Daily Prompt: The Final Pages

There is always a problem when I reach the final pages of the book I am reading, because I have to decide what the next book will be.  I enjoy reading, losing myself in other worlds and imaginations of the authors.

I do not read books made of paper and hard covers. I have a Kindle. I gave up with books a long while ago, as my space was getting smaler, we already had 6 book cases packed with books. When I married Mr. Swiss I discovered he was also a reader and many books I brought into the relationship were the same that he already had, his were in german and mine in English. That is one of the reasons why we no longer buy real books, we have no room.

We both have Kindles and find it the best method for our reading addictions. Another advantage is that we both have the app on our iPads, so I can also read books that he has on the Kindle on my iPad and vice versa. I have my own taste of fiction, a little different to that of Mr. Swiss. He prefers the realities of daily criminal life with their plots and “whodunnits” and I like mine tinged with a little supernatural perhaps, but not always. We often meet in the middle and I wait for him to finish what he is reading so that I can read it as well. He is now reading the latest Jussi Adler Olsen book “Selfies”. We are both fans of the Carl Morck adventures and when he has finished I will read it on his iPad. Olsn is a Danish author, but the first editions in a foreign language are usually in German which Mr. Swiss reads. I do not have a problem reading in German, so I do not have to wait for the english version.

It is easy to choose a new book from Amazon, they have everything and it can be uploaded withint seconds.   My problem is that everything that interests me is usually in a series of many books.  Last week I read the first book in the Alex Cross Series by James Patterson (a american detective who is also a psychologist). Patterson has wrote many Alex Cross books and of course I began with the first. At the same time I am reading through the Terry Pratchett books on the Discworld, am now on No. 9 and there are more than 40 . The Invisible Library Series by Genevieve Cogman is also one of my favourites, and am now ready for book 3, there being 4 books in all up to now, not to mention the Peter Grant books by Ben Aaronovich, of which a new one is appearing later this year, bringing the total up to 7. It seems I am always on a quest for the final books and will probably never reach my goal.

Book Series seem to be the popular today. Now and again I might pick out a best seller from the New York times list, or the Guardian. My last book was my second Friedrich Glauser book, a Swiss author from the 1930’s with his police officer Wachmeister Studer. I read them in original German (with a slight touch of Swiss German now and again). I prefer reading in the original languages when possible, although it seems Glauser is also available in English. Glauser wrote many books, but not in a particular reading order, so I can choose my next book t random.

I must say one advantage with Kindle is that you cannot quickly flip to the last page to see what happens in the end. It is possible, but too much bother, and it would also spoil the fun of the suspense of the book.


Daily Prompt: The Final Pages

Good Morning

Morning through the scaffold

Even scaffolding in front of the  kitchen window has its charm on a nice bright and sunny day – part of looking on the bright side of life. The builders are now celebrating their week-ends and peace reigns again, at least until next week. They have now finished the noisy work on the East side of the building and have removed all the old insulation and covers. We now have a naked building, but no more noise, or dirt.

The guy in charge of that part said they would begin on the other side the next day and covered my complete West garden with plastic to prevent it being crushed from falling stones and other refuse. This is all very well, but the best laid plains of builders etc. and so they did not arrive last week on that side of the building but began at the end of the building. Our garden resembled a work of art from Cristo, all packed in plastic. My plants were stifling and had breathing difficulties not to mention the lawn which was threatening to turn yellow and eventually die.

We were waiting for Godot the builders and they did not arrive. I spent a disturbed night wondering what to do and the next morning I was in action. It rained during the night, it was almost a deluge, but undaunted I put on my pink plastic garden clogs and removed the plastic sheets, shaking the rainwater into the garden. My garden could now breath. They even encased my growing climbing rose. You do not wrap a climbing rose in plastic. I defied them all and now I have my garden back again. The week-end is upon us and the work will probably continue on our side next week, but they will begin on the appartments next door. I will then observe how much heavy material will really fall and give my instructions to the buiders how I want my garden protected. I am convinced they were overdoing their care, they could no longer see the forest for the trees, the plastic sheets for plastic.

In the meanwhile I had another brilliant idea. I have a nice steel plate in the scaffolding in front of the kitchen and have now organised some bread pieces on it for the birds. I do not usually feed them in Summer, but crows are not fussy and within a few minutes one was already perched on the hedge. This is all in the name of photography and I have my zoom lens ready for action.

The positive side of this whole building operation is that next week the messy part should be finished and the plasters and sculpturers will move in. That is apparently quiet work, and no machine noise is incurred and I will have new material for my camera. I am already living in a different world on the East side of the appartment where we have our bedrooms and my computer headquarters. We can now open the windows in the morning and air out the rooms, it is almost like back to normal.

They removed all our blinds including the summer blind, which is very big and lowered on the West Side. It was a very nice blind, with grey and white stripes. We have now discovered that this will be replaced by a new blind, with colours suiting the new makeover. This was not mentioned in any records and is a surprise to all. Mainly it concerns us and the neighbour as one appartment is empty and the other two appartments apparently knew about this as they were in the organising committe. We will now be confronted with an extra bill for removal and mounting of the new super blind, as well as the cost for the new blind which is not cheap. A further irritation and cause for annoyance. Apparently an offer was made, but the unknowing parties have not seen or heard of this offer.

And now to move on. Mr. Swiss has a dentist visit, just a short one, and we discovered that our bread rations are short for a complete week-end so he will also be on the quest for bread. Take care everyone, there might be falling masonary – you never know.

Here a photo of the removed plastic covers. I am registering everything.
Renovation with plastic