Flower of the Day: 26.06.2016 Privet

Privet 26.06 (3)

We have a privet hedge surrounding our kingdom. It was already there when we bought the appartment, everyone had one: a sort of territorial division, this is my land and that is yours, cross at your on risk. We are now left with the privledge of cutting it during the summer to keep it under control, although due to golden oldie aches and pains, we now have a gardener to see to it.

It produces flowers once a year and so I decided to take a photo. Imagine my surprise when I uploaded this photo on the computer and saw the many visitors. The one on the left was on his way and the other two were already doing what they always do when they find a flower.

Flower of the Day: 26.06.2016 Privet

Share Your World: 2016 Week 26

What’s your most memorable (good or bad) airplane flight?

New York 1993

I suppose it was my flight to New York from Zürch and return. It was a 7 hour flight. We are not rich and so booked the normal tourist class. When we arrived at Zürich they gave us business class and the lady at the desk said “don’t ask just accept”. Of course we accepted and it was the most luxious flight we ever had. The food was perfect, served on real china plates with drinks in genuine glass – no plastic anywhere. I think why it happened was Mr. Swiss to thank for the fact that he is a smoker. There were no smoking places left in tourist, and they had enough to spare in business. We were continuously asked if we would like something more to drink. I remember the film we saw was “The Firm” with Tom Cruise on the plane, a pleasant way to pass time. It was a smooth flight and breathtaking seeing the first skyscrapers from the plane as it flew to New York – this was 1993, so it was still all standing.

The return flight was also very memorable, particularly as it was real tourist class nightmare night flight with no luxury whatsoever. The air hostess made a real fuss of the single men on the flight bringing their drinks and food and we normal average married couples and other females could be lucky to get a glass of water. One lady had brought her own eiderdown with her, and wrapped herself up in it for a comfortable night. It was uncomfortable, shabby, and left a lot to be desired, or perhaps we were spoilt too much on the first flight.

I have often flown London-Zürich and return and no flight is the same as the last one. I have many memories and anecdotes. One flight Mr. Swiss and made was Zürich-Marrakesh via Casablanca. On the flight to Casablanca one of the female passengers, a lady on her own, got drunk. No, she was not drunk, she was absolutely pis*ed. She insulted all the flight attendents, her seat neighbour and it even got quite physical. At least we had some amusement.

If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be? (guest can be dead, alive, famous or someone you just know)

Boris Johnson – the blond turkish descendent politician in England who would like to be the next prime minister
Kenneth Allsop – and english journalist and author who passed away some time ago and who I always admired as a teenager in London. He made daily appearances on the BBC TV programme “Tonight” and was the first journalist to report live from New York by satellite.
Great grandfather Jason Baldock and whether he really intended to have 16 children or whether it was just fate (my grandmother was the only daughter).

How many bones, if any, have you broken?

broken arm 3The first broken arm was quite plain and simple, although it hurt at the time. I was in London for a week visiting my dad and went for a walk on Tower Bridge in the evening with my friend. I tripped and fell and to protect my head I used my arm, which got broke into the bargain. It was the lower bone on the left arm – no problem. My friend took me strainght to the hospital. I was operated the next day, spent a day in hospital and flew back to London a day later. Now that was excitement.

The second broken arm was not so amusing (see photo on the left). I did it at home. My blind cat was on a lead and it wrapped itself around my leg which brought me to a fall on the concrete. Had I not broken the fall with a collision with the garden cupboard door, the result could have been worse. I remember it well, because my son was staying with us. He worked at the time in Brussels as a diplomat for the Swiss government and exactly an hour later he was leaving to return to Brussels. In the meanwhile he organised the ambulance and I was transported to the hospital. I told my son to go ahead and return to Brussels (your country needs you?) and Mr. Swiss would take care of everything else. It was quite a fantastic break, no not a break, a compound fracture which knocked out a piece of bone from the arm (this time it was the top bone on the left arm). The surgeon put it all back together again, something like a jigsaw puzzle. I still have the metal plate and the 20 screws holding it all together. They are there to stay.

That will do for now, at my age I do not intend to break any more.

What are you reading: Moon over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch

watching: my garden in front of the window to my computer hangout

listening to: I can hear the TV in the front room with the current European football match between Spain and Italy and I believe Italy are winning. I can hear Mr. Swiss uttering profanities and cheers now and again.

eating: have just eaten some plain organge flavoured chocolate, my desert after tea which was cold cuts and tomato salad.

needing: to finish this prize suspicious piece of writing

wanting: a handkerchief, just had to sneeze

missing: nothing really, it is the evening of the day and I am ready to relax with a book

Share Your World – 2016 Week 26

Daily Prompt: Depraved, isolated


I am living on an island, cut off from my surroundings, my only escape route is one road towards West. If I want to take the risk of travelling East, it might be that I will never return, doomed to the road East, to the places that would be foreign to me.

To explain the situation, some time ago it was discovered that our main road was bearing signs of wear and tear. No big problem, just a few road surface repairs, some holes filled and everything is fine. However, the powers that hover over us in our approximate 1,000 soul village, decided that just repairing the main road is not enough. There will still be some money left to do more, and so they are doing more. The complete road is now being re-organised, new paving, new sweet little concrete islands in the middle. If you have the money, why not use it.

Of course, they told us all about it before the work began, with a timetable and various ways of escaping, should the going get bad. We are now at the point where the going is getting from bad to worse, and in a month it will be at the worst possible stage. Of course we can take a walk around the village, but mainly on my side of the main road. The other side of the main road, where our local castle and a herd of cattle live, is now an obstacle course, especially if, like me, you depend on a walking stick.

My last walk through the village was almot two weeks ago, and I discovered that there is a way to cross the main road. It is combined with a 10 minute walk to a tunnel leading to the other side of the road. As my limit is now 30 minutes walking, I decided to return and the other side of the road is now a foreign country. There is a rumour circulating that border guard posts will be built if you wish to cross the road to get to the other side and you must take your identity card with you to prove that you are an inhabitant of our village of Feldbrunnen.

The photo above shows the view from my computer window. It is orange, all important signs in Switzerland seem to be orange, and shows the word “Fussganger”, meaning pedestrian. It shows the way to go, because the normal route no longer exists: has been removed and blocked by a wall of rubble. That means me, and the others that live in the village, we are now all pedestrians.

A few days ago Mr. Swiss was on an important mission to the local post office, although just a minute, we no longer have a local post office. It was closed down, a waste of time and money for 1,000 pedestrians, and amalgamated with the post office in the next village of Riedholz. This is now a problem. Mr. Swiss drove Eastwards towards Riedholz in our car on the main road . He arrived at the post office in the next village. Apparently the post should have delivered a letter to my son, that has lived with us for the past 46 years, 20 of which in our village of Feldbrunnen. He did not receive this letter as his name was not on the letter box, it has never been on the letter box, but up to now there was never a problem, as every person in Switzerland is registered where they live – the state is always watching. Mr. Swiss explained it to the post office boss in Riedholz, but he said “no name, no post”. In the meanwhile I found the thickest black felt pen we possess and wrote the name on paper and stuck it on the letter box, for all to see, even a short sighted postman. It worked. I am drifting.

Mr. Swiss was now ready to return to our village of Feldbrunnen. Unfortunately this day was d-day for turning and driving in the opposite direction. In the meanwhile the road was only available for Eastwards transport. As he is a local boy/golden oldie, he was not lost and took a detour over the local mountain to return home. That is the problem in Switzerland. If a road is changed, the only escape is to drive higher on the scenic route. The inhabitants of Riedholz are even in a worst situation. If they want to visit our next town of Solothurn which usually takes 10 minutes by car, they now have to make a detour to cross the local river and drive on the opposite bank, adding half an hour to a usual quick shopping trip.

I will be going to London next week, but it will be an easy straight forward trip with a train to Zürich Airport and a flight to London City, easier that arriving to the next village on our main road.

Building in Feldbrunnen 18.06 (8)

Daily Prompt: Depraved, Isolated

Good Morning


Just took a photo of my climbing rose in the garden. After a long while of buds not opening, probably due to the rain showers, the flowers are now appearing and it looks like a very good show this year.

avocadoThere was another strange appearance in my garden. For some time I noticed some glossy leaves amongst my sage in the herb garden. I remember a few years ago there was a wild laurel bush growing there and was of the opinion there must have been a remaining root after the gardener removed it that had decided to grow. What did Mrs. Angloswiss do? She gave it a tug of course and was surprised to see how easily it was removed. Laurel bushes usually fight to the last root and result in some sort of injury to the hand. I found at the end of these glossy leaves there was an avocado stone. I remembered planting a second avocado half heartedly as I already had one growing nicely in a pot and so I placed it in the garden, but lost it and had no idea where it was.

I decided if it wanted to stay it would turn up eventually, and there is was yesterday. I was standing holding it in my hand. I decided not to give up, where there is a will there is a way and planted it in a better place where it could develop. Of course it hung its leaves yesterday after the shock and I hung my head in despair – poor avocado. I gave it an inspection just now and discovered it was making a very good recovery attempt – see photo. Of course I will have to rethink in Winter as avocados do not usually grow in frost or snow, but I will find a solution. I now have two avocados growing, perhaps I will soon be harvesting my own avocados.

Otherwise after a long good morning abscence, I have returned in the meanwhile, although I could disappear any day to London for my father’s funeral. Tomorrow is the day when I get a definite date I hope.

I now have things to do, like a quick whip round with the vacuum, as usual, a quick whip round in the shower, as usual, and eventually I will be let out for a safari in the supermarket, as usual. I do not have a clue what to cook today, but probably something with pasta.

At the moment I am blogging again, helps to keep the remainders of my golden oldie brain active, and in between shoot a few photos here and there.

Keep safe everyone, and above all keep your computers nice and shiny, they will appreciate it.