Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day

In the comedy “Groundhog Day” Bill Murray experienced the same day again and again, stuck in a time loop until he got the day “right.” What day would you choose to repeat until you got it right? Do you think it’s ever possible to get life “right”?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us REPETITION.


The Sedum is blossoming in my garden, a wonderwork of repetition.

My life is a Groundhog Day since being free in the “things you have to do” world. I do not have to go to work to earn my living; I am too old, removed to the trash can of life. No-one needs me to do the job. I was replaced a week after I left, being told it was hard times  and we have to save.

But let us not be gloomy or despair in this new situation. I am now “free” arising  around 8.00 a.m. and eat breakfast, play with my computer, clean through my living quarters. Even the cleaning through operation is a repetitive job: but wait, not always. I have a plan. On some days particular attention will be paid to a certain room, a certain article (like a window), perhaps there might be an interruption to my routine. Mr. Swiss is missing, gone on a sojourn to a far place for a music rehearsal or “to see a man about a dog” (for those that do not know – a cockney expression). Even I might be forced to go in a different direction. The doctor needs me for a check-up, or I need him because I have again had a surprise accident. I may have a dentist appointment; I might even have a social meeting with someone for a coffee in town. Life is full of surprises.

Reflecting to my treadmill days of work, they were the groundhog days. They were the days when a process of repetition was instilled in my brain. Work started in the morning at the same time, on the way drop my son off to his workplace, lunchtime in the local supermarket restaurant, afterwards a logistical shopping trip, continue with work in the afternoon at the same time and finish at the same time. The day continues at home. Prepare an evening meal and eventually collapse into an armchair with a television for company, where you might, you most definitely will, fall asleep to awake with a shock realising it is already time to go to bed.

This prompt is really food for thought, writing this wonderwork of social science, I have now come to the conclusion that life is one big Groundhog Day. Today is Sunday, a day of rest – tell me about it. Food is not prepared on its own, and there is always something somewhere to be done. The Groundhog Sunday is born and that is not something that will change.

One thing I have in common with the Groundhog, I like to sleep. One thing I do not have in common with the Groundhog is that I sleep when I want to and not when I have to.

Those Groundhogs are everywhere, they even live in Switzerland. The name might be different and we do not dedicate a day to this animal, but they influence our daily life from the beginning to the end.

They need no day, they just exist. I can hear mummy groundhog thinking “time for a sleep” being glad that she can just relax for a whole season without having to do her groundhoggy chores, bearing children, feeding them, looking after them. Daddy groundhog is also glad that he doesn’t have the moaning and gossipy voice of the wife in his ears for a whole season. He does not have to go on a food hunt and find a mate until it is time to wake up. If he wakes up early enough he might catch a partner still half asleep and defenceless to his approaches. And so the groundhog cycle of life begins again.

I did not even find the film a comedy. It was just repetition all the time, and that is boring.

Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day

Repetitive Exercise: Click through Pingbacks

  1. Three Dogs | We Live In A Flat
  2. Daily Prompt: Repetition | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  3. Who are you to decide? God? | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  4. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Under the Monkey Tree
  5. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day « Mama Bear Musings
  6. Repetition | The Ambitious Drifter
  7. “Groundhog Day” | Relax
  8. Daily Prompt: Repetition « Vicariously Poetic
  9. No Shadow To Be Seen | Tony’s Texts
  10. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | littlegirlstory
  11. you only get one day, and one night | Maggie’s Stories
  12. Resolve, Repeat | a former clarity
  13. Hello, I’m being. | Upstairs Productions
  14. The Roads Not Traveled | Kingdom of Sharks
  15. Repetition | Cofundrum
  16. There Are No Do-Overs | The Jittery Goat
  17. Daily Prompt:Groundhog Day | Motherhood and Beyond
  18. Saturday Centus 176 Meets the Daily Prompt: Rewind | One Starving Activist
  19. Moving on. | ayimas
  20. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | I really just pretend to know stuff
  21. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | reyoflight
  22. Tock, Tick Tock | Brianne Writes
  23. Groundhog Day ((Daily Prompt)) | ♡ sarah ♡
  24. Quote: Repetition Enhances Precision | Wise Counsel
  25. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Alastair’s Blog
  26. Repetition | Her Broken Nibs
  27. A Flawless Miracle | Daily Observations
  28. “The end” | Life is great
  29. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | The Road to Published
  30. Try Repetition | Wise Counsel
  31. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Heron There & Everywhere
  32. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | BulgingButtons
  33. daily post – groundhog day | pork juice & paper towels
  34. What if I could get it right? | Okay, what if ?
  35. First, I’m Gonna Take Your Stick : Groundhog Day | thanks for letting me autograph your cat
  36. If I could change one thing… | Life & Times
  37. Daily Post: Two Bridge View | Slam on the Brakes, Pull Over, Take the Picture
  38. The Card | Everyday Adventures
  39. Daily Prompt: Do over and over and over? | SERENDIPITY
  40. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Alice’s Adventures in Reality
  41. Don’t talk to me about Groundhog Day. « RPMAS
  42. And so she walked out of my life forever. | On Gorgeousness
  43. Daily Prompt; Groundhog Day | terry1954
  44. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Basically Beyond Basic
  45. Daily Prompt: I Got You, Babe! | cinnwriterblog
  46. Groundhog Day | The Nameless One
  47. Learning through repetition. | A Girl with a Piano
  48. Farnsworth Says: Introduction and Repetition | azevedo’s reviews
  49. Driven: Groundhog Day – Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  50. My Groundhog Day | Resident Alien — Being Dutch in America
  51. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Not The Sword But The Pen
  52. …and Just Like That, Love is Gone | My Beautiful Breakdown
  53. Why Are You Special?||If I Could Repeat A Day… | Mind My Mind But…
  54. Just Us Now | The Novice Gardener
  55. S. Thomas Summers | The Importance of a Toy Box
  56. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  57. Ned Ryerson . . . BING! | meanderedwanderings
  58. Seen that. . . really? | marsowords
  59. Repetition’s Variation | See Diving
  60. Practice Makes Perfect? | Bright Tuesday
  61. Personal Challenge: Writing a Novel! | Polyprotic Amory
  62. Dwelling in a Garden of Rotting Vegetables (Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day) | Running with Reality
  63. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | My Atheist Blog
  64. Pinay New Yorker | Daily Prompt: Getting life right
  65. Daily Prompt:Groundhog Day | Danny James
  66. Daily Prompt: Groundhog Day | The Land Slide Photography
  67. The Day Forever Changed | Wiley’s Wisdom
  68. I’m No Perfectionist | djgarcia94
  69. Do Over | loveletterstoaghost
  70. WordPress Daily Prompt: Repetition. | Each Peach Pear Plum
  71. Believe, Do, Repeat | genusrosa

One of those little notes on the side from WordPress – They said make a Fan Page in Facebook

Sometimes WordPress have a good idea – I hope. I have been a Facebook disciple for many years. At the beginning I joined in every crap rubbish they had to offer. Was a disciple of a few time taking games until I saw the light and gave them up. I got my life back, and gave it to WordPress and my writing – still hoping for fame as a well-known author. However my 50 shades of Blog have not yet been recognised (emphasis on the yet).

Now word press have made a suggestion to form a Fan Club in Facebook of all places. Again what do I have to lose, it can only get better. Since yesterday I have this fan club and even have a few fans that have joined at their own risk, clicking the usual “like”: even a couple of family members.

WordPress said post the link here to let everyone know where you are (if they actually belong to Facebook). So here is the link


Some may think the wanderings of a golden oldie mind, others may even join me, although you will probably only find what is already in WordPress.

The main thing is, I have done it, a new achievement in my computer life and makes a change from playing a couple of idiot games on Facebook.