Daily Prompt: Sorry I’m Busy

Tell us about a time when you should have helped someone… but didn’t.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us DENIAL.


Today I feel like this little fellow. No energy, what shall I do, where shall I go? And WordPress asks to tell them about a time when I should have helped someone and didn’t. I am not in for a self-confessional today, I am just too tired. Blame it on the weather, raining all day with sunny bits in between, or just blame it on wanting a lazy Sunday. Actually there is nothing wrong, no cries of help from anywhere, just a little cry from me asking to let me do my own thing. My energy field has shrunk today, I am a piece of worthless no go.

I cleaned the place up this morning, remnants from a Saturday evening, although at my age I do not actually celebrate big parties any more or do anything active on Saturday, so the remnants were no big deal. The day went long ago for a Saturday night dance, or visit to the cinema or even munching chips and drinking cola all evening, leaving perhaps sticky places on the table or crumbs on the floor. Somehow the family took over, and I was glad to see them go and enjoy themselves on Saturday evening and leave me with a television programme where I usually fell asleep before the clock even thought about striking ten or eleven.

I cooked Sunday lunch this morning and no-one helped me. Why should they? Everyone has their own thing to do on Sunday morning. I am woman, I cook and clean and iron along with a few other bionic powers I have. I did not need help and neither did the others. After lunch I was tired and had my usual golden oldie sleep. From 1.30 p.m. until 3.30 p.m. Huh, now that is a long while to sleep during the day. I did not know what hit me. Admittedly I had a glance at my watch sometime in between, but just decided to carry on further with my beauty sleep.

I am now at my computer and writing this daily prompt, and I do not feel prompted in the least way. It is still raining outside; perhaps I stand under the influence of the weather? So let us return to the slug. Actually we call them homeless snails in German, as they are naked, without their portable house on their back. German can be a very basic language sometimes.

They are numerous when it rains and seem to consider my garden as a meeting place for their slimy and eating activities. They even seem to have their preferences for what they eat. Plant some marigolds or cucumber plants and they bring their knife and fork with them. Luckily roses do not seem to interest them neither does my apple tree, that is until the apples might fall on the ground. Then they have a party. I have to be careful I do not tread on one when walking across the lawn; they half bury themselves in the grass. Yesterday there was a slug needing help. I did not deny him help, but had to think it over. He had mistaken his safe zone for my kitchen, on the stone floor, just inside the door. Was he calling for help? Did I refuse his plea? I was forced to help this lonely mistaken slug to return to his rightful path as the last thing I wanted was a slug family making its home in the cat bowl where they have their vitamin pellets: another slug delicacy it seems. I have been known to pick them up, just like that, sticky as they are, and throw them into the nearby field. I am incapable of just dissolving them in salt, that would be third degree murder. No-one would really miss one less slug in the world.

I really do not think that anyone expected me to help this slug, but see WordPress, I did. I picked him up carefully, holding a piece of kitchen paper to cover his sticky body and returned him to the garden. He did not wave or even thank me. An unthankful slug you might think. I studied this helpless creature and he seemed to have sunk into a motionless state, something how I felt this morning, and even more so after my midday golden oldie sojourn. I was worried about this slug, he was almost dying in my hands. I returned to the kitchen, took a cup of water and revived him with the water. We all know that slugs love damp. Rain is their favourite weather. My slug moved on – another death avoided by kindness. And WordPress ask me to talk about when I denied help.

So I now have my choice. Should I be helping someone or not? At the moment I hear no cries of help, see no-one in distress and even my garden needs no care as it is raining. I could return to my state of sleep which would be most inviting at the moment. I think I will just take it easy and ignore any cries for help. I am in a mean mood today and am tired.

Daily Prompt: Sorry I’m busy

Ping backs for the busy

  1. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy – De Nile | DCMontreal
  2. Daily Prompt: Denial « Vicariously Poetic
  3. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. S. Thomas Summers | Deny, Deny, Deny
  5. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m too busy to help | storyofmylife1993
  6. Morrissey, Damien Dempsey and Men’s Liberation Day. | Janey Macken Street!
  7. the UNCATEGORISED | Daily Prompt: in denial about SUNDAYS | the TRASH BASH
  8. Am I really that unhelpful? | Rob’s Surf Report
  9. Naked Betrayal: Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  10. Fancy doing my homework? | Neva Samaki
  11. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m busy. | thecommonmap
  12. Daily Prompt: Sorry, Mummy’s Busy | littlegirlstory
  13. Sometimes Helping Is Not Helping | The Jittery Goat
  14. Denial: Daily Prompt | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  15. Just a few seconds « RPMAS
  16. The “Sorry…I’m Busy” Excuse | The Political and Social Chaos Blog
  17. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy « Mama Bear Musings
  18. To Help or Not to Help? That is (seriously) the Question. | Imagineer @ Work
  19. Waiting For the Light to Turn Green | Not a Punk Rocker
  20. It is not always wanted… | Hope* the happy hugger
  21. What The Flock? | Just Visiting This Planet
  22. Sorry, I’m Busy: This is What I’ve Been Doing | Khana’s Web
  23. Deal with it, Move on, Now go help. | Romelga writes
  24. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m busy | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  25. Denial | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  26. Sorry, I’m Busy Grooming | Anchors Aweigh
  27. Making Denial Imaginary | The Magic Black Book
  28. Sorry, I can’t help | Sue’s Trifles
  29. ‘Daily Prompt: Sorry I’m busy’ – here goes nothing … | Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Exactly? I don’t know.
  30. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | The Daily Post « The Blogging Path
  31. The Lurker’s List | When Sorry Is Just A Word
  32. Sorry, I’m busy | crookedeyebrows
  33. Denial | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  34. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  35. Until when I’ll say ‘Sorry, I’m busy’? | 3rdculturechildren
  36. Denial | Flowers and Breezes
  37. Last Conversation | Life is a Vacation
  38. What if I wasn’t a helpful guy? | Okay, what if ?
  39. Running ̊Son – Poems collection pt. 14 | The RunningFather Blog
  40. in the sorry aisle | y
  41. Sorry, I’m Busy | The Nameless One
  42. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | Steve Says….
  43. Sorry, I’m Busy | Testing the Strength I Have
  44. World’s Laziest Editor : Sorry, I’m Busy | thanks for letting me autograph your cat
  45. I’m not busy I’m scared | Life is great
  46. Sunday (Long) Runday Funday! (Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy.. running faster than you) | Running with Reality
  47. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | Ramblingsofahomeschoolmomma
  48. Denial | Better Than Reality
  49. Peep into my paper and hell shall befall upon you! (Mind you, I have a black tongue) | Expressions
  50. New Yorker’s Denial. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | Seize the Planet
  51. Stacks of Denial | loveletterstoaghost
  52. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | My Atheist Blog
  53. Mental Facepalm in Aisle 3 | NobsLyfe
  54. long lost relative found | Musings of a Random Mind
  55. Should’ve… But Didn’t | The Teen Theme
  56. I Made My Bed | Wiley’s Wisdom
  57. I’m Sorry I Was Busy | The Silver Leaf Journal
  58. hobbly wobbly | Her Broken Nibs
  59. Daily post: Sorry, I’m busy | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  60. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy | Running After Ale
  61. Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m busy. | lifebeinggirly
  62. Faces on the Road | Lady J’s Library – The Desk of Julia Dina Blackowicz
  63. Premonition #68 | nataliedisanto
  64. Sorry I’m Busy | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends