Good Evening

Another sunny afternoon and the same cloud seems to have arrived again. He must like it here. It was a pleasant afternoon, although the morning a little dull and damp. I spent the morning getting Mr. Swiss bed ready as he will return tomorrow. At last his bed will gain be occupied. Sleeping next to a mattress and duvet without linen is not so pleasant. I could not find his cushion cover. I had washed everything and ironed it, but it got mixed up with some other clean linen. Now everything is ready. I talked to him on the phone this afternoon and he said the nurse had already brought his suitcase to be packed. I told him not to forget anything. He is really looking forward to coming home again. At the age of 82 you do hang on to your customary surroundings. I told him I would be keeping my eye on him when he is at home. I do not want any surprise accidents, although I am quite good at having them myself.

I was a quiet afternoon with the birds. They seem to have lost their appetite, although they are looking very well fed at the moment. We have not had such warm weather at the end/beginning of the year for a long time. The new year usually arrives with a thick layer of snow, but this year the sun has arrived and temperatures are similar to early Spring. I am sure the crocus will soon be flowering. I remember my working days when I had to clean the snow from the car the first day back at work after the holiday and it was a skiddy ride to work. These days are now gone.

I do not have to go anywhere today. I always order my groceries online, but they cannot deliver frozen goods, which I like to store in my freezer. However, that too is possible and although I get my goods locally from the supermarket, the supermarket headquarters deliver everything. I today placed an order at the main delivery centre and it will be delivered on Wednesday. No problem with a delivery slot, I could have had it earlier, but such a order is fine with me just once a month. So now I am covered for everything. My only problem was cooking wine, as they only have the cheapest rubbish , but that problem is also solved. I gave my autistic son a trial run to see if he could get what I wanted at the local store, and of course it was a success. He just takes a photo of what I need on his phone and brings it home afterwards. Now I really do not have to go anywhere in the cold Winter.

Our house mountain, the Weissenstein, was also looking quite good today from my front garden. It is looking quite fresh and green for this time of the year with no snow to be seen.

And now to move on. No. 1 son is in town but will soon be home for the evening meal. I do not know if he is going anywhere for the New Year this evening. Everything has been cancelled due to our common enemy Covid, and there will be no meeting of friends or any celebrations. I did hear a couple of fireworks in the early evening, so probably people will be celebrating at home.

And to show that Switzerland does have snow, here is a view of the alps from my back garden, although also on the very high slopes.

I wish you all a very happy New Year, and may it be a good one. Ring out the old Covid and do not ring in the new variety.