I had to see a neurologist. My doctor thought it would be a good idea after my fall a month ago, when I could not stand afterwards with my own strength. The fact of the matter was I had no strength left at the time. I was not sure if this specialist visit was a good idea, I trust no-one these days. On the other hand if I refused, the opinion would be it is my own fault if I do not accept help. I arrived at the consulting room and spent the first 15 minutes filling out forms about my insurance with various details. Afterwards the consultant called me and then the inerrogation began.

He asked so many questions that I felt like it was a third degree. Eventually he got to the point when he said “Sport?”. A very good question, I though for a few moments and asked him “What’s that”, so the case was clear. I do not do sport, have no interest in physical exertions which may damage my body and  a 69 year old no longer has interest in running or jumping. I told him I once joined a Tai Chi group, but I have a feeling this did not impress him, he wanted to see action, something that would exercise muscles. I prefer to work with my brain, it is less exhausting. I can sit in a chair and apply my muscles to a keyboard on my computer(s). Why should I run or stretch? I do all that when I clean the kitchen or the bathroom. I even climb a ladder to reach the top part of the cupboards in the kitchen, and that can be quite exhausting, if not dangerous. I could fall and if I have a cleaning cloth in my hand, there is only one arm to balance with.

I told the specialist that I was a member of the hockey team at school, but this did not seem to impress him, probably because it was approximately 50 years ago. I was quite good in the defence, a right back. My best friend at school was the left back. Yes, we were a team and protected our goal with our hockey sticks, hockey boots and everything we could employ to beat the opposing team.

These days are now gone, and my energy is now spent on cleaning or writing on the computer. It is not always easy to concentrate when writing, perhaps I do not have any inspiration, or it might be that the telephone rings. Today I was a little confused. My telephone was ringing, whilst I had just finished my meal. I did not hear my telephone, but my iPad stepped in to help because it lives in the same cloud as the telephone. I do not take telephone calls on my iPad, as I am not quite sure how that would work. It would probably be loudspeaker and I do not do loudspeaker. This was a problem, because usually my iPhone and iPad sing in harmony, but iPad was doing a solo job.

I called myself on Mr. Swiss phone, but my phone did not answer. It had abandonned me.

“Where is it?” asked Mr. Swiss.

“No idea, perhaps it fell out of my jacket pocket into the car” was my answer. And so I made my way to the garage, armed with the key to the garage and car key. There was no telephone to be seen in the car and then I had one of those bright lights that can hit you with inspiration. I remembered where my phone was. Before lunch I was in the garden pulling out some weeds and unwanted grass and put my telephone on the table on the porch. As I re-entered the appartment my son met me with the news the telephone had been found. Of course I knew where it was, outside on the table.

I experienced a contrast in my life. If you have your telephone you are avaiable all day (not night because I switch it off at night). If you happen to mislay your telephone by some strange mistake, you are lost, cut off from civilisation, isolated.

Now I have my telephone again and it is always with me, at least most of the time. I often wonder how life was without my mobile. I must have been a lost soul searching for a meaning to my life.

Daily Prompt: Contrast


Good morning all, hope we all slept well and those that are just rising, enjoy the day, unless you are a vampire, then you will probably just be prepared for a sleep in the coffin in the cellar.

I can hear the sounds of a lawn mower in the distance. Yes, one of the neighbours is mowing the lawn at 8.00 a.m. and another neighbours is dragging carts of earth around to prepare his garden for a new lawn. These are the pleasures of gardening. I am glad I organise a gardener during the year. I am too old for that sort of fun. My back complains too much.

This morning whilst preparing my breakfast I noticed that I only have 7 tea bags. This will be a problem after 7 days are gone as it will mean that I will have no more tea. As you can see it is all Twiings. I have drunk many cups of tea in my life, but now at the golden oldie age of 69 I have settled for Twinings. I am not a tea expert, but they are packed so nicely in their individual little paper envelopes and look like something special.

I have settled for the red one, the breakfast tea, and the blue one which is known as Lady Grey.

With breakfast and computer switch-on time I take a cup of breakfast tea. It has a stronger flalvour and wakes me up. The Lady Grey is reserved for after lunch and in the evening there is no tea. I prefer a my cranberry juice, for health reasons.

Of course tea is not just tea, it is according to how you drink it and I am not for the english milk and sugar in a cup and pour the hot tea from the pot onto the milk-sugar mixture. I am the James Bond type, drink it pure – no sugar or milk and shaken with the spoon. What could be better.

This week I will have to organise Mr. Swiss to bring my favourite tea from our local Co-Op which seems to be the only supermarket where they have Twinings in my area. Admittedly it is not the cheapest tea, but quality is more than quantity, or something like that. I could order my Twinings tea online, I have the link and they constantly send me e-mails with their special offers. Unfortunately their special offers are combined with very high postal costs to Switzerland, and I do not really need my tea deliveries by DHL or Fedex.

My slice of wholemeal bread combined with raspberry jam and butter is now finished and my tea is waiting next to the computer. Must now remove the jam stains from the table, and attend my daily chores. Today is safari day at the local supermarket.

See you around