Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness

Describe a moment of kindness, between you and someone else — loved one or complete stranger.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us KINDNESS.

Tree Protection, Solothurn

The day of our Autumn Fair
There was hustle and bustle
A temporary building site
Tents were constructed to hold the exhibits
The trees were not forgotten
Money was spent to protect them
With a red plastic coat
To ensure they survived the to and fro
Thank you our town

Metro train

An underground train in the Paris Metro system
On the way, my path crossed that of a young lady
She was squatting on cushions
A little boy lying next to her, sleeping
Dressed in the clothes of her country
She was not French
She stretched her hand out
Begging for what I could spare
She was not alone, but I could not give to all
My last day in Paris, a purse full of change
Worthless in my own country where beggars are rare
Something we would think twice about
Perhaps someone might see me!
This was Paris, a town for all, wealthy or poor
So I gave all my change
She took my hand in hers and bowed her head
Her Merci’s were many
I felt guilty for my life that had everything and more

Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness