Daily Prompt: It can only get better


It can only get better. It is raining cats and dogs, although even my cat is refusing to go out, he does not like wet fur. So what do you do on a rainy afternoon when you cannot go out to play, not that I wanted to go out to play, I prefer taking a walk with my camera. I discovered I had forgotten an important item on the shopping list. Mr. Swiss bravely volunteered to fetch it this afternoon and in solidarity I said I would come with him. He said he would go alone, as it would be quicker and he wants to bake an apple flan this afternoon. My attempt at escape was foiled. I was not needed. I must admit I was not really sure whether I wanted to go shopping or would prefer staying at home watching the rain falling in front of the window.

So I am sitting at home watching the rain fall down and am still bored. I had an idea. I could show everyone my poinsettia.


I know, no big deal, although I braved my way into the rain to take the photo and it was very wet out there. The thing with this plant is that it gives me a spark of hope on a dismal rainy afternoon. We had a wonderful non-rainy Spring with warm weather and my poinsettia had survived Christmas and had new leaves. I built up hope for a nice plant during the Summer outside, and perhaps next Christmas I could encourage it to produce those nice red leaves at the top (although I think this one had pink leaves).  And so it was happy to be outside until that night the weather changed and we had frost.

It was a sudden attack and the leaves dwindled and fell – so much for the good idea. My plant was reduced to a mere collection of bare stalks. In the meanwhile the builders came, saw and conquered but they had sympathy for my poor dying poinsettia (although I was sure it was already dead) and move it to a safer place with no threats from building material or suffocating dust. Yesterday I dared to have a look, as the weather was now spring warmth, and saw that it had gone forth and produced new leaves. It can really only get better, and now it is happy to be out in the rain. I know it does not look like very much at the moment, but it is still a living thing and I have not yet given up.

In the meanwhile it is still raining – oh what a miserable day. Everything is so quiet outside, there is no-one to be seen, no action. I am alone with my computer and thoughts: no background music, just the dripping of the rain outside. Yes, definitely, it can only get better.

Mr. Swiss has just returned from the supermarket. It is the first time for a long while that he has visited the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon and most probably the last. In the meanwhile the supermarket have introdced shopping until 6.00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and no longer 4.00 pm. Due to this, the Swiss Family shoppers have turned the Saturday afternnons in a real family excursion. Mr. Swiss said “never again”. There were no parking spaces available and it was crowded. There were also few spaces to move in the supermarket. He managed to fight his way to the checkout and escaped with the spoils.


Yes, just a rainy afternoon and now he is busy with his apple flan.

Daily Prompt: It can only get better

Good Morning

Rainy Morning

It is raining, a dull day, but I am happy. There is always a silver lining somewhere. It is now week-end and week-ends are something I sort of pushed to one side when I became a retired golden oldie. Who needs them when every day is a week-end I thought. I have now realised that I belong to the privilidged few because not everyone gets a permaent week-end. I decided to take a photo to commorate the occasion of a peaceful two days of rest, where I will not be woken by the trampling of workers boots on the scaffolding and the sight of men handling drills and other such tools. They now have their well-earned week-end and we have two days of peace.

I now have time to study the development of the surroundings. The wild meadow is growing and the lilac tree is in full bloom. Mr. Swiss was outside taking a look at our mini estate and his first words when he returned were “A wonderful peace outside”.

Peony Bud

Despite the raindrops that kept falling on my head, I ventured further into the garden and saw that my peonies had buds. I planted them many years ago. The German word translated is “Whit roses” and they are always flowering at Whitsun.

Otherwise life goes on. I noticed the Brits will soon be voting. I am still a Brit, they have not yet taken my citizenship away. I thought I could join in with the vote and on Facebook I am permanently being invited with a link to a British government site, to register if I am living abroad. I have not had residency in England since 1966, but once a Brit always a Brit. I was mistaken. You are only a Brit if you have lived in England 15 years ago. I carefully followed the steps on the online registration and when I got to page 3 I was told “you do not qualify, you have not been living in Britain for more than 15 years”. What a take on, although I must admit I no longer hold a British passport. It expired two years ago and after my dad passed on, I never bothered to renew it: too expensive and complicated.

If I voted in England, I would not have a great choice in any case. The UKIP was a flash in the pan. Since Britain is doing Brexit, they are now wandering around like a chicken without a head. The Labour Party is bordering on Marxism and so you are only left with the Conservatives. Theresa May is doing her best I suppose. I just wish she would find herself a better tailor. She always seems to have bulges and creases in everything she wears.

Anyhow I can always vote in Switzerland. We have referendums every two months for something or the other. At the moment we have voted for our local council. Mr. Swiss filled it in and I signed, so everything remains the same and who cares. The people making decisions in Feldbrunnen are really of no interest in international news. Enjoy the week-end and the peace and quiet – you never know if there will be an invasion from a building troop. Yesterday was Friday, so Mr. Swiss was driving because there is always a problem with parking at the supermarket. Of couse I have no problem parking the car, but he tends to get nervous. I was again in the passenger seat armed with my camera. It had been a long while, but I could catch up on the scenery as we drove along.

Road to Langendorf 05.05 (11)