Flower of the Day: 16.06.2016 Kniphofia – Red Hot Poker

Red Hot Poker

Red Hot Poker 10.06.2016I do not know what you call them, but my mum always said Red Hot Poker and that is what they look like when flowering. I always wanted one of these and often saw them flowering in seaside towns in England. My chance happened when I visited a flower show in Switzerland and they were selling bulbs for various plants. I bought three bulbs: one never grew and the other two have been with me since. Unfortunately over the last few years only one has remained and that is more luck than judgement if it appears. This years weak effort is the smaller photo. I was hoping for something bigger and better, but it looks like it will remain as it is. Perhaps it is saving its strength for next year.

Flower of the Day: 16.06.2016 Kniphofia – Red Hot Poker

Daily Prompt: Open Day

unknown bird

Not the perfect photo of a bird, but it was through the glass window: one of the reasons I like to keep them clean. If I had opened the window the bird would have flown away. He did not chirp, it was more a subdued little croak. He was one of the others, not a songbird, but a croak bird, but he was there long enough for me to take a photo perched on the chair. He flew away and sat on the hedge opposite and then departed for a nearbye tree. I then had a brainwave, which now and again exceptionaly happens. So, stop clapping in the front row, I have not yet finished.

Bird foodI remembered there was a large bag of bird seed in my garden cupboard, ready for the next Winter when my garden again becomes an open supermarket for anything with wings that feels like a peck in the snow. I scattered a small handful on the ground near the chair and waited for his return. I gave up waiting and it soon became evening, night, morning and this afternoon I am in the same place, same time, and he was back sitting on the ground. I checked and discovered the bird seed had disappeared, someone had a good meal, and I strongly suspect it was my birdie friend, probably during the night. And so I have now scattered another handful, no good overdoing it otherwise the crows, the sparrows and perhaps even the vultures might turn up, although I usually reserved the meat bones for the vultures. They like a good peck now and again. Sometimes the neighbours complain because of the noise they make and the blood stains on the path.

I am drifting. So my little bird now has a new supply of bird seed. I am now sitting at my desk, the window is open and he arrived, saw me and disappeared again. My super DSLR camera is ready to shoot on my desk next to the computer, just like a full professional photographer. I am sure he will be back, it is all part of my bird training programme. I have not yet discovered what sort of bird this is, but he is not a sparrow, although has brown feathers. Probably some sort of finch. I would be glad for any suggestions from my audience.

I am open to any birds that arrive in my garen, whether they use it as a recycling place or feeding place.

I remember the open days we had at school when the mums (and dads) were invited to see the work we had produced during the year and to have a few words with the teacher. We also had an open day for our daffodils. We were given the bulbs in Autumn to plant at home and in Spring it was the open day to show how good they had grown. You even got a certificate if your had a super daffodil. I remember I once had a mega daffodil, I was very proud.

When I saw this prompt, I thought another test for us all to reveal our personalities, our likes and dislikes and telling everyone how open minded we all are. I used to be open minded, until I discovered that I was not. The computer programmes are constantly changing just when I get used to them, so tell me how can you be open minded.

At the moment there is something going on in the sports world called the European football cup, taking place in Paris. It seems no-one is open minded about the French police as they have no idea how to deal with British and Russian non-open-minded hooligans who decided to try and kill each other due to differences of opinion after their match, which was a draw in any case.

In the meanwhile it seems that the Portuguese and the Iceland people also do not like each other. The Russians had a sequel, with a few confrontations with the Slavs. It seems that up to now it is only the Swiss that are behaving, but they have no chance of winning, although they do try. And we are  neutral, and open minded by nature,  although…. We have the French Swiss and the German Swiss. The German Swiss do learn French at school. I am not sure about the French Swiss learning German, but I do know we have something known as a “Röschtigraben” (a play on the Swiss potato dish “Röschti” combined with the word “graben” meaning ditch, which is a dividing line between the two species of Swiss). No, we are only open minded internationally, nationally we are not so open.

That’s enough, I love you all, if you wipe your feet before entering my blogging room. And please switch the light off when you leave. It saves electricity which we will need again for tomorrow’s grid.

Just saying the bird has not yet reurned for his daily peck. He is not very open minded and is probably waiting for me to go.

Daily Prompt: Open day

Good Morning

Eurasien Smoke Tree 14.06 (1)

Yes, it’s raining again. Some time in the night it returned and according to the weather forecast it will only rain once today, until the evening, when it might begin again during the night. In other words we have the genuine monsoon season. I saw the raindrops had turned my Eurasien Smoke Tree into a work of art, and from a distance used my zoom lens for a photo.

I am careful about walking across a wet lawn that lies between the nice dry porch and the tree, as the grass cuttings, left by my faithful Mowey, the mowing machine, tend to stick to my shoes, which I afterwards spread across the tiled flooors in the appartment.

The guy over the road, who is a remarkable lookalike of Russell Crowe, is now building a large wooden boat and has called it “ark”. He rang our doorbell and said that Tabby, our feline, was on the top of his list as the first cat customer, but he had to have two. Tabby asked who the other cat was, but was not too keen when he heard it was Roschti his neighbourhood feline. However, Tabby had to fill out a questionnaire and it seems that she was not suitable after her memorable first visit to the vet. The ginger tom next door was also not allowed on board for the same reason, so this Noah guy is still searching and Tabby and the ginger tom are still fighting for supremacy in the local territory. Perhaps it is just as well that they did not qualify for the ark, problems could have developed.

Of course the rain is good for the garden, but the garden is gradually resembling a jungle. My green hostas have developed record breaking sized leaves.  I hate to think what sort of animals might be living beneath them. Even the slugs have disappeared, something bigger might be munching them beneath the leaves. Did I see the imprints of webbed feet on the earth and trails of slime – it seems you can have too much of a good thing.

Today is Thursday, my day of almost rest. Nothing particular to do except enjoy life, cook spaghetti and read a book. And now to the serious side of the day. Have fun, stay dry and celebrate with my online friend who has millions of dead caterpillars in her surroundings. At last she can leave her home without having to walk over a writhing mass, or sweeping them from her clothes. She can even see the walls and roof of her home clearly without having their creeping shapes everywhere. The execution took place yesterday  and no-one is mourning their demise. The forest is now silent and you no longer hear the chomping motions of their jaws as they defoliate the trees.