Good Morning


And as the golden sun rises slowly in the sky, I can see a grey cloud sweeping through. Looks like  there is smoke from somewhere, but as I have not yet heard and fire fighters on their way, it is probably a heating system play stupid. We have gas heating down in the cellar, so what could possibly happen. Yes, well no-one is safe. If, for some reason, there would be an explosion you would no longer be reading my Good Morning words.

The black specks on the clouds are a few crows doing their morning exercises, shame I cannot include the sound track to go with it. It sounds like something from the Hitchcock film “The Birds” from here. They never attack, but that is why I feed them regularly. You never know what a starving crow is capable of. I noticed my feline Tabby never goes out in the garden when the crows are feeding, and she probably knows why.

Today they are letting me out again. I will be making the supermarket unsafe, raiding the shelves with a glance at my shopping list on my telephone. I had a conference with Mr. Swiss about the New Year food and we have decided to keep it plain and simple and digestive friendly. We had ideas of a fondue chinoise, which is the same as a cheese fondue, but with thin slices of meat cooked at the table in a pot of bouillon and eaten with various sauces. I let him get on with the suggestion, but he eventually reached the same solution as I already had. Too much fiddling around and bother, so we have settled for a roasted chicken, and I will make some sage  and thyme stuffing myself on New Years Eve in the evening.  Otherwise it will be good, but normal – no fancy stuff and exhausting hours spent in the kitchen. Christmas is over, and what’s so special about a New Year.

I remember my younger days when I was a Brit. We did not even have a holiday for the New Year in England. It was a normal day before and after. I do not even remember if people had New Year’s parties and we definitely did not eat anything special, but as mum could not really cook, we never had anything special. Dad was always happy if meat was on the table with potatoes, and greens (cabbage) and that was that. I was not happy with that and never ate greens, although I did like some bubble and squeak. You do not know what that is? Now that is a blast from the past. If you have left overs of greens and potato, you mash it all up together and then fry it in a pan. It was quite tasty. It was not as soggy and tasteless as when it was pulled out of the boiling water and put on a plate.

At last Facebook seems to be getting back to normal with the usual short video films to amuse us all. I often wonder how comes that someone happened to be filming it all when it happens. This morning I witnessed a fight between two ladies at their door. The attacking lady was screaming so loudly that I could not understand what she was saying, so missed the point of the fight – what a shame :-). I cannot wait to be congratulated to the New Year by some of my 800 colleagues in Facebook. I know what you are thinking, why is she there if it is such an annoyance. That is easily explained. There are many annoyances with Facebook, but they have one positive thing and that is the messenger. It is free, and I can talk to my colleagues and remaining family in England and it does not cost me a penny. The last time I visited England Mr. Swiss and I would talk daily on my phone, but all with the facebook messenger. If I leave Facebook, I no longer have the messenger. This is the same reason why Mr. Swiss is still there and he almost left twice. With a day to go he changed his mind realising that he would no longer have access to the messenger.

So now I must go, have things to do and places to go. See you on the flip side

13 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. We really don’t celebrate New Year’s Eve at all except for watching the Boston fireworks on TV. We used to, when we were much younger, but haven’t in years. To much trouble and too soon after Christmas. Maybe we’ll have a nice meal, but that’s pretty much it. I don’t mind that other people celebrating, as long as they don’t mind that I don’t 🙂 Oh, but Garry always kisses me at midnight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Our New Year is very similar, including the good night happy new year kiss. we might open a small bottle of champis, but I believe last year we did not bother. the digestion no longer allows it when you are a golden oldie.


    • I saved a lot of money with the messenger, as telephone calls to other countries are very expensive from Switzerland. I do not know how it is in the States, but can imagine that calling from one state to another could be expensive.


  2. I make Bubble and Squeak! I used to watch The Two Fat Ladies on the Food Network and I loved that show. I got their cookbook and made Bubble and Squeak (we were vegetarians). I first used the recipe in the book and fried it in lard, which isn’t at all vegetarian. When I ate it, I was transported back to the taste of my mother’s fried potatoes. All those years and I had no clue what she’d used to make them so delicious. I also couldn’t stomach the lard, so back to frying it in olive oil. It doesn’t taste half as lovely in olive oil.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We don’t have the food network in Switzerland, probably very interesting. I used to watch 2 fat ladies on a French cooking programme. I think the emptied a bottle of cognac into everything, including the children’s party food.
      My mum cooked everything in lard. I am a butter cook, but I am not sure if it would be the original bubble and squeak fried in butter. I put oliver oil in my salad sauce, but do not like it for cooking.


      • So true! I fry with butter sometimes and then sit and wonder if my arteries are closed yet. Doesn’t matter. I’m going to be 65 soon and I figure I’ve done what I can!


  3. Your daily ramblings always seem to have little gems of wisdom hidden in the corners. You probably don’t even realize they are there, because they are now a part of your daily life. Keep posting.

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