Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time

When you’re giddy with excitement, does time speed up? Slow down? Tell us about the experience of anticipation.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us WAITING.

Waiting for the train Solothurn station

Waiting for the train, perhaps with excitement that a dear friend is arriving, someone you have not seen for some time. You might be departing for the airport, taking a long wanted holiday or just a shopping trip in another town. Under the worst circumstances, the train will take you to your work place. Or course it might be that you have killed someone and are using the train to escape.

A Bend in Time: yes, with time my back seems to have acquired a permanent bend.  Me? I am cool these days. When I was a kid I could not wait until the visitors arrived, especially if they were bringing someone of my age. Christmas seemed to take a long while to arrive : a family party on Christmas Day meeting my cousins, aunts and uncles and having a good time. There was plenty to drink, to eat and of course the presents. The supreme hit was no-one really remained sober, although come to think of it they were all approaching golden oldie age.

I could not wait to get rid of my two bumps which eventually arrived in the shape of two sons in due course, wondering what sort they would be, the colour of their eyes (ok they all have blue eyes when born), and if they have hair, will it be curly or straight?

The years pass by, working years, cooking years, and housekeeping years:  there is always something to do. Of course looking forward to events is still there but the day eventually arrives that you have looked forward to all your (working) life; the day when you do not have to arise in the morning to arrive in the office. The day when you can at last do what you want to do and not what you have to do, known as retirement. You even get paid for it, the problem being that apart from the usual cost of living, what do you want to spend it on? New clothes are ok, but mine go now more in the direction of jeans (short or long according to season), t-shirts and sneakers. High heels, skirts, costumes – forget it. Perhaps once a year for a celebration of something, otherwise practical shopping gear. Your parading days in the office are finished. And one rule: never visit the office after you are retired. No-one really wants you there, you have done your deed and now someone else is sitting at your desk. You now belong to yesterday; the tomorrows belong to those that are glad to see you are no longer there.

I survived and I have arrived in the happy retirement grounds. Even survival is something to be thankful for. I drove to and fro to work every week day and with my perfect knowledge of the roads and car, it is not so natural that I came through it all. I could have caught some sort of dreaded modern disease, such as chicken ‘flu, been the victim of a bank robbery.

I am now a golden oldie and I can do what I want, but where is the excitement? What am I waiting for (except for my Pulitzer/Nobel/Man Booker prize for blog of the year). I am waiting for the Daily Prompt from WordPress which more or less arrives every day at 14.00 hours. Admittedly I am then taking my midday retired sleep, but all the more a surprise when I arise, fit up my computer, switch it on and see the task of the day. I do not get excited about it, just take it in my stride.

Today is Friday so I might clean the shower this afternoon: just a matter of an hour. No, I do not become excited about cleaning the shower, but just a little excited knowing that when it is done I do not clean it again for another week.

In olden grey haired days, when your joints do not move with the supple lubrication they had ten years ago, when your daily routines consist of taking the right tablets at the right moment, time passes at a supersonic speed. I think you can compare it with a Formula 1 race, but no-one really wins. You are even too exhausted to savour the rewards. The only anticipation today is waiting for the result of a doctor examination, knowing whether you should start thinking about writing your testament today or tomorrow.

My father reached his 98th birthday this week. I can still remember visiting him and my mother in England with Mr. Swiss and the kids. We would make a sightseeing trip around London, go shopping, have a meal somewhere in the West End and there would be perhaps a family gathering. It is as if it all happened yesterday, but it was many years ago. My mother passed on, my father can no longer walk so well.

I no longer look forward with excitement to anything or cannot wait until something happens. I just take it easy, little steps at a time. Of course there are various things I look forward to, but to be quite honest, growing old is not something fantastic. I have often heard golden oldies say if they only knew what they knew now when they were twenty or thirty years younger and I have joined the club. Life would be so much easier.

Not wanting to end this blog on such a dark and dismal note, I hope to be going to London next month for a week to see my dad, all going well. You can all look forwards to not reading my blogs for a week while I am away. You will be warned in due time. My three felines have now reached the golden oldie age of 11 and 12 years, being quite ancient in human years, but it does not seem to bother them. They sleep twenty-three hours a day and spend the 24th hour searching for a place to sleep. They are all eating well, throw up a hairball in between to show that their reactions are still 100%, and even have a hissing session now and again. The only thing they look forward to and cannot wait, is a plate of tuna fish on Wednesday and Sunday evening.

Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time

Bending Pingbacks

  1. Spinning dust | shame
  2. The Bend In Time | Cofundrum
  3. A bend in time | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. A bend in time | Travelandfoodworldwide
  5. 10 Things I’m Still Waiting For | Just Visiting This Planet
  6. The Art of Waiting | A Teacher’s Blog from Land’s End
  7. The Enthralling Passing of Time | Sogna Grandezza
  8. Its the wait. | gypsy thoughts ..
  9. Waiting… It’s a Dog’s Life! | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  10. Daily Prompt: Waiting – Quick Eyes and Finger | Eikons
  11. 184. Anticipation | Barely Right of Center
  12. I wait for you | Vampire Maman
  13. ✽Anticipation is a Gift✽ | mët•aRVhëë•n✪ia
  14. Waiting… | The Rider
  15. Excited kitty | Never Stationary
  16. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  17. Speak Through Your Heart and Your Mind Will Follow
  18. This Moment – Waiting For Ivy « Behind the Willows
  19. Until Then [Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time] | unknowinglee
  20. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  21. “Waiting” | Relax
  22. Does Pie And Milk Speed-Up Time? How I Got There In A Flash (short fiction) | The Jittery Goat
  23. Waiting | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  24. Wait | Conversations
  25. Staying in Focus: Daily Prompt: Anticipation | Staying in Focus
  26. Pain Of Anticipation | Life Confusions
  27. Giddy with excitement? Giddy? Really? Giddy? « RPMAS
  28. Daily Prompt : Waiting | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  29. One way of unbending time | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  30. Waiting from afar | Now Have At It!
  31. WAITING | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  32. A Second Chance….(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  33. Pain Of Anticipation | My Blog free thoughts
  34. Shiver With … | Tony’s Texts
  35. Time Will Return to Normal: Daily Prompt – September 27, 2013 | it writes itself
  36. Waiting Is Hard | Flowers and Breezes
  37. A waiter’s perception of time: | Rob’s Surf Report
  38. Giddy with Excitement – Daily Prompt | The Mercenary Researcher
  39. A bend in time | Shelley Wilson
  40. For the record | The verbal hedge
  41. We all know the story | JC Bride ~
  42. Affecting the Passage of Time | Nerdy Woman
  43. Waiting For Mama… | Haiku By Ku
  44. Who is the boss | crookedeyebrows
  45. Relaxing in a hurry | Le Drake Noir
  46. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | iChristian
  47. I Will Wait For You | Here’s My Heart & Here’s My Mouth
  48. This bloody waiting game is exhausting my patience! | Hunted2Hunter
  49. Passing time… | cagedbutterfly1
  50. Anticipation…And The Night They Shot J.R. | The Political and Social Chaos Blog
  51. Words. | Crossroads
  52. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | lifebeinggirly
  53. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | My Atheist Blog
  54. She Watches and Waits… | An Upturned Soul
  55. Anticipation | Real Life Co.
  56. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time Saves Nine | SERENDIPITY
  57. A Bend In Time | Random Thoughts Of A Mad Music Fan
  58. To You. | Finicky Philly
  59. Waiting | Northwest Frame of Mind
  60. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time – For Photography and Weekly Challenge
  61. My Perception of Time | djgarcia94
  62. Antici…pation! | A Day in the Life
  63. Before the Train Comes | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  64. ◕The Waiting Station◕ | The RunningFather Blog
  65. Daily Prompt: Anticipation | Winding Road
  66. Juliette, Juliette, Wherefore Art Thou Juliette – Daily Prompt: Waiting,  Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge: Desire, and Feathers on Friday | Babsje Heron
  67. Speed up, slow down | Neva Samaki
  68. Rain rain come again | The Otter in my Jotter
  69. Waiting for disaster | All work and quite a lot of play
  70. The Apocalypse that Never Was… | The Arkside of Thought
  71. One Starving Activist
  72. on waiting – time is | y
  73. A Bend In Time | Crow Arrow, Inc.
  74. you have a theory | y
  75. A Bend in Time | The Silver Leaf Journal
  76. Bonnie & Clyde | gabrielleablackwell
  77. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | The Daily Post | Nanaimo Artist Way
  78. On Waiting… | soletusknow
  79. The Wooden Mariners’ Anticipation | Kayaking 101 and other Gorgeous Paddles
  80. My Book! I Want my BOOK! | It’s a Fine Line
  81. Idiosyncratic Idioms – Daily Prompt | Warm Welcomes
  82. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Sylvia’s Life and Style
  83. Got Game? | CurTales
  84. Daily Prompt: A Bend In Time. | her name was cassandra
  85. Standing In A Moment | Wiley’s Wisdom
  86. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | The Daily Post « The Blogging Path
  87. Daily post: Bending time with a flick of the mind | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  88. The Conundrum | Raisin Ration
  89. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | Moments Thru Lens
  90. Daily Prompt: A Bend in Time | From Slacker To Scribe