Photo Challenge: I’d rather be

The till in the supermarket 23.12.2007

I’d rather be able to go shopping again in a supermarket. I broke my leg at the end of January and since then have to rely on others, mainly Mr. Swiss and my son, for shopping. I am not complaining, they do their best. It might be the nightmare of most housewives, but I have discovered that organising others to do it, is not the same. You cannot choose, but it is chosen for you.

I am missing the daily search for the goods I want, choosing the meat being offered, deciding what today’s vegetable should be and discovering the bits and pieces of daily life. There is the social side of it as well. I have discovered something about myself that I did not realise existed. I need the social contact with others, even if is only a supermarket and all because I broke my leg. Only a few weeks (I hope) and I will be moving again, even if it is with the hated walker.

Photo Challenge: I’d rather be

20 thoughts on “Photo Challenge: I’d rather be

  1. So many people dislike shopping. I’m not one of them. Someone told me that when I retire I won’t have to buy so many clothes but I love shopping for clothes. My 91 year old dad loves to shop and he goes out almost daily to buy something. I think I’ve inherited the shopping gene from him.

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  2. Pingback: I’d Rather Be … Walking on the Beach – What's (in) the picture?

  3. Isn’t it funny how the little things become important when we can’t do them? I know your feeling. I think it’s the loss of normalcy. The day-to-day isn’t normal right now. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

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  4. Rather you than me. Shopping, I mean. I don’t like it. Not for food. Not for clothes. Or anything else, for that matter. It’s one of the tasks I gladly handed over to my husband who retired a few years before me (I am not yet retired but I’ve scaled down to part-time). I hope you get well soon, though, so you can do whatever you feel like it. Not getting around when one wants to do so is a drag! And I hope: no pain, no lasting effects.

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    • I suppose I have never been in such a position where I am really isolated from daily life. My daily routine is non existant and I realise how much I miss it. It is not the shopping but going to the familiar places, meeting people, having conversations and seeing things. Even meat and veg gets interesting. Now I do all the logistics for Mr. Swiss to get everthing. I cannot wait until I am back to a normal condition, but it will take some time. I am still walking with this dreadful walker and practicing with the stick, although I must be careful not to lose my balance. When you break your leg, together with having MS it can get very precare. Pain is there, but does not bother so much.

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  5. I agree with you… even with the daily routine of going to groceries or supermarket can make you happy inside especially choosing what you want and what’s on special haha! I wish you a full recovery soon! Take care.

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