Daily Prompt: Island of Misfit Posts

We all have something we’d like to write about, but that doesn’t really “fit” our blog. Write it anyway.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us MISFIT.


I always have a camera with me ready to shoot something interesting. Last week I replaced my ten year old compact camera with a new one, so am now trying everything. I saw this crane just near the local supermarket.

A pink building machine

Yes, we have pink tractors in Switzerland. Just like Barbie land. We even have people that work with them, but they do not wear pink.

Helicopter over Feldbrunnen

A crane was involved in building this house mansion, but to speed things up, it was decided it would be quicker by using a helicopter.

Clearing the drains

And here are men at work pumping in the drain just opposite our house. I never found out why, but it was worth a photo.

Excavator in Feldbrunnen

And for the grand finale we have a red excavator, just along the road.

Yes, life is colourful in Switzerland and we even work, in between looking after secret bank accounts, yodelling and making cuckoo clocks (which are actually a product of the Black Forest area in Germany, but don’t tell anyone).

Daily Prompt: Island of Misfit Posts