FOWC with Fandango: Perfunctory

This was a gathering place for flocks of sparros, tits and everything else with wings during the Winter. I fed them regularly and they were the fattest birds in the area. However, all good things come to an end and I was left with two bird houses empty of food and bird visitors. At the beginning the birds returned in the morning hoping to find a few edible seeds, but soon realised that the Winter feeding sessions were over. There was enough food now in nature and they had to get busy gathering live food such as worms, for their nests. Baby birds are not such customers for sunflower seeds, they would probably choke on them.

I am left with two empty bird houses and no place to put them. They are now at the edge of the garden, sheltered from the rain and weather, and waiting to be filled again probably at the end of the year.

FOWC with Fandango: Perfunctory

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