Discover Challenge: Memory of the Pigeons

Trafalgar Square, London Aged 9-10

You want a memory, I have a lot, so many that I had to search through three albums of old photos until I found the photo I wanted, because this memory combined a lot. It combined my origins in London, my aunt’s dressmaking gift and my mum’s idea of taking me to Trafalgar Square to take photos with the pigeons.

Trafalgar Square is one of the main sighseeing places of London. I suppose you could compare it a little with Times Square, although there have never been neon advertisements and Times Square probably has more people that pigeons. In London there were many pigeons when I was a kid. There were street venders selling bird food for them. Yes, we had the happiest, fattest pigeons in the world and did they have a recycling process.  You only have to take a look at the pavement where I am standing. The white stains tell it all.

There are also two very large fountains in Trafalgar Square and on New Year’s Eve they are very popular for a fully clothed bathing session to see the new year in. When peace was declared at the end of  Word War II, it was where everyone gathered to celebrate, probably another similarity to Times Square.

Of course I was dressed in my new two piece made by Aunt Lil. Aunt Lil was a dressmaker. She went into the “rag trade” as it was called in the East End of London when she left school at the age of 14. It was the only work she ever did. She was a machinist in a factory, but would not dream of buying clothes. She made them all herself. Now and again mum had the bright idea that she could create something for me and as Aunt Lil had no children, she was very obliging. Aunt Lil did not need a pattern for constructing garments, I do not know how she did it, but it generally worked. Of couse I hated the whole process. First of all the design was planned and then Aunt Lil began to cut the material and piece it together with sharp pins, but this was just for a trial. I had to try it on to see if the measurements were right and avoid being stabbed by a pin. Not just once, but at least 5-10 times until my personal dressmaker was satisifed and of course mum as well.

I remember this suit very well. Shame it is only a black and white scanned photo. Otherwise you could have seen the lovely pink colour it had, yes pink, after all I was a girl and you dress girls in pink, at least my mum and Aunt Lil did. The white trimmings were also an idea of Aunt Lil, and the buttons were probably a combined effort, although I had nothing to say. Note the white socks – that was custom dress for 9-10 year olds.

So there I was in the middle of Trafalgar Square with a hand full of bird food. You did not have to look for a bird, they found you quite quickly. On this day I remember I had one sitting on my head, although mum was not happy as I believe it was also a new hair cut I had and pigeons were not fussy where they dealt with their recycling process. This particular pigeon decided to be the star of the photo and so there was little me, clutching the bird food in the left hand and letting the pigeon clutch me in the right.

Looking at this photo again after so many years, it seems that a British bowler hatted gentlman was also in the background of the photo, to put the final touch on it all.

Just one of my memories of childhood. We lived in East London, Bethnal Green, and it was just a 20 minute bus ride to the center of London, or a journey on the tube train. I did not realise how actually lucky I was to grow up in London until today when I reflect on everything I experienced in my childhood and yes I did see the Queen and Prince Philip once when they visited a children’s hospital in our part of town, although that memory is very faint, I was then only 7 years old I think.

Discover Challenge: Memory of the Pigeons

Daily Prompt: Faraway

New York 1993

Probably the most faraway I have been was a visit to New York in 1993. Since I have not travelled so much, Paris, Vienna, London annually, but faraway places have not been thought of. As you get older things slow down, and you do not have the energy or longing as you used to. Of course, there are golden oldies that are continously in motion and are still catching up on everything that want to see that they havn’t seen yet. I have been lucky, I have seen Russia, the States, a lot of Europe and even once visited Morocco which will remain an isolated visit to the African continent, although you never know.

As I now sit in my garden after lunch writing this piece of blog there are many bloggers that I know here that might be doing the same, but it will not be afternoon, probably morning or maybe evening. I have been blogging for many years, but here on WordPress I have found many collegues that venture to read my writings and I read theirs although we are in a different time and place, have different interests and we recognise the different styles of writing we have.

I now realise this even more. Some time ago, after finishing my breakfast and wiping the sticky remains of the jam from the table and the keyboard,  I  thought “What are you going to do now?” Perhaps a silly thought, there is always something to do, but why rush, so I decided to remain on the computer and say “Good Morning”. I was happy and almost thrilled to see there were other bloggers out there in faraway places that returned my greeting: not only that but they had some remarks about breakfast life and life in general. Instead of living in silence in the early morning minutes, my iPad and iPhone were telling me that someone had read my blog and was acknowledging it . These blogging colleagues might even have been preparing for a night’s sleep, especially in the States. There are some Australians out there that also take the time to wave with their boomerangs or whatever and let me know their thoughts. When I said “Good Morning” I did not realise that it would develop into a conversation about tea, coffee, jam, or even the weather. I thought it would be a one off thing, or just when I might have time. You have guessed it, I have been writing after breakfast for two weeks now, and I probably will continue unless  the ideas run out.

We are all in faraway places, but thanks to telecommunications, Bill Gates and all their names, we are no longer so faraway. We might have a different mother tongue and writing could present problems. We cannot use sign language, but a 🙂 always does the trick, and “hello” is an international word. I once had a lady that wrote to me on my cat site. I have one of those clicker things on the page which shows where my visitora originate. This lady was from Yerevan. I can hear you and see you shaking your heads, where is Yerevan. I did a search on the computer and discovered it is the capital town  of Armenia. I could have ignored her “like”, but I had a look at her web site, written partially in letters I could not read. I can read, write and even speak enough Russan to get through with, but Armenian seemed to be something completely different. I decided to see how life was in Armenia and she replied. She was a cat lover (arn’t we all really) and we had perhaps a few minutes online contact. I have not heard from her since, but that is not important, we were so far away that I even had to search on a map to see where she exactly was, but for a few minutes in time a faraway place entered my appartment.

I have been blogging for more years than I can remember, and in WordPress probably almost 10 years, although I am not sure. With time, names become familiar. They may not be your birth names, just a pseudonym, but behind the names there are people made of real flesh and blood. Many know that I am Pat, and others only know me by Angloswiss, but Angloswiss tells you more about me perhaps. I am an Anglo living in Switzerland for the past 50 years.

Some of your have become closer than just names, and this year all going well, one of my contact will be jumping across the pond visiting Switzerland. That will be a meeting to remember. I have many contacts on WordPress, some I would dearly love to meet, but distance and agility is a problem. Daily when I look through the blogs I learn a little more about my colleagues here. We are no longer so faraway, we are sitting a  table typing on our computer keyboards and communicating.

And so my blog draws to an end, I have an impatient feline called Tabby, that wants to paw a few words to her followers, wherever they are. Even cats want to crawl closer and exchange high five paw swipies.

Daily Prompt: Faraway

Good Morning

The Crow
This is not today’s crow that was wandering around the periphery of the garden looking for something to eat, but it does not matter really. Somewhere there is always a crow, but they do not always stop to wave a wing and say hello and pose for a photo. This might be the same crow that visits, although he usually arrives with a few tribe members, there is always safety in numbers I suppose. He is one of the noises I hear in the morning when I wake. We do not have the dawn chorus yet, it is too early in the year, but by the time May arrives, we will be serenaded with the entire bird population to make sure the humans know they are there.

I slept a little longer this morning, not too much as I still have an alarm next to the bed. The nice thing about is, is that I can ignore it and sleep further, which is very good in theory. Practice is I leave my warm bed after a few minutes to begin the daily routine. I did not sleep immediately last night, but at some time between dusk and dawn I fell into a state of oblivion. I also heard my furry feline this morning doing her morning exercise in the appartment and meowing now and again. My furry feline decided to greet me with a hair ball this morning, but it was not ball shaped. Luckily Mr. Swiss saw it first, so it was removed.

I also heard the sound of someone pushing some sort of movable trolley on the path outside. I think our neighbours are still transporting the remainders of the lawn they removed. The next sound was my water boiler which I almost forgot tp switch on. Making my tea is the first habit of the day and now I am ready to go, although I am not sure where.

Today they will let me out to visit the supermarket, although I have not yet even thought about making a list. I am sure family Angloswiss will not starve. Today I have nothing on my calendar that is important.

Have a good one everybody, and do not forget to perhaps paste a few words on the way. I seem to be writing my autobiography in WordPress. I will have to ensure the copyright. I don’t want anyone making money out of it when I am in the next dimension.