Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Walks, Indoor or Outdoor

A Sunday afternoon walk through the Einsiedelei, Rüttenen

One of our favourite walks is throught the Eisiedelei in the village of Ruttenen, Switzerland. It has a church and a small house where the local hermit lives. Yes we have a hermit, at least we should have a hermit, but they move out so quickly after they discover that there are too many tourists walking through that disturbs their meditation or whatever hermits do all day. It is a very sheltered place, the sun only manages to appear for an hour during the day, and for hermits suffering with rheumatism it is not very advisable. The last hermit was a lady hermit and she left about a year ago for a quieter life in a Kloster somewhere.

From Feldbrunnen, the river Aare

Another walk we like to take is along the River Aare. We live on the top of the hill overlooking the river, just a 5 minute walk to get to the path on the bank.

Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Walks Indoor or Outdoor

One Word Photo Challenge: Cat

I have had 3 felines in charge of my life over the last 14 years, one of whom is still with me. This is Tabby, now 14 years old and who even has her own web site The Cat Chronicles. Here she is in one of here more serioius moments.

Tabby the boss

Tabby had a litter sister, Nera, who was actually the leader of the pack, although doubt exsits if they both had the same father – felines do not take things as serious as humans. Nera gave the orders and Tabby followed. She left us for the eternal corn chambers to help Bastet in her work in the feline Kingdom about 2 years ago, but I often think she still hovers around somewhere.

Nera on top of the wardrobe

And then we had Fluffy, a year younger than Nera and Tabby. He was the man in the house, although never realised it after a visit to the vet. He was Selkirk Rex breed, with curly hair and whiskers that broke off as soon as they grew. Due to an accident, he was blind from the age of 2 years, but never realised it himself.


Fluffy left us for the eternal corn chambers a year ago and is now together again with Nera, although they never really liked each other in our dimension. Perhaps they now get on better together, both being assistants to Bastet.

One Word Photo Challenge: Cat

Daily Prompt: Water, water everywhere

Derendingen 14.04 (4)

The River Emme by the village of Derendingen, Switzerland

We neither have an ocean in Switzerland, nor are we surrounded by water. It is mainly frozen in the alps, but it is there. Now and again it melts and rivers flow through Switzerland, every town and often village has its own river. That is one of the reasons why I am astonished when I realise that water is the most expensive commodity we have. Our water bills are quite high, and it has become a new age hobby to save water.

We now have a water meter built into our private water supply in my appartment, which also cost money, but everyone voted for it. One of the neighbours has a big dog, and another neighbour complained that the dog drinks too much and we are all paying for its water maintenence. Another neighbour added that she even saves on the water she uses to clean her teeth to keep the costs low, mainly because of what this dog in question is drinking.

I do not have a dog, but a feline and she also drinks water. Perhaps I am also doing something wrong, because I give her fresh water daily.

I live on the ground floor, have two gardens, one at the front and one at the back. When we have the summer days where water does not fall from above, I have to give my garden water with my hose which is attached to the water supply. Everyone used to pay for this water I was using. Now I no longer have a guilty conscience, because I only pay for the water that I am using.

At the moment there is enough water in Switzerland due to heavy rainfalls, a very wet Spring. It is now going towards summer, but the higher temperatures cause the weather gods to form black clouds which usually empty their water in the form of a storm, with the usual light show and big bangs.

I even drink water pure, not shaken, from a glass. I spray my potted plants with it as they perfer it in tiny drops as opposed to being drowned in a pot. Mosquitos love water, without it they could not breed and form families which eventually leave the water their thirst being substituted with human blood, known as a sting, which itch and cause discomfort, but this blood supplies the warmth for the offspring to breed.

We have lakes in Switzerland, which are quite big and probably are there to compensaste for the oceans which everyone else has except for the Swiss. Some humans like to swim in water. I do not because I am not a very good swimmer and do not like my head getting wet. Submerging in water is not my thing, water  gets in my ears and nose and floods my lungs eventually and I tend to get syptoms of suffocation.

Fish are quite happy in water, it is their element. They could swim all day and night with no problem. If a fish were writing this memorable piece of literature he would probably begin with “Water is my element” and tell everyone how he could not live without it. I think we agree with the fish. Fish live in water, humans live on land. If we all lived in the same place it would get quite crowded. Taking a walk in the countryside would be uncomfortable if you had to avoid the fish also taking walks having to avoid treading on a fin. Not to mention the slippery situations that could occur.

I have a feeling I am writing a composition for my school class about water. No matter how you try, you cannot get away from the fact that this H2O stuff is everywhere. I am now thirsty so now for a glass of water.

And ducks are also quite at home in water ……

Unknown duck on River Aar

Daily Prompt: Water, water everywhere

Good Morning

back garden

Looks like it will be another nice sunny day today and luckily temperatures are sensible with a cool breeze now and again. I am a bit pinched for time today and laying in bed longer than usual does not help very much. I had one of those strange dreams. I had a little pet mouse, a white one. He disappeared in a cupboard and fell down a gap and was searching for him hoping he would appear again. Then the alarm woke me up, which was just as well as I am sure I would not have found him. There must be a hidden meaning somewhere, perhaps be kind to white mice?

These days I never know how it will be until I actually leave the bed. Will I be able to walk normally to the kitchen or will I need help. I usually do need support, but when I arrive in the kitchen and begin the important work like making my tea and preparing my breakfast, my joints tell me it is ok, go ahead you can do it. I always ask Mr. Swiss whether he would also like a slice of bread and jam, as it does not give more work to prepared for two. Sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes no. Today was a yes day, although we never eat breakfast together. He is busy on his computer catching up on the news of the day with various newspapers and I am busy on mine catching up on blog comments and saying good morning to the world. I leave it to your judgement whose computer work is more important.

I made a decision to write in my calandar on my phone daily an event of the day. I made the deicison a few days ago, but have discovered I have no events of the day, and also have no time to write them down if I had one. I must lead a dull and boring life.

Today is a stay at home day, enjoying the cleaning of the bathroom, ,doors and the kitchen. A woman’s work is never done. I might even have time to blog, although today is uncertain. No. 2 son will pay a quick call this evening. It was his birthday last week end, 42 years old. As a special celebration he was treated to a circuit on the Nuremberg racing track, Germany, in a racing car at full speed, so there will be a few things to tell. Time passes quickly, it seems only yesterday I held another product of Mr. and Mrs. Angloswiss in my arms and now he has just bought his own house and gives me computer ideas now and again.

And now to go, duties call, but just one last photo of the porch table with its various flowers. Sleep well, or have a nice day.

Back garden