Flower of the Day: 18.06.2016 No idea, but pretty – It is a Potato Bush

unknown flowers

Another one of my photos from the local flower department of the supermarket. I had no idea when I took the photo what it is, and still do not know. It is very impressive: any ideas?

P.S. my online colleague Martha has informed that it is a potato bush which actually grows into a bush in the right climate and right part of the world. It seems to be an immigrant in Switzerland, stays in pots but should flower freely. I might even get one for my home. Thanks Martha.

Flower of the Day: 18.06.2016 No Idea but pretty

Daily Prompt: Perfection can become boring


The sky would be perfect for humans, were it not for the hanging grey-black clouds that seem to be telling us, wear you raincoat and take the umbrella if you are thinking of a walk. On the other hand it is probably the perfect day for a duck who has no problem with water, from above or tbe ground. It is all a matter of how it is considered.

Pefect weather is sunshine, warmth, until you get uncomfortable and want a drink to quench your thirst, or perhaps prefer to sit in the shade becaue the sun is beating down and giving you a headache. Perfection is no longer present, but discomfort and wanting something completely different.

We all meet perfect people during our life, to such an extent that they are an annoyance because they seem to do everything right. The worst pefect people are those that like to point out how imperfect others are. We have all met them, those with the best gardens, the perfect children and even the perfect home, until you meet someone that tells you that it is not as perfect as they pretend it is. Although it seems that someone, by telling you of the imperfections of the perfect person, is also making a point of being perfect themself.

I do not do perfect, find it boring. Of course I would like to write my blog without spelling mistakes, but I blame it on my fingers, my brain and my keyboard which do not do what I actually want. If I write a blog, it tends to grow. Originally I think about 3-400 words, but it often develops into 5-700 words – I do not know how you manage to endure reading it all. After my masterpiece is written, my perfect blog, I read it and discover that I have written things I do not understand myself, because the words have different letters to the ones I intended, or the punctuation is not what I wanted, if it exists. Nobody is perfect it seems with a few exceptions, like myself. I am often misunderstood, but so was Sigmund Freud – not everyone understood what he actually meant, and I believe it is still being discussed.

The way is paved with authors whose perfect works were only later recognised, and so I am not disappointed with my imperfection. One day I will get my Pulitzer prize, or my Nobel prize as recognition of my perfect written works. In the meanwhile I remain just a simple blogger, endeavouring to perfectionate my written works. I do not want to bore you with too much perfection from my writing, I must now move on.

I have a perfect pizza to create for the evening meal, a few perfect photos to take with my perfect camera. You see, this blog is becoming monotonous, too much perfection.  And if you happen to spot a few mistakes in this blog,  it was done on purpose, just to remind you that I am not always as perfect as I am convinced that I am. I do dislike perfect people.

There are even certain politicians that convinced they are pefect, but it is our choice to decide how perfect they really are, just vote for the right person and do not believe in his/her perfection.

Daily Prompt: Perfection can become boring

Good Morning

Unknown Bird 16.06 (2)

birdsMy bird friend returned again yesterday. She visits often and I always see her from my window when I am on the computer. I always leave a handful of birdfood on the porch for her, which disappears, although I never see her eating. In the meanwhile Mr. Swiss produced a small booklet, Birds in Garden and Park,  which has been in the family for years and we found her. It seems to be a phoenicurus ochruros, which in english would be the black redstart, although there is a similar bird known as phoenicurus phoenicurus which is the common redstart. They both look alike, but according to a photo where the chicks are being fed by the mother it looks like the black redstart. The male is more black and the female less colourful.  I even got a recording of their song on internet, although this example does more a subdued croak than sing. She is quite inconspicuous with her greyish feather and the red tail feathers. According to my research in internet, it is a younger version of the black redstart.

Unknown Bird 16.06 (3)I am not an bird expert, but I like to know who visits my garden. She is quite timid and usually perches a distance away when she sees me, so I have to get my super DSLR camera with the zoom lens for a good photo. Growing up in London, I only really recognised sparrows and pigeons. Living in the country we get all sorts of visitors on wings and I like to be able to recognise them.

Sparrows are everywhere, the scavangers of the neighbourhood. You have to be careful where you spread the food as they are the first to arrive and grab it all for themselves.

Yesterday I ventured out on my first walk for a long time. I discovered my walking ability is now reduced considerably, but I took my time. I even manage to climb 70 steep steps on my own from the river bank to the top of the slope. Naturally I did it all with help from my new super walking cane with the jungle pattern. I could hold onto the banister with my left hand and support myself with the right hand and found it much easier. Before I realised my handicap, I would do it sideways, gripping with banister with both hands. The doc told me that exercise was good for me. I suppose he is right, but I am still thinking about it.

Today is Saturday, the day when I do what I want/should. Mr. Swiss has been organised to bring me a fresh supply of Twinings breakfast and Lady Grey  tea and an extra bread to be frozen. As I was falling asleep yesterday I remembered we had not bought any bread as we had cheese flans for tea and did not need bread. I need bread for breakfast, so crawled to the freezer after midnight and took out the frozen bread I had. We no longer have any frozen bread, so an extra loaf is now on the list. I do not go shopping on Saturday, Mr. Swiss does it all and combines it with a coffee somewhere in a café.

Am now off for my occupational therapy, with the support of the vacuum cleaner, mop and other such assisting devices. Have a good start to the week-end everyone, and if you are bored, then be happy, it is an honour to be bored. Spare a thought for the people working in the supermarkets or in the MacDonalds, they have no time to be bored.