Look what I found living on the porch

St. Andrews Cross Spider

Actually it was Mr. Swiss that drew my attention to our new neighbour. She decided to make a nest at the angle between the top of the cupboard door and the roof, so I really had to use the close up lens to take her photo. Of course, the next step was to discover her name. It seems she is the female species of the St. Andrews Cross spider, also known as the orb spider I believe.

She is sitting on her egg sack which probably has a couple of hundred babies inside. I read that they all hatch out some time in Autumn and stay nice and comfortable where they are until spring, although I am no expert. Actually I did once take a photo of some hatchlings, so am waiting for the birth. Mama seems quite happy at the moment so we have decided to leave her where she is.

Daily Prompt: On the Road

If you could pause real life and spend some time living with a family anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TRAVELS.

A Walk through Marrakesh

A street scene in Marrakesh, Morocco, something completely different, but not the place I would go. I enjoyed my week’s holiday there, but just as something completely different. Daily bargaining on the market for my food would not be my thing, and I did try for a year to learn Arabic, discovering that not everything is Arabic. The Algerians do not really understand the Moroccans, the Gulf States speak a sort of high Arabic and Iran speaks Farsi. The Iraqi’s have their own dialect. I think Egypt is about the most normal average Arabic. Even the writing can become complicated when they start leaving out the vowels. So an Arabic country does not come into the question.

The world is a big place and I am a little too much on the golden oldie side to do a Jack Kerouac and jump in a car with some grey haired colleagues and just take a ride across the country. Apart from not being able to find any golden oldies mad enough to go with me, Switzerland is a small place compared to other countries and you would cross it in a few hours, so no adventure. The only pills and drugs I would take would be those that I need to sustain me on my daily way in life, like diabetes pills, vitamin pills and anti-cholesterol pills. No joints at my age and I do not smoke in any case.

To remain on a serious level, which I do not find so easy on these daily prompts, there is a little wish I have. I spent approximately twelve years learning Russian. I visited Russia for a couple of days on a school trip in 1964. It was a Baltic Sea cruise and it was the time when Leningrad was Leningrad and not St. Petersburg and Nikita Chruschov was the man in charge. It was 200% communism, but an experience never to be forgotten. Seeing women doing road work with pneumatic drills was certainly something impressive for an 18 year old and people queuing for a drink (I think it was beer) served from a tank wagon parked on the roadside was also a memory I took home with me.

These days have now gone. I remember the fantastic impression I had of the fountains at the Summer Palace of the Tsar, about half an hour ride from Leningrad, the entrance steps with gold and black fountains. In the grounds of the palace you were surprised with water spouting out of the earth. I heard that after communism was finished, one of the negative sides were that the metal parts of the fountains declined, rust took over, although I believe steps have now been taken again to repair them.

There were a hard core of about eight of us in our Russian lessons, mixed ages. One girl took the chance and jumped to an offer of three months in Moscow to learn the language living with a Russian family. She returned after her three months, still alive, but she told us she burst into tears when she arrived home through relief.

I would still take the chance, if I could, to do it myself. You can really only learn a language if you are surrounded by it and have to use it. That was how I learnt German Swiss German. I have now been living in Switzerland for 47 years; the first 20 years of my life were spent in London. The only chance I have today to speak Russian is with one of the ladies that work on the cash register at my local supermarket. She has been in Switzerland for a few years, was married to a Swiss and speaks German quite well. Naturally she is my victim for trying out the sparse Russian I still know, but she understands me and also helps me with pronunciation and vocabulary.

So, who knows, one day I might go shopping with my life saving equipment of tablets, take the train to Zürich Airport instead of shopping and fly away, next stop Moscow, or perhaps St. Petersburg, or even Yalta would do me. Yalta is a very nice place, the holiday area for the Russians. Winston Churchill and Roosevelt knew why they met Stalin in such a place for a conference; the Russian Riviera. The Russian lady at the supermarket spent her holiday in the Krim this year somewhere in a Black Sea resort and returned to her work looking quite sunburnt. Yes, that would be the place for my language holiday. Learn Russian, enjoy life and take it easy – I might even take Mr. Swiss with me if it cannot be avoided.

Daily Prompt: On the Road

  1. A wandering emerald | MC’s Whispers
  2. On the Road « Geek Ergo Sum
  3. Living in a Teletubby house in Spain… | The Rider
  4. Back to the womb | alienorajt
  5. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Under the Monkey Tree
  6. Daily Prompt: On the Road « Mama Bear Musings
  7. My own moon viewing platform. | The Ambitious Drifter
  8. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  9. Ships | Hope* the happy hugger
  10. Daily Prompt: On the Road #photography | ThisCornerOfTheWoods
  11. A Family | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  12. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Charles Ray’s Ramblings
  13. Island Chick [Daily Prompt: On the Road] | unknowinglee
  14. Monarch Butterfly (Travels) | photo potpourri
  15. If Interviewed By Barbara Walters | The Jittery Goat
  16. Welcome to Hobbiton | A Short A Day
  17. Daily Prompt: On the road | My Endless Rants & Ramblings
  18. Daily Prompt: On The Road | Eikons
  19. “On the Road” | Relax
  20. Daily Prompt – Travels | paisleypedlar
  21. Cancel the Babysitter | Honey Did you See that?
  22. 187. Getting Away From It All | Barely Right of Center
  23. Daily Prompt: Travels | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  24. Daily Prompt: On the Road | lifebeinggirly
  25. Immersed In A Culture | Tony’s Texts
  26. A Side of France Beyond Paris | peonies and pistachios
  27. Beginning of Civilization | crookedeyebrows
  28. Visiting offspring | Sue’s Trifles
  29. Travels | Rebecca Barray
  30. Where in the world is Rob’s Surf Report? | Rob’s Surf Report
  31. Midnight Train: Daily Prompt | Finicky Philly
  32. My Kinda Stupid: Travelling The Hard Way | Just Visiting This Planet
  33. Blossoming in Korea | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  34. Travellers lost | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  35. Don’t Let it Slip | Journey to the Centre of My Heart
  36. Off To The Burrow! | amateurxpress
  37. Eye on the Road with the Heart at Home | In Scarlet Ink
  38. Daily Prompt: On the Road | My Atheist Blog
  39. The Holy Land | Life is great
  40. The Summer “Challenge” | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  41. One Starving Activist
  42. Daily Prompt: On the Road – Adopt me please! | SERENDIPITY
  43. Lesson learnt | The Otter in my Jotter
  44. Daily Prompt: On the Road | The Land Slide Photography
  45. Halo Veronica! | Compass & Quill
  46. DailyPrompt: Australia | viver para contar
  47. On the Road: Venice, a Nonet | Danny James
  48. The Travels I Have Been | Flowers and Breezes
  49. Somewhere Peaceful | Lost in Adeline’s
  50. Daily Prompt: On the Road | cagedbutterfly1
  51. On the Road | The Nameless One
  52. pause to live | sarahscapes
  53. Imagination; Always a Destination…(WP daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  54. Off to join the circus… | notsinglebutnothappy
  55. Up and Above vs. On The Road / Daily Prompt | Communication For Development
  56. UAE; my Disneyland, frankly. | Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Exactly? I don’t know.
  57. RENAME THAT NASTY FEELING | Emotional Fitness
  58. World tour | A mom’s blog
  59. Dear Daily Prompt, You did it again… « RPMAS
  60. ? | A Day in the Life
  61. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Jasper Smits
  62. Daily Prompt: On the Road | To Breathe is to Write
  63. Biking the World | readingwithafeather
  64. Actually I’d rather be somewhere I can escape the unfamiliar. | thoughtsofrkh
  65. Off the Road | The Silver Leaf Journal
  66. Daily Prompt: On the road | The Alternative Dream
  67. a man and his word | Musings of a Random Mind
  68. No way back from Africa: the road to Hunter’s Lodge | Tish Farrell
  69. Daily Prompt: On The Road…to Greece I Go |
  70. Daily Prompt Challenge ~ Travels | soletusknow
  71. Beach House | Incessant Ramblings
  72. Daily Prompt: On the Road to? | @ The West Gate
  73. Daily post: Where in the world | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  74. What if I called Mars home? | Okay, what if ?
  75. Travel with me #photography #poetry | Moondustwriter’s Blog
  76. Our Own Light | Wiley’s Wisdom
  77. Staying in Focus: Daily Prompt: My English Fantasy | Staying in Focus
  78. Daily Prompt: On the road to Orkney | Things I See and Know
  79. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Ma rubrique à brac
  80. Daily Prompt: On the Road | 2nd Time Is A Charm

Daily Prompt: Clean House

Is there “junk” in your life? What kind? How do you get rid of it?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us JUNK.

Nera and Tabby in the garden cupboard

I grew up with junk and the motto “It might come in handy” but it never did. My felines are quite happy in our garden cupboard sitting on the official plastic bags ready for the rubbish disposal. Actually this is the only place where we have junk at the moment, and even that is in the throes of renewal. I have already cleared away the first shelf of earthenware pots, but I have time for the rest. I also threw away a bag of berry plant fertiliser and vegetable patch fertiliser. I gave up with the farming ideas when my back gave up with bending. I even found a pot of stuff to make your hydrangias turn blue.

To begin at the beginning, mum and dad did not have a lot when they got married. Dad had arrived home from the war, had to find a job, and they moved into the top floor of an East end slum house with three rooms, my grandfather living downstairs in his three rooms. Then I arrived and space got very narrow. Eventually as I grew older I was moved out of my parents’ bedroom into my own room, so we lived in the kitchen. At least the cooker was out on the stairwell on a platform. The whole place was a junk store. Some of the furniture had untility marks on it, originating from war time where furniture was a rare article. Luckily we had no problem with throwing anything away, as we did not have very much. Most of it was a bargain bought “down the lane”.

If we do same fast steps forward we arrive in so-called modern times. I now live in an organised country called Switzerland and believe me Swiss households do not have junk, at least the average Swiss citizen would not admit to it. We are now organised.

The rubbish collection is once a week and it has to be packed in the special plastic bags bought from the local council. They cost a small fortune. They had so many cases of theft in the local supermarket of these bags that you can now only buy them over the counter and not from the shelves.

According to the local rules, moving house is to be made at the end of March and September for a nice neat organisation. You cannot have people moving just when they feel like it. To avoid the stress of moving out, cleaning up everything, repairing stuff and moving in all on the same day, it is a good idea to move out perhaps a month before. No problem: you just have to pay two rents for a month, the old place and the new. If it is your own place, then you make your own arrangements. We Swiss are organised.

Over the past 45 years of married life we collected a lot of stuff we really did not need. We moved a couple of times until we bought our own place, but there is a mysterious ghostly apparition which seems to pile things up in a cellar which you no longer need. One day I decided to begin an exorcism, although a real exorcism would have been easy: just do a few chants, spread some chicken blood, or any blood really, all organised from the local butcher; if it were only so easy. I spared the organising of the blood, did it all by myself with Mr. Swiss, and am now the proud possessor of a junk-free home (except for the garden cupboard). We even have a phrase for the mess “Bethnal Green conditions” which was the place where I grew up.

I now have a motto “live as if you would move once a month” and it more or less works. Just a quick observing check in the cellar and hobby room to see if you really need what is there. Ok, I do have six bookshelves in the hobby room, but I am not going to throw them, I might want to read them again. Today we have Kindle so that problem is avoided. We have a second TV in the hobby room, but no TV connection. It still works and who knows? It might come in handy. I am still looking for the original Picasso painting I had, but cannot remember where I put it. Or did I throw it out at the last big rubbish collection?

Daily Prompt: Clean House

Clean Pingbacks

  1. Never accidentally marry a gay man – Part 5: The Serious One | How to be good at everything
  2. Watching a Robot Confess | Daily Prompt: Clean House | likereadingontrains
  3. Why Do We Keep Stuff? | Spirit Lights The Way
  4. The Junk Drawer | retiredruth – Life in the 50’s and beyond
  5. ••Coddled by Thee•• | mët•aRVhëë•n✪ia
  6. Daily Prompt: Clean House « Mama Bear Musings
  7. Growth Factor | Getting Rid of Junk
  8. “Clutter” Daily Prompt | Finicky Philly
  9. Clean the junk out of your life | Interviews That Matter
  10. All That Junk | Sam’s Online Journal
  11. Daily Prompt: Clean House | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  12. Daily Prompt: Clean House or Cluttered House ? | littlegirlstory
  13. How To Get Rid Of Junk | The Jittery Goat
  14. The Conundrum | Where’s Your Moral Sieve?
  15. Look what I found hiding in the study! | We Live In A Flat
  16. Daily Prompt: Clean House 29|9 | Family, Photos, Food & Craft
  17. Daily Prompt: Clean House « Vicariously Poetic
  18. Clutter, Junk & Treasures | Tony’s Texts
  19. Getting Rid of Masher | scribbleglitch
  20. S. Thomas Summers | Daily Prompt: Clean House (Autumn Arrives)
  21. Duncan the Sushi Roll #15 | Neva Samaki
  22. Daily Prompt: Junk | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  23. Not a true story. | JC Bride ~
  24. Daily Prompt – Clean House | Purplesus’ Blog
  25. Daily Prompt: Clean House | reyoflight
  26. Accumulating Junk | Flowers and Breezes
  27. Resolving Junk | Sogna Grandezza
  28. Space Junk | Just Visiting This Planet
  29. “Clean House” | Relax
  30. Daily Prompt: Clean House | bloobloons
  31. A junkie’s mind. | Crossroads
  32. Desk Jockey junk… | notsinglebutnothappy
  33. Life moves on | crookedeyebrows
  34. Daily Prompt: Clean House | BulgingButtons
  35. Put on hold. | Hunted2Hunter
  37. Out of sight, out of mind | Grandma Drives Me Crazy
  38. Junk | On the Trail of a Gypsy
  39. The Secret Room | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  40. Cleaning up the “Junk”…..or atleast trying! | Life Confusions
  41. Intangible pieces of junk | Madhura’s Musings
  42. DP: Junk | As I See It
  43. Clean House | The Nameless One
  44. Downsizing, Simplifying and Letting Go | Cheri Speak
  45. Daily Prompt: Clean House | Venom’s Blog
  46. Trash or Treasure? | CurTales
  47. The Perils of Intensity | BLUE BEAD PUBLICATIONS
  48. What rubbish! | A mom’s blog
  49. Waste Not, Waist Not. Letting go of eating hang-ups for healthy living | Hotel Goddess
  50. Is There Junk in Your Life?….(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  51. Junk Around the House | Half Baked Log
  52. Cleaning out my closet | suhaaandiaries
  53. Hoarding and dejunking | alienorajt
  54. Daily Prompt: JUNK | Dean’z Doodlez
  55. Enter at your own Risk | A Day in the Life
  56. Other people’s junk | Muddy River Muse
  57. Junk is in the eye of the beholder | mostlytrueramblings
  58. One Starving Activist
  59. When words are not enough | vicbriggs’s Blog
  60. The Great Giveaway… | The Seminary of Praying Mantis
  61. Junk! | Multifarious meanderings
  62. Junk? Sure do and so do you if you open your eyes. « RPMAS
  63. My life has a lot of literal junk | djgarcia94
  64. Daily Prompt: Clean House | Life and the Things that Compel Its Attention
  65. Clutter | tinypurpleme
  66. Daily Prompt: Clean House | My Atheist Blog
  67. Daily Prompt: Clean House | Overcoming Bloglessness
  68. The Unlearned Art of Alienation | Expressions
  69. Friends | Crow Arrow, Inc.
  70. Daily Post: Beach Clean Up | Light Words
  71. Desperate | Life is great
  72. got junk? | sarahscapes
  73. A Cluttered Life | theeyelife
  74. Daily Prompt: Clean House
  75. Diamond In The Rough | Wiley’s Wisdom
  76. THERE’S JUNK IN MY TRUNK – Daily Prompt: Clean House | Reinvention of Mama
  77. Deep Cleaning for the Visual and Impaired Soul | cagedbutterfly1
  78. How much clutter is too much clutter? | 3rdculturechildren
  79. What if I didn’t agree? | Okay, what if ?
  80. Going Free | Compass & Quill
  81. Daily Prompt: Clean House 2 | Overcoming Bloglessness
  82. Goodbye Matt | Better Than Reality
  83. Daily post: Junk | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  84. THE NEWS tv3 | The Art Cleaning-Tv-3
  85. Just throw it out | tornin2’s Blog
  86. JUNK | Aurora Morealist
  87. JUNK YARD STORY: Clean House | Aurora Morealist

Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow

Our blogs morph over time, as interests shift and life happens. Write a post for your blog — but three years in the future.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us LIFE.


After three years my orchid is flowering again. Of course, no surprise, I remember when I bought it as a special offer. I found one orchid alone is no big deal, so I bought some more. There were five at the time, all nicely sitting on a table in front of the window. Since I built the greenhouse to replace half of the porch, things have exploded. Mr. Swiss always said I tend to overdo things, five orchids would have been enough for the normal person, but one hundred is a little too much. I think the problem is that I tend to talk to them now and again, just to encourage their growth. The older I get the more conversations I hold with them.

WordPress are still supplying my daily prompt, although they wrote to say the words “Pulitzer”, “Nobel” and “Booker” combined with “prize” are now a no go and becoming monotonous. If I have not received the prize yet, I never will. I should write about something else (perhaps my orchids?).

As you notice, my blogs can be quite short sometimes. Not that I am running out of things to say. As long as you have three felines that seem to think they are the Ying and Yang of life, there is always something to write. Unfortunately my fingers no longer type as well as they did and my ideas are diminishing. They do say that all cells are replaceable in the human body, only the little grey ones in the brain die forever.

After spending three months in prison for displaying photos on my blog of the local police station, local government building and some politicians, I had a little trouble. Mr. Swiss always said I am cutting it to a fine edge with my photography. Just because I have a camera with close-up lens, it does not mean that I can take photos of everywhere and everything. He said this was the photo that did it.


It was just a view of my bank, from inside, taken from the balcony with fantastic black and white complememts: a work of art, but the police did not look at it that way. It seems photos of banks can be useful information to a certain type of person. Was it my fault that the bank was robbed three weeks after the photo appeared?

I am still blogging away, no problem.

My followers in blogging land are diminishing. Do I no longer have the magnetizing gifts of absorbing new disciples? Are my blogs no longer as magical and fascinating as they were, or are we all becoming older? The days of the golden oldies have been replaced by the grufties the fossils, we fall asleep reading the blogs and forget after five minutes what was written.

I heard there is a new blog site called “Senior Stargazers”. I think I will join. They have a weekly prompt and you get a gratis obituary blog should you no longer be amongst the active members.

Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow

Ebbing and Flowing Pingbacks

  1. Life | The Magic Black Book
  2. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow 28|9 | Family, Photos, Food & Craft
  3. Ebb and Flow | Kate Murray
  4. So little time. | Crossroads
  5. Shit and Life Happens | Lost in Adeline’s
  6. Life | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  7. Beachcombing | The Ambitious Drifter
  8. “Ebb and Flow” | Relax
  9. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  10. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow: Ramblings
  11. Life. Saturated. | We Live In A Flat
  12. A Daily Prompt Poem: Life « Vicariously Poetic
  13. 2016 – The Way We Is | The Jittery Goat
  14. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | A Mixed Bag
  15. I’m afraid of the future | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  16. Barely Right of Center
  17. Bella natura | Neva Samaki
  18. Proceed with caution, Future Ahead! | Life Confusions
  19. Summer is Over | A New Day
  20. Three Year Foreshadowing? | Sogna Grandezza
  21. September 28, 2016 | JC Bride ~
  22. The looming extinction event | Rob’s Surf Report
  23. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | lifebeinggirly
  24. In the Year 2525 . . . Or, How About 2016 | meanderedwanderings
  25. Oh how time has flown by… | It’s a Fine Line
  26. Oh well.. | The Otter in my Jotter
  27. Fast Forward >> 3 years later | Wanny’s Blog
  28. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow #amwriting | Of Glass & Paper
  29. Daily Prompt: September 28, 2016 | Not The Sword But The Pen
  30. Dear Daily Prompt: My Blog 3 years in the future. « RPMAS
  31. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  32. Learning In Life Goes On | Flowers and Breezes
  33. Twenty-seven year bore | shame
  34. Why was I so afraid? | alienorajt
  35. Daily Prompt:Ebb and Flow:The Spirit of a Bookworm | Musings…
  36. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | My Atheist Blog
  37. The sun still rises, but no electric Shakespeare yet. | Hippie Cahier
  38. Sober Head Full of Confusion | Here’s My Heart & Here’s My Mouth
  39. Time After Time | cagedbutterfly1
  40. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | Travel blog | reyoflight
  41. Deciduous | Sue’s Trifles
  42. Guest Blogger: Nylablue! | Haiku By Ku
  43. The Lurker’s List | Raise Our Hopes and Hope Some More
  44. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | Moments Thru Lens
  45. Life…(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  46. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow – NIGHT LIFE! | SERENDIPITY
  47. Blink and its 2016 | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  48. One Starving Activist
  49. Shrooms of Wisdom – Ebb and Flow | An Upturned Soul
  50. Blog’s Birthday | Life is great
  51. Committed Bloggers | crookedeyebrows
  52. Transience | theincompetenthausfrau
  53. Shadows | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  54. Another round for you… | notsinglebutnothappy
  55. Dear Future Me | Wiley’s Wisdom
  56. The Sandbox « Think Shirley.
  57. I Assure You | A Day in the Life
  58. Flashback from the future | Madhura’s Musings
  59. Graduation is Tomorrow! | djgarcia94
  60. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | Vagabond
  61. All Along The Meander | MonumentaLapse
  62. Life is swell…… | Life through a Lens
  63. Paddle Boarding at Oscar Scherer | Spirit Lights The Way
  64. Did you graduate from our college? | Expressions
  65. Three Years From Now – My book tour! | Reinvention of Mama
  66. Ebb and Flow | Artifacts and Fictions
  67. Burgeon | scribbleglitch
  68. I’m sorry | Life is great
  69. Ahead | marsowords
  70. Soul tears… | To the future from the past
  71. Homestead 101 in 2016 | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  72. transmutation | Her Broken Nibs
  73. Worth The Wait | Wiley’s Wisdom
  74. Life | Better Than Reality
  75. The Blog of the Future! | Okay, what if ?
  76. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | BulgingButtons
  77. i love you in controlled | y
  78. Ebb and Flow | escape&spill
  79. Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow | life n me!

Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time

When you’re giddy with excitement, does time speed up? Slow down? Tell us about the experience of anticipation.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us WAITING.

Waiting for the train Solothurn station

Waiting for the train, perhaps with excitement that a dear friend is arriving, someone you have not seen for some time. You might be departing for the airport, taking a long wanted holiday or just a shopping trip in another town. Under the worst circumstances, the train will take you to your work place. Or course it might be that you have killed someone and are using the train to escape.

A Bend in Time: yes, with time my back seems to have acquired a permanent bend.  Me? I am cool these days. When I was a kid I could not wait until the visitors arrived, especially if they were bringing someone of my age. Christmas seemed to take a long while to arrive : a family party on Christmas Day meeting my cousins, aunts and uncles and having a good time. There was plenty to drink, to eat and of course the presents. The supreme hit was no-one really remained sober, although come to think of it they were all approaching golden oldie age.

I could not wait to get rid of my two bumps which eventually arrived in the shape of two sons in due course, wondering what sort they would be, the colour of their eyes (ok they all have blue eyes when born), and if they have hair, will it be curly or straight?

The years pass by, working years, cooking years, and housekeeping years:  there is always something to do. Of course looking forward to events is still there but the day eventually arrives that you have looked forward to all your (working) life; the day when you do not have to arise in the morning to arrive in the office. The day when you can at last do what you want to do and not what you have to do, known as retirement. You even get paid for it, the problem being that apart from the usual cost of living, what do you want to spend it on? New clothes are ok, but mine go now more in the direction of jeans (short or long according to season), t-shirts and sneakers. High heels, skirts, costumes – forget it. Perhaps once a year for a celebration of something, otherwise practical shopping gear. Your parading days in the office are finished. And one rule: never visit the office after you are retired. No-one really wants you there, you have done your deed and now someone else is sitting at your desk. You now belong to yesterday; the tomorrows belong to those that are glad to see you are no longer there.

I survived and I have arrived in the happy retirement grounds. Even survival is something to be thankful for. I drove to and fro to work every week day and with my perfect knowledge of the roads and car, it is not so natural that I came through it all. I could have caught some sort of dreaded modern disease, such as chicken ‘flu, been the victim of a bank robbery.

I am now a golden oldie and I can do what I want, but where is the excitement? What am I waiting for (except for my Pulitzer/Nobel/Man Booker prize for blog of the year). I am waiting for the Daily Prompt from WordPress which more or less arrives every day at 14.00 hours. Admittedly I am then taking my midday retired sleep, but all the more a surprise when I arise, fit up my computer, switch it on and see the task of the day. I do not get excited about it, just take it in my stride.

Today is Friday so I might clean the shower this afternoon: just a matter of an hour. No, I do not become excited about cleaning the shower, but just a little excited knowing that when it is done I do not clean it again for another week.

In olden grey haired days, when your joints do not move with the supple lubrication they had ten years ago, when your daily routines consist of taking the right tablets at the right moment, time passes at a supersonic speed. I think you can compare it with a Formula 1 race, but no-one really wins. You are even too exhausted to savour the rewards. The only anticipation today is waiting for the result of a doctor examination, knowing whether you should start thinking about writing your testament today or tomorrow.

My father reached his 98th birthday this week. I can still remember visiting him and my mother in England with Mr. Swiss and the kids. We would make a sightseeing trip around London, go shopping, have a meal somewhere in the West End and there would be perhaps a family gathering. It is as if it all happened yesterday, but it was many years ago. My mother passed on, my father can no longer walk so well.

I no longer look forward with excitement to anything or cannot wait until something happens. I just take it easy, little steps at a time. Of course there are various things I look forward to, but to be quite honest, growing old is not something fantastic. I have often heard golden oldies say if they only knew what they knew now when they were twenty or thirty years younger and I have joined the club. Life would be so much easier.

Not wanting to end this blog on such a dark and dismal note, I hope to be going to London next month for a week to see my dad, all going well. You can all look forwards to not reading my blogs for a week while I am away. You will be warned in due time. My three felines have now reached the golden oldie age of 11 and 12 years, being quite ancient in human years, but it does not seem to bother them. They sleep twenty-three hours a day and spend the 24th hour searching for a place to sleep. They are all eating well, throw up a hairball in between to show that their reactions are still 100%, and even have a hissing session now and again. The only thing they look forward to and cannot wait, is a plate of tuna fish on Wednesday and Sunday evening.

Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time

Bending Pingbacks

  1. Spinning dust | shame
  2. The Bend In Time | Cofundrum
  3. A bend in time | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. A bend in time | Travelandfoodworldwide
  5. 10 Things I’m Still Waiting For | Just Visiting This Planet
  6. The Art of Waiting | A Teacher’s Blog from Land’s End
  7. The Enthralling Passing of Time | Sogna Grandezza
  8. Its the wait. | gypsy thoughts ..
  9. Waiting… It’s a Dog’s Life! | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  10. Daily Prompt: Waiting – Quick Eyes and Finger | Eikons
  11. 184. Anticipation | Barely Right of Center
  12. I wait for you | Vampire Maman
  13. ✽Anticipation is a Gift✽ | mët•aRVhëë•n✪ia
  14. Waiting… | The Rider
  15. Excited kitty | Never Stationary
  16. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  17. Speak Through Your Heart and Your Mind Will Follow
  18. This Moment – Waiting For Ivy « Behind the Willows
  19. Until Then [Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time] | unknowinglee
  20. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  21. “Waiting” | Relax
  22. Does Pie And Milk Speed-Up Time? How I Got There In A Flash (short fiction) | The Jittery Goat
  23. Waiting | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  24. Wait | Conversations
  25. Staying in Focus: Daily Prompt: Anticipation | Staying in Focus
  26. Pain Of Anticipation | Life Confusions
  27. Giddy with excitement? Giddy? Really? Giddy? « RPMAS
  28. Daily Prompt : Waiting | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  29. One way of unbending time | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  30. Waiting from afar | Now Have At It!
  31. WAITING | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  32. A Second Chance….(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  33. Pain Of Anticipation | My Blog free thoughts
  34. Shiver With … | Tony’s Texts
  35. Time Will Return to Normal: Daily Prompt – September 27, 2013 | it writes itself
  36. Waiting Is Hard | Flowers and Breezes
  37. A waiter’s perception of time: | Rob’s Surf Report
  38. Giddy with Excitement – Daily Prompt | The Mercenary Researcher
  39. A bend in time | Shelley Wilson
  40. For the record | The verbal hedge
  41. We all know the story | JC Bride ~
  42. Affecting the Passage of Time | Nerdy Woman
  43. Waiting For Mama… | Haiku By Ku
  44. Who is the boss | crookedeyebrows
  45. Relaxing in a hurry | Le Drake Noir
  46. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | iChristian
  47. I Will Wait For You | Here’s My Heart & Here’s My Mouth
  48. This bloody waiting game is exhausting my patience! | Hunted2Hunter
  49. Passing time… | cagedbutterfly1
  50. Anticipation…And The Night They Shot J.R. | The Political and Social Chaos Blog
  51. Words. | Crossroads
  52. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | lifebeinggirly
  53. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | My Atheist Blog
  54. She Watches and Waits… | An Upturned Soul
  55. Anticipation | Real Life Co.
  56. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time Saves Nine | SERENDIPITY
  57. A Bend In Time | Random Thoughts Of A Mad Music Fan
  58. To You. | Finicky Philly
  59. Waiting | Northwest Frame of Mind
  60. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time – For Photography and Weekly Challenge
  61. My Perception of Time | djgarcia94
  62. Antici…pation! | A Day in the Life
  63. Before the Train Comes | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  64. ◕The Waiting Station◕ | The RunningFather Blog
  65. Daily Prompt: Anticipation | Winding Road
  66. Juliette, Juliette, Wherefore Art Thou Juliette – Daily Prompt: Waiting,  Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge: Desire, and Feathers on Friday | Babsje Heron
  67. Speed up, slow down | Neva Samaki
  68. Rain rain come again | The Otter in my Jotter
  69. Waiting for disaster | All work and quite a lot of play
  70. The Apocalypse that Never Was… | The Arkside of Thought
  71. One Starving Activist
  72. on waiting – time is | y
  73. A Bend In Time | Crow Arrow, Inc.
  74. you have a theory | y
  75. A Bend in Time | The Silver Leaf Journal
  76. Bonnie & Clyde | gabrielleablackwell
  77. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | The Daily Post | Nanaimo Artist Way
  78. On Waiting… | soletusknow
  79. The Wooden Mariners’ Anticipation | Kayaking 101 and other Gorgeous Paddles
  80. My Book! I Want my BOOK! | It’s a Fine Line
  81. Idiosyncratic Idioms – Daily Prompt | Warm Welcomes
  82. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Sylvia’s Life and Style
  83. Got Game? | CurTales
  84. Daily Prompt: A Bend In Time. | her name was cassandra
  85. Standing In A Moment | Wiley’s Wisdom
  86. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | The Daily Post « The Blogging Path
  87. Daily post: Bending time with a flick of the mind | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  88. The Conundrum | Raisin Ration
  89. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Moments Thru Lens
  90. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | From Slacker To Scribe

Daily Prompt: 2100

The language of the future: what will it be like? Write an experimental post using some imagined vocabulary — abbreviations, slang, new terms.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FUTURE.

Close-up Station clock Solothurn

‘old on, I don’t ‘ave to imagine any noo language or vocab, it’s ‘ere already. Just take a walk on the street and open up your ‘earoles. No real kid speaks the queen’s fing anymore. They can’t even rite it. Just stick your nose in this fb fing, it’s all done wiv letters and numbers, words ‘ve kicked it. Oo needs em, just a waste of computer space if you ask me, but don’t ask me cause I’m one of those gruftis, like old and not wiv it.

I’m speakting 2 U all by the way. Where I live, like we ‘av a lot of languages all mixed up. I ‘eard a gal talking once to ‘er mates in a shop about wot to buy. Nah it was all in Schwiizer tütsch, u ig bi sicher das dir das nit verstah. Anyhow she said wot abaht äpfelküche, ‚cos she wanted to know if she fancied like an apple pie. The girl turned round like and said, oh yeah, mi piace äpfelkküche git it. Wot she said was “Yes, I like apple pie”, the trubble being that ‘er mum and dad, ‘er grufties, came from I tie land, like Italy, and so she spoke a bit of everyfing altogether: a real mischmasch. Now we ‘ave a lot of those secondo types in Switzerland, speaking all the languages mixed up, so that’s the way it comes out. A bit of Schwiizertütsch u e bit of italianski, wotever.

I have been cutting me brain in a few bits and pieces since living in this multi culti place. I ain’t ‘ad it eesy, specially cos me own lingo is sort of English, you know, cockney. Get the gist of that, in my brain it was all cockney wiv no aches and I ainn’t got nuffing, like I’ave got somefing, but we do it all wiv two no’s wot make a yes, work that one out. So one way or the ovver fings got a bit complicated. I did a few years Ben Sherman in England, but it weren’t that way when I got to Schwiez, where they all speak a bit ov everyfing. A bit of Itie, a bit of Ben Sherman, a bit of frog (not being nasty, but they call us the roast beef). There I was stuck in the middle of everyfing, but I was in Zürich so it was the old Ben Sherman schwiizer tütsch wot made it a bit easy. Nah if I ‘ad landed somewhere in the middle, like in the röschti graben, it would ‘ave been a real eliot ness wouldn’t it. I would ‘av ben parleying a bit of frog, and a bit of Ben Sherman schwiizer tütsch and that would ‘ave been a right pickle.

Me old man parleys a bit of everyfing, but ‘e likes ‘is old Ben Sherman wiv the gruetzis and mercis and ciaous. A rite old mix-up that is. ‘E can parley a bit of the old anglo as well fank gawd but not like I do. Ain’t everyone a cockney, but this is all abaht wot ‘appens in the future ain’t it. Not that I fink it will all be cockny, it will probably be all that leetspeak or whatever. Nah ‘ow can you replace I luv you with 459. Don’t sound very romantic does it, whispering the magic numbers 459 in the earole of your mate. But then you can always add a ❤ and I ain’t found out wot that means yet either.

I fink I’ve dun enuf damage for today. It might not be the language of the future, but I fink if you fall asleep today and do the wakey wakey in 2100, you ain’t gonna understand ‘alf of wot they are talking abaht, let alone all those text fings going on in the Face bookie side. Someow I ‘ave a feeling that even the youngsters ain’t going to understand each ovver either, specially if they ‘ave forgotten wot a word looks like, with letters and all the trimmings.

I nah ‘ave only one fing to say to you all see ya 2morro

If ya want a translation like normal, then I ain’t doing it – ask Wikipedia or Bill Gates, they seem to know it all.

Daily Prompt: 2100

Newspeak Pingbacks

  1. I am my mother’s wild future | shame
  2. 2100 | Geek Ergo Sum
  3. Thoughts on Blogging | We Live In A Flat
  4. Slang? No, Thank you! | Life Confusions
  5. Daily Prompt: 2100 « Mama Bear Musings
  6. Werd… [Daily Prompt: 2100] | unknowinglee
  7. •• SDMO: Art House •• | mët•aRVhëë•n✪ia
  8. An Interview With William Shakespeare | The Jittery Goat
  9. Daily Prompt: 2100 The language of the future | littlegirlstory
  10. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  11. Fandipdopdabulous! | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  12. Allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. Lol. Jk. | sayanything
  13. Daily Prompt: 2100 Language of the Future | Photos and writings
  14. Bacon Nation | My OCD Diaries
  15. Enter, Eccentrica Gallumbits… | alienorajt
  16. I Have Seen The Future | Just Visiting This Planet
  17. K. Ttyl. | Crossroads
  18. Daily Prompt: 2100 is a # away | Pooja calling
  19. The Life of i | JC Bride ~
  20. Not down with slang | Motherhood and Beyond
  21. S. Thomas Summers | Daily Prompt: Future
  22. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Future Verse | mattsden101
  23. Can I really imagine the language of the future? | Rob’s Surf Report
  24. A future of hairballs | Purple Rosemary
  25. Daily Prompt: 2100 Globish | gabrielleablackwell
  26. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Steve Says….
  27. Daily Prompt : 2100 | Travelandfoodworldwide
  28. “Future” | Relax
  29. Let’s talk, no matter how | Life is great
  30. Hold onto your hats kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride! | Girlie Groove
  31. …and new forms conquered the old, Joshua Tree | The RunningFather Blog
  32. The Future Beyond 2100…(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  33. Instantané : Future | Icezine
  34. One Starving Activist
  35. Daily Prompt: Twenny Wun Hunnid | My Atheist Blog
  36. 2100 | The Nameless One
  37. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Jasper Smits
  38. ie iou ooa (Life without consonants) | The Otter in my Jotter
  39. Who are you? I’m 143392|||||/\_|||||#6672, of course. | thoughtsofrkh
  40. Uphirst this Pollocks! | Standing Ovation, Seated
  41. Daily Prompt: 2100 | To Breathe is to Write
  42. Y u wanna kno dis | crookedeyebrows
  43. Daily Prompt 2100: Running to the future | The Land Slide Photography
  44. What do prithee and probably have in common? | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  45. What if the language of the future is unspoken? | Okay, what if ?
  46. Future Glory |
  47. No Change In 2100 | Flowers and Breezes
  48. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  49. The Future of Arguing with Henry Longfellow, Brought to You by Star Trek | The Arkside of Thought
  50. If I Live To Be 111 | Along Life’s Road
  51. Nah, Me Speeka Da Engrish… | Mrs. All Screwed Up
  52. Daily post: Language 2100? Don’t want to know | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  53. Puffknuckle | Godrick Gnomish
  54. 2010 Peer to Peer Communication | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More

Blogger Creative Challenge 270: Steps

Steps to Tower, St. Urs Cathedral, Solothurn

Magda knocked softly on the door and entered. Father Jonas was sitting in his chair looking out of the window, watching the road works taking place in front of his church. It was no longer his church. He was approaching his 100th birthday and his stool had long been in the hands of Father Joseph, who was nearing his 70th anniversary. How time flies.

“Come in Magda” Father Jonas called

“I have brought you your supper: a lovely chicken soup and freshly baked bread from the housekeeper.

“Wonderful. Is there something else Magda?”. Father Jonas noticed the twitch in Magda’s face, which always seemed to develop when she was excited.

“The workmen found something strange when they were digging Father and the housekeeper said I should show it to you.”

“Don’t be timid Magda, what is it you have?”

And Magda opened her hand showing an oval pendant hanging on a black velvet ribbon. The photo of a young lady with piercing eyes, dressed in black,. The ribbon was dusty, worn with the years.

“Morticia!” he exclaimed. “It is Morticia.”

“You mean the lady that was the cleaner in the church for many years, until she died mysteriously many years ago. I never knew her, but there are all sorts of stories told in the town.”

“Yes Magda, that was Morticia.”

“She has such strang”e eyes, although it might be the old photograph methods they had in those days. The housekeeper did not recognise her.”

“No, Magda, she wouldn’t. Morticia passed on many years before she entered into service at the vicarage. It was a strange story and I think most of us would prefer to forget what happened.

Thank you for the food Magda, you may go.”

Magda realised that Father Jonas no longer wished to talk about the pendant. He took it in his hand and regarded it closely as she left the room.

He remembered well what happened, although he would have preferred that it had not happened. A forgotten episode in the life of a young catholic priest, but he had sinned and served his sentence many times over through his thoughts.

Morticia was a wild thing, one of the village children that had no parents. An unknown father and a mother that suffered at the hands of the gin bottle. He had given her work as a serving girl. He was still learning and not yet dedicated himself to the church. He noticed how she watched him when she served the meals, or when he crossed her path while she was cleaning the pews and stairs in the church. He found her attractive, with her green piercing eyes, a mysterious beauty she was.

One evening he had retired to his room and there was a knock on the door. It was Morticia.

”I have brought you something to drink Father” she said.

Father Jonas could feel her breath on him as she drew closer. She was wearing a thin cotton dress, her contours pressing through the almost transparent material. She touched him on the hand, just slightly, as she gave him the cup with the liquid. He was a young man, dedicated to the church, but his feelings were human. She was willing, more than willing, reflecting on the situation he now realises it was planned. She was infatuated by him, wanting him and he gave in. He was only human.

When he awoke the next morning she was no longer laying at his side, just her perfume and sweat lay in the air, as a reminder.

“What to do, what to do” were the questions bothering him. He was to be a priest, to be ordained and he had given in to the female flesh. This was wrong. He decided to see his superior and confess. He could not live with this sin.

A surprise awaited him. He was told that he should forget this sin, forget the girl. She would be sent away and there was to be no further talk about this matter. Oh little did Father Jonas realise that he was not the only human to be tempted by this woman.

The next evening there was a soft knock on the door. Father Jonas opened it only a crack and there she was again. He wanted to shut the door, but her foot was blocking the way. He told her to leave.

“No, never” she said. You have taken my honour.”

Father Jonas pushed her away and closed the door.

He saw her again the next morning, but would never forget the look in her eyes, there was definitely something evil about the girl.

She was cleaning the steps one after the other until she reached the top. She walked further until she was poised on the platform surrounding the spire of the church and there she disappeared from view. She had never been seen again. Many stories were told. She was seen with a travelling circus, she worked in a brothel in a near bye town, she had become a nun. Father Jonas knew this was not true. She had walked upwards, perhaps hoping to reach heaven, never to be seen again. How did Father Jonas know where she went?

That evening Father Jonas took his last breath with the pendant clutched in his hand. The next morning the workmen uncovered a female skeleton near to where they had discovered the pendant.

Click here for more

Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times

You receive some wonderful, improbable, hoped-for good news. How do you celebrate?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CELEBRATION.

Dad's birthday cake

Yesterday was my dad’s 98th birthday. I took this photo on his 90th birthday when I was in London. My girlfriend organised the cake with his photo, just wonderful. We had a meal in the evening at a restaurant with some family friends and his late girlfriend, who has died in the meanwhile. She was two years older than my dad: an occasion to preserve on a photo and never to forget.

Otherwise celebrations are not my thing. Something spontaneous, a sudden idea is good, but I find that planned events can easily not be as planned as they should be. At the last moment Fred has to go to a funeral, Lil has to go into hospital and Jack and Vera suddenly were on holiday somewhere. Perhaps they never wanted to come; perhaps they really could not come. Over the years I avoid planned celebrations where possible.

Of course, if by some strange misguided option I would write a book that would become a success and establish my name in the hall of author fame, I might organise a book launching party, inviting my wonderful WordPress fan club that have supported me through thick and thin reading my wonder blog (for lack of something else to do), and passing a comment to show I have been there, seen it and done that. Of course this triumph must be accompanied by a substantial financial reward, that I can afford to charter the plane from the States, necessary for my friends across the pond. I would have to organise a hotel and make sure everyone is comfortable, especially the animal writers who also blog (I am thinking here about Wiley the most wonderful animal blogger I know).

My felines would also be invited. They would have their own place for the celebrations. Just the three of them: Nera the boss, Tabby the assistant and Fluffy the apprentice. Felines are not such social specimens of life, they prefer to remain solo and eat all the food themselves. The word “sharing” does not exist in Meow; one of the reasons that only dog parks exist and not feline parks. A feline park would probably resemble an arena in ancient Rome, where only the lucky survived.  Felines do not play; they fight, generally for territorial rights. If a female-male connection should occur, even this does not go smoothly over the stage. She is not keen, he is and when eventually a union occurs, she gives out a yell, swipes a claw over the partner and then looks around for the next victim. Yes love in the feline world is more trial and error, but if you do not succeed the first time, they try, try again.

I am drifting off the track. So, being a miserable selfish cow, I think my celebration will be minimalized and only take place when I want it to. I am happy otherwise in my own little golden oldie world. No excitements, danger of heart attack, and no dancing or singing. After being a working woman for 35 years and bringing up 4 children into the bargain, I am now reaping the rewards of retirement.

I would probably make an exception if Mr. Swiss and his jazzer friends organise a jam session in a local restaurant. I have been to a few celebrations and they are fun: meeting old friends, listening to good local jazz and eating as an accompaniment. You need no basic reason for such a celebration, although it might be combined with a birthday. It just happens.

Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good times

Celebrating Pingbacks

  1. Jumble | Conversations
  2. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times
  3. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times « Mama Bear Musings
  4. A Simple Celebration | Sogna Grandezza
  5. Side of the other side | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  6. Bring Home the Cake | Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | likereadingontrains
  7. Celebrate Good Times | Geek Ergo Sum
  8. Grapes (celebration) | photo potpourri
  9. Good News? Celebrate? « RPMAS
  10. Food and celebration | We Live In A Flat
  11. Not A Chance | Tony’s Texts
  12. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | Learnt Today
  13. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | littlegirlstory
  14. Celebrate Slowly | The Ambitious Drifter
  15. Life Confusions
  16. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  17. Great News! [Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times] | unknowinglee
  18. Celebrate Good Times…How appropriate really…drum roll please: this will be 400! | thoughtsofrkh
  19. open mouth change foot | wannabepoet
  20. Celebrate Good Times | ??Journey or destination??
  21. A Celebration of Sorts | Just Visiting This Planet
  22. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times – Le Chaim! | SERENDIPITY
  23. SoundEagle in Best Moment Award from Moment Matters | SoundEagle
  24. If You Get Published, Celebrate Like Steinbeck (short fiction) | The Jittery Goat
  25. This calls for celebration 😀 | gypsy thoughts ..
  26. The Conundrum | Eagle Course
  27. How to Really Celebrate Good News | gorgeous little thieves
  28. Quotations | crookedeyebrows
  29. Metamorphosis | JC Bride ~
  30. Celebration | Lost in Adeline’s
  31. Celebrate Good Times | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  32. You have won the Booker Prize! | alienorajt
  33. Celebration! | Notes to Honor Good
  34. Wave the flags | The verbal hedge
  35. The Final Twelve: Day 7 “Time Spent With Family is Time Well Spent” | Onward and Upward
  36. I earned it | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  37. Dear Mary, | Mind of a Mouse
  38. Creation Fest Celebration | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  39. Pepperoni Pizza Bites And Eggs In Purgatory | Anchors Aweigh
  40. A reason to rejoice, Joshua Tree | The RunningFather Blog
  41. Cheers to life! | lifebeinggirly
  42. A silent prayer | Life is great
  43. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | Steve Says….
  44. Farewell Party | Daily Observations
  45. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | as i was saying…
  46. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times♥♥♥ | ~~Good~talk~with~Yen-Yen~~
  47. How we choose to celebrate | tornin2’s Blog
  48. La Cucaracha | A Day in the Life
  49. Celebration | Flowers and Breezes
  50. Celebrate Good Times, Come On! | Being a Huntress
  51. Laying naked in a bed of cash | sayanything
  52. Celebrate All Things | Emotional Fitness
  53. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | My Atheist Blog
  54. Daily Prompt – Celebration | imexcited
  55. We’re going to eat pizza! | The Otter in my Jotter
  56. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | The Plexi Pixie
  57. Are the details of a celebration really post-worthy? | Rob’s Surf Report
  58. Celebrations | A mom’s blog
  59. Rejoice! | djgarcia94
  60. Daimonji Festival | Travel with Intent
  61. Celebrate Good Times | The Nameless One
  62. Spice it up, Jamie! | Neva Samaki
  63. Everyone, please clap for me | The Otter in my Jotter
  64. Focus – Celebration | Icezine
  65. happiness is… | Musings of a Random Mind
  66. imperfect perfection | Her Broken Nibs
  67. Celebrate Good Times | tjbarkerseattle
  68. Celebrate Good TImes | Going New Places!
  69. Daily Prompt Challenge | 2twistedforcolortv
  70. One Starving Activist
  71. Hello Grace | Wise Maiden
  72. Daily post: Celebrate? | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  73. A Tanka on Celebration, or Losing it Over Success | The Arkside of Thought
  74. writemybrainsout
  75. writemybrainsout
  76. A Photo is Worth a Thousand Words – Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | Babsje Heron
  77. Daily Prompt: Celebration | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  78. Today’s Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | cagedbutterfly1
  79. Daily Prompt; Celebrate Good Times | terry1954
  80. Daily Prompt: Celebrate Good Times | genieve celada | photography
  81. Kind of Unexpected | Kind of a Bum
  82. What do crowns, fashion shows and haircuts have in common? | Auburn hair Ginger tea
  83. Defeat | scribbleglitch

Daily Prompt: Standstill

For a moment today, time stands still — but you can tweak one thing while it’s stopped. What do you do?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us STILLNESS.


Today of all days, time stands still so I can tweak it a bit. Yes please, definitely, if only.

I was planning this morning whilst the remainder of my golden oldie sleep was hanging around, how to organise this wonderful day.

First of all I had a bathroom to clean. Not just the bath, but the whole inchilada. You know tiles, mirrors, doors, sinks and eventually the floor. No problem, just a matter of organisation and being fit. I am not so fit, but with my modern cleaning methods, I somehow conquer the work overload. I am not a cleaning freak, but have noticed that if you do something regularly, then you do not have to do it so intensively. After an hour it was done, in time for a fifteen minute recuperation in a horizontal position on the bed.

I then prepared lunch and after lunch had a golden oldie break, setting the alarm for a one hour sleep. I had to go to Tai Chi this afternoon. I took it all in the course of my day to day work routine.

Today is my father’s birthday, not just a birthday, today he is 98 years olds so part of my planned day was to call him with congratulations. He is at home in London and I am in Switzerland, so unfortunately I could not just call and give him a present and a happy birthday hug. We do it all by Skype telephone. I called him and after waiting a minute until he picked up the telephone, we did our congratulations. He can no longer move as fast as he used to. Sometimes I wish he would use his hearing aid when talking on the phone, but he says it does not work so well on the phone. The result is that I have a shouting match at my end and repeat everything at least three times until he hears me. He is as sharp as a pin, so there is no problem with the understanding. Up to now time could continue without a tweak.

The catastrophe occurred when I arrived home before I called my dad. No, not today, please not, but it was. Now I was ready for the time standing still to let me fit it all in. Today is our bi-annual rubbish collection day. Not the normal rubbish, but everything you have wanted to throw out for some time. The big stuff, bulky stuff, like furniture, carpets and garden rubbish and I had plans to make room and do it. How was I to clear it all out in the space of an hour, planning to call dad and of course fitting in a daily prompt somewhere? This would have been the opportunity, the saving tweak for my day. Stop the time and let me fit in an hour to shift it all outside. The photo shows our clearing out day about two years ago. It is not all my rubbish, some of it belongs to the neighbours, but a good part is was mine.

If I could have tweaked an extra hour, I would have done it. However, with my gift of multi-tasking, logistic planning and knowing what to grab, I grabbed, piled it on the trolley and wiping the sweat from my brow in between, managed to shift it all outside. There were two used cat litter trays, no longer needed, three plastic water cans from the garden, and innumerable earthenware flower pots that I have not used for at least five years and will never need again. I now have an empty shelf in my garden cupboard and in my washing room – oh joy.

After three or four journeys with the trolley to and fro it was done: If only today had twenty-five hours. We still have a carpet, a nice Afghan one, that we no longer need, but we decided to keep it; you never know. We can always throw it out in spring when we have the next collection. Generally on this day most of the rubbish disappears before the rubbish men arrive. You see some foreign immigrants driving around in trucks and taking what they can use – who cares? Gone is gone. Sometimes one of the wives will sit on a discarded sofa, chair, or cupboard until her husband arrives with the van to take it away: to make sure that no-one else takes it. There have even been fights over various articles.

As I could not tweak in real life, only in WordPress life, I had to fit this extra hour of work in somewhere between a Tai Chi Lesson and a call to my dad, but I did it. It is now approaching tea time. I am sitting on the patio typing this epic work of hit suspicious blog. I will now quickly do a spelling check, a save under and a cross posting to my Facebook and Blogger site and I have proven that it is possible to fit an extra hour into a day. And now I will have a relaxing golden oldie thirty minutes – hope I do not fall asleep and miss anything.

Daily Prompt: Standstill

Standstill Pingbacks

  1. Tomorrow | shame
  2. Donna has the doggy zoomies | We Live In A Flat
  3. The Calm Before The Storm | The Magic Black Book
  4. My Yahoo! Updated but I can’t switch back if it’s not for me | DCMontreal
  5. All sort of radio signals piercing human body | Inside My Glitching Mind
  6. Daily Prompts – Stand Still | Lux
  7. Waters with a Taste of Mountains. | The Life NomadikThe Life Nomadik
  8. Daily Prompt: Stillness | Charles Ray’s Ramblings
  9. A Hat Full Of Light. | The Ambitious Drifter
  10. Daily Prompt: Standstill « Mama Bear Musings
  11. 12 April 1982: Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  12. White Pine (Stillness) | photo potpourri
  13. The stillness is here. The silence is ringing in my ears. | mostlytrueramblings
  14. Wibble Wobble Timey Wimey stuff « RPMAS
  15. Stillness | Motherhood and Beyond
  16. Daily Prompt: Standstill 24|9 | Family, Photos, Food & Craft
  17. When I Think of 2… | gorgeous little thieves
  18. ✾⌚-if time stood still-⌚✾ | mët•aRVhëë•n✪ia
  19. I Wish I Were… | Hotel Goddess
  20. Barefoot In The Park | Just Visiting This Planet
  21. Standstill | Kate Murray
  22. Daily prompt: Stillness | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  23. Chad Ties-Up Time (short fiction) | The Jittery Goat
  24. Escape [Daily Prompt: Standstill] | unknowinglee
  25. Stillness | Travel with Intent
  26. Stillness | The Rider
  27. Daily Prompt; Standstill | terry1954
  28. Standstill | It’s My Box
  29. Daily Prompt: Standstill, stay alive | littlegirlstory
  30. Kids Ears Clogged? | Parents Are People Too
  31. Daily Prompt: Standstill – A Deep Stillness | SERENDIPITY
  32. One Tiny Change | Tony’s Texts
  33. Before The Storm Breaks | Flowers and Breezes
  34. Freeze Frame | Cowgirl Up!
  35. In the still of the night | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  36. “Stillness” | Relax
  37. I Miss Home | Eikons
  38. In the future, don’t stash your freeze ray with me | sayanything
  39. Time Stands Still | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  40. Bloom and Wither | The Gallas Daily News
  41. Standstill. | A Ripple In Culture
  42. Daily Prompt – Short story: Standstill | I Hope You’re Taking Notes
  43. Stillness | Lori’s Life and Other Stuff
  44. Stand Still, O Beautiful End | crookedeyebrows
  45. Still… | Haiku By Ku
  46. S. Thomas Summers | Daily Prompt: Stand Still
  47. Stillness, Joshua Tree | The RunningFather Blog
  48. Still standing | Le Drake Noir
  49. A nice chat | Life is great
  50. It’s a Pterodactyl! – Daily Prompt: Time Stands Still, Sunday Stills and Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Animal’s | Babsje Heron
  51. Standstill | The Nameless One
  52. To Tweak or Not to Tweak: That is the Question | Iam Who Iam
  53. Daily Prompt: Standstill | Jasper Smits
  54. A Moment of Peace | the curious traveler
  55. Stillness is Wasting time | ayimas
  56. Daily Post: Stillness | Finding Magic
  57. Stillness | Chatoyancy Underground
  58. One Last Salam | mardmood
  59. road curves | Her Broken Nibs
  60. Daily Prompt: Standstill | Let There be Peace on Earth
  61. Stillness | Daily Observations
  62. Daily Prompt: Standstill | The Land Slide Photography
  63. I don’t like Tuesdays, but if I had to have a slightly longer one… | thoughtsofrkh
  64. Time Is Just An Illusion! | The Political and Social Chaos Blog
  65. The Tweak Fairy | JC Bride ~
  66. One Starving Activist
  67. Daily Prompt: Sit Stay! The Gift of Stillness | Slam on the Brakes, Pull Over, Take the Picture
  68. Bye bye Bashar | djgarcia94
  69. The Otter in my Jotter
  70. If time stands still. | prettypinkpebbles
  71. Daily Prompt- Stand Still | jansideas
  72. NOBODY MOVE! ~ I’ve Dropped Me Brain… | Random Thoughts Of A Mad Music Fan
  73. The loud Silence | tokʞaali’s blog/site/ɹǝʌǝʇɐɥʍ
  74. When Time Stopped #microfiction #amwriting | Moondustwriter’s Blog
  75. A Perfect Moment in Time? | Bright Tuesday
  76. Daily Prompt // stillness | simplylifestuff
  77. Stillness | Mareship
  78. Duncan’s Monthly Special! #1 | Neva Samaki
  79. Gulliver’s Democracy: Fragments of Democracy in a World in Fragments… | vicbriggs’s Blog
  80. Daily Post: The Calm before the Glider’s Fate | Nicki
  81. Could I really function in split time? | Rob’s Surf Report
  82. Standstill | Danny James
  83. What Would You Do with Your One Moment? | melanielynngriffin
  84. Stillness | The Silver Leaf Journal
  85. WD Prompt: The Never-Ending Dream | The State of the Mind in a Dream
  86. Daily Prompt: Standstill | Around and About The Pacific Northwest
  87. The Cancellation | iBelieve
  88. Time Stands Still | smilingbug
  89. Daily Prompt Challenge – Stillness | soletusknow
  90. Supporting the filibuster on the floor of the Senate re defunding of Obamacare | Chasing Rabbit Holes
  91. Daily Prompt: Standstill | lifebeinggirly
  92. Not More Time Travel | tuckedintoacorner
  93. DP Poem: Be Still | ChristianBlessings
  94. The Obsessed List
  95. Daily Prompt: Stillness & Blogger Pedantry | The Inquisitive Feline
  96. Stillness in green | See Diving
  97. Stillness | momasteblog
  98. Daily Prompt: Standstill | Edge of the Forest
  99. Time and Tide.. | The Lesser Canine
  100. What if time stands still? | Okay, what if ?
  101. Daily Prompt: Standstill | GG’s World
  102. Daily Prompt: Standstill | Tiz A Pic A Day
  103. DP: Stillness | As I See It
  104. The Action of Stillness: Still Life | Thinking Through My Lens
  105. Rusty: Holding Still | Walk With Me
  106. When Time Stands Still, I’m Trumping Trump | The Arkside of Thought
  107. Daily post: Standstill | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  108. Daily Prompt: Standstill | Overcoming Bloglessness
  109. Pogo | Fields to Run
  110. Wordless Wednesday | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  111. Standstill | scribbleglitch
  112. Highway Flowers

Emergency – Nera Feline to the Vets

Nera's injured paw - two toes broken

This is a Nera paw. I am not sure if this is THE paw I am talking about, but this morning after her early walk in her territory, she returned with a definite limp in her link front leg. She was holding her paw in the air and limping along using the three legs that were still working.

I was in the middle of cleaning, but dropped everything ready to call the vet. She had not had a fight with the ginger tom next door. I suspected a wasp sting, but Mr. Swiss said it is too early in the morning for wasps. Slowly her limp was accompanied by a whining meow, so things were becoming urgent. The next stage is hiding, but as we left her in peace, she did not hide and eventually fell asleep on her nice red wool cover on the leather settee. She prefers luxury, is not a nomal alley cat, although her origins are doubtful.

We decided to wait until she was awake and rejudge the situation. She was still limping so I phoned the vet. The vet said bring her along in the afternoon. Mr. Swiss took her to the vet and returned without Nera. I was already imaging a broken leg, she has already been there and done that. No, he said, they need time for a proper examination. Nera was throwing her usual diva fits at the vet, so it was decided the examination would take place under anaesthetic. Mr. Swiss was told to fetch her an hour later.

When he returned with Nera she was still sleeping off the effects of the examination. She was in a feline Nirvana condition, so we left her to sleep out the effects. The result of the examination was two ingrown claws. They had grown so long that the were growing into he paw. Poor Nera, but she survived. She is still sleeping off the effects. Now and again she takes a few steps, sits, collapses where she is, and again falls asleep. At least we will have a quiet evening this evening.