Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Doors and Drawers

New_York_1993 (2)

1993 – Mr. Swiss on our trip to the Big Apple outside the doors of Carnegie Hall.

Entrance to Hotel Bellevue Palace in Bern

Entrance Doors to the Hotel Bellvue Palace in Bern, Switzerland

Amthaus II, Solothurn

The door to one of the City Halls in Solothurn, Switzerland, where the law courts are. We have two such buildings, known as Amthaus.

Door, Castle Waldegg, FeldbrunnenPainted Door, Castle Waldegg, Feldbrunnen











Two doors that can be found in our local Castle Waldegg, Summer palace of the french ambassador  of Switzerland in the 18th and 19th century, although built  in the 17th century. It is in our village, Feldbrunnen, just a 5 minute walk from where I live, although these days I need at least 10-15 minutes. It is situated at the top of a hill and surrounded by farms and cows 🙂














Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Doors and Drawers

One Word Photo Challenge: Camera

Brownie box camera

Mum’s Brownie Box Camera which I managed to rescue from home and which I still have. It no longer works, but probably could easily be reparied. It must be sometime from the 1930-40’s and is not valuable, there seem to be many still in existence, but I am proud to own it.

Original Camera used

Taken on a trip to the Zürich Criminal Museum. One of the old cameras they used to take photos of the villains.

World of Information 25.05.2016 Exhibition 10010ENTER0101 (29)

In a local museum, a camera from the first days of Swiss Television.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

One of my photography experiments taken some time ago with my first digital camera inherited from Mr. Swiss. Our bathroom has two mirrorred doors inside and outside. If you open both and stand in the middle, this is the effect you get. The mirrors of inifinity.

One Word Photo Challenge: Camera

Daily Prompt: The Angloswiss Connection

M - Optician

I have a single word Prompt from WordPress via a suggestion from one of the bloggers and I sit and look and wonder where do I go from here. With a photo of course, I have many connections via my computers, iPad, and iPhone. I no longer have a landline, do not need it. An iPhone does the job quite well and I can switch it off if I want to go into solitary confinements, a golden oldie sleep or whatever. At the moment it is switched on.

So I visit my online and photo connection to make a choice and hello, Mr. Swiss has been taking photos again. He is also connected to my online agent and his photos also appear on my page. I sort them with a special code to be sure I am no going under false pretences when on a photo site, but this is my site, my place and I will do what I want (sounds familiar). Mr. Swiss was at the opticians this morning having his glasses corrected and he had to wait. What do you do when waiting, you take a photo or two with your iPhone of course. I just discovered these and decided to use one so that you are not foced to look at my computer world – again. He is getting quite good at photography, even had the built in mirror effect, although this was probably more luck than judgement.

It was one of those connective moments in time for him, a memory now registered with my online photos. Life is wonderful today, we are all connected. I am connected via my computer to thousands of people blogging away their lives, just like me. No matter where you are you get connected.

computerYou want to see where I am now, at this very minute. Just imagine the chair on the right at the front with my body. This is where I am now sitting and writing this blog. It is a pleasant day, not exactly heat wave weather but warm enough to sit outside in a t-shirt and shorts. My computer is ready to go, the blue tooth mouse as well and the iPad in case I get a message from another planet, or another country. This is the connection  headquarters of Mrs. Angloswiss.

My father is in London is a nursing home. If there is negative news I get it immediately. He does not have a telephone or a computer. At the age of 100 and 8 months it is a bit late to begin with a cyber life. He has good days and not so good days. I used to be able to call him, but he no longer has a phone.  He is connected to me via my friend and family.  I may get an e-mail, or an FB message. I can even see my dad in his room via the FB messenger when my friend takes her iPad with her when visiting. Only today Mr. Swiss asked whether I had heard anything about my dad. I try to be a realist in this connection knowing that bad news always travels fast. Today my friend sent a message to say she visited him and had an hours conversation with him. He even said he should have some money in his room in case he wanted anything. Of course he can have money but up to now there was not a great need. It shows his realisation of the life surrounding him, a positive sign, and he is happy to have some cash in his room.  I am so glad for this connection.

Now and again my iPhone buzzes as someone in WordPress is connecting with a like or a comment. I also get this on my iPad, but here I have turned off the sound. Mr. Swiss found that buzzing in one place is OK, as long as it is at the softest tone, but two buzzes are too much, especially as they do not arrive at the same time, but with a fraction of a second in between. Of course you have to recognise the signals that your connective elements use. A message is always a “ping” and notification is a melodious “plong”.  There is also an aggressive and loud “Plang” from the Swiss news to tell us of important events, such as Stan Wavrinka (who?) wins a tennis match or here is another negative event in the world. Mr. Swiss and I both get these reports. Sometimes it might only be Mr. Swiss which is usually an SMS from his drum teacher or otherwise. Life is not easy in the cyber world today, the connective sounds differ and it is wise to know where they come from. This is the reason why I switch off my connections during the night and after lunch. I do not want to be on a 24 hour connection.

Daily Prompt: The Angloswiss Connection

Good Morning


RosesI have a new plant on my kitchen table. After a lengthy discussion with Mr. Swiss where I established the fact that the yellow roses I had were refusing to open and looked as if they might be on death’s door. I decided to get something completely different. After years of orchids, which I still like, I wanted something completely different. I envisaged an arum, one of those indoor plants with the big white leaf, but Mr. Swiss found it would be too big for our kitchen table and we would have no room to eat breakfast. Mr. Swiss rarely sits at the table to eat breakfast, he prefers to stand, so I did not know what the problem would be. We eventually settled for the bromelia. The problems one has to face in life are often overwhelming.

One of my problems, self inflicted, is that this blogging thing is moving in on my spare time. Writing the blog is no problem and I usually do my Good Morning thing in accompaniment with breakfast, to combine the duties. However, I like to do a tour of the blogging scene, reply to comments on my written pieces of Pulitzer prize suspicious writings and visit the other others to see what is going on in this blogging world. Perhaps I should give up something to make more space which I do not want to. Today is bathroom cleaning day, meanng I will be occupied until 10.30 a.m. when I can afterwards continue with wiping down the doors. I have everything under control, but my time sheet is becoming cramped.

On the other hand, my little world needs alternatives to brighten it up. They do not let me out very often, only to the supermarket and perhaps a doctor visit, so I see the world through my blogging sphere. I have done my likes from the bed this morning and will be back later for the comments.

On the other hand it is only 8.03 a.m. according to my computer: there is still time to pay a few visits to see how we all survived my night. I even had time yesterday to cut back my hedge in the garden  yesterday evening at 9.00 p.m. as my climbing roses were getting cramped for space and the hollyhocks were complaining that the hedge was blocking their growth possibilities. I did not have time during the day and was not ready to sit in front of the TV or read a book. Actually I very rarely actually watch the telelvision, it just so happens my comfortable chair has a view of it.

The weather has now improved to short trousers and strappy t-shirt tops. Even my feline now sleeps outside during the night. With my eye on the computer clock I see I still have time for my various visits and comments. Keep safe everyone and remember, there is more to life than a computer and blogging and telling everyone about it. There is another world out there, if you have the time to visit. Am now off to read, like and pass comments. Do not be disappointed if I do not show up, the day is long and I will call back later.