Daily Prompt: On the Edge

We all have things as need to do to keep an even keel — blogging, exercising, reading, cooking. What’s yours?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us ACTIVITY.


Here is one of my action photos: a concentrated occupation, buying the right stuff, waiting patiently at the cash desk and packing it into the shopping bags, although we are organised. I buy and Mr. Swiss packs. At the moment, due to a back disorder of Mr. Swiss, it is all being done by I, me and myself.

Just because I am a golden oldie, it does not mean that I am knitting socks, making various jams, or spending time reading the newspaper and talking to the neighbours. I am an active golden oldie, sometimes a little bit too active according to Mr. Swiss. Where shall I start?

Here perhaps: I am a blogger, first confession. After travelling around in the blogging world I have decided my place is here in WordPress. Not that the other sites threw me out, or found I was an annoyance. I decided all by myself to call WordPress my No. 1 blogging site. On other sites I had no real target or purpose in my blogging life, but here I have a daily prompt, a weekly prompt and in between my own prompt. It also gives me a chance to keep up with the English language, with the Americanisms in the English language and to meet people from all over the world. I have now discovered Pingbacking. Not quite sure of the advantage, but it is fun which brings me to one of my other pastimes.

Some years ago I decided to discover the world of computer, so I attended a web assistant course. I constructed two web sites and nearly killed myself by exhaustion when I was finished, but I did it. What has remained is the knowledge of HTML, the secret web language (I speak many languages). It is a great help when writing my blogs and pingbacking. I am also supposed to be able to understand CSS computer talk. I learnt it, but was never at home with it. I might take it up again, you are never too old.

Since the invention of digital photography, I am aspiring to become the female version of Ansel Adams. Mr. Swiss gave me his digi camera when he bought a new one some years ago. My camera became my third arm. It accompanied me everywhere. Since my first digi camera, I have overtaken Mr. Swiss with my Nikon DSLR camera and as a pocket camera am now the proud possessor of a Canon G15 for the things I see when travelling.

Let us move on to the daily energy spending chores. I like cooking. It is an adventure in itself, trying things out. Now and again it might not work, but they say that when you are in love you tend to over salt the dishes.

There is also housework to be done, not that I consider it one of my favourite hobbies, but unfortunately it cannot be avoided, so make the most of it. Since my jobless days begun, I have actually found satisfaction in housework. I have a plan, a devious plan. After breakfast at the computer (must clean the milk spashes off the key board from the cereal) I begin my daily cleaning marathon. I remain fit: my daily gymnastic. Sometimes I intensify the work by going into detail in the bathroom and the kitchen where I sacrifice two complete mornings to attain perfection, but when it is done I have a feeling of achievement, success. During this time Mr. Swiss often disappears into town. I wonder why?

My even keel is not quite yet perfect. I have my one hour Tai Chi event on Tuesday afternoon, together with other golden oldies. We are a female group although men are also allowed. Somehow word has got round and the men stay away, but we are really nice ladies, do not bite, and have not yet got the hang of the martial arts side of Tai Chi. One day we may achieve perfection in that side of things, and then we could be a threat to the senior citizens club.

Garden work is another hobby, although due to my oncoming years, I have had to change the plant world. I no longer do annuals, but more perreniels. You know, the plants that stay in the earth forever and do not have to be changed, renewed or incur any backbreaking work. My weeds do grow, but I hide them with bushes and shrubs. Bending over to remove unwanted plants from the earth can incur a problem when trying to stand up again. It might even be that I cannot stand up. It is then that Mr. Swiss comes to my assistance and together we are strong.

Another activity is shopping, three mornings during the week. That is fun. I am allowed to go places and drive the car. They let me out and I attack the shelves in the local supermarket. Sometimes they have special offers. That is pure excitement, buying something for less and getting more value. It is all a question of planning and logistic. Often I lose Mr. Swiss if he accompanies me. He might be deciding which fruit to buy, and I am already in the diary department. It can be confusing, but thanks to our mobile communication system (iPhone) we find each other again. I often wonder if others have to phone their partner in a search action when in the supermarket. Eventually our consumer adventure is finished and we return with packed shopping bags, tired but happy and drive home where we unpack all our conquests and I begin to cook lunch.

It is an active life when you are a golden oldie, but in the evening things take a quiet turn. My Kindle/iPad which has now replaced the book in our household, is tuned in for a reading session. I cannot be bothered with books any more (what is a book – we have six bookshelves full in our hobby room and a large book case in the apartment). There is no room for books, we are an electronic family. Whilst I am catching up on some freshly pressed books (now where did I get that expression?) Mr. Swiss is filling himself in on daily events on the TV news programme, or relaxing with a criminal film on the TV.

I believe my keel is quite even and I have not sunk yet. I just cannot do nothing. I hate boredom.

Daily Prompt: On the Edge

  1. Island Dreaming: Meditation | Musings from a practical mystic
  2. An eclectic mix of decorative lamps | weliveinaflat
  3. Daily Prompt: Activity | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  4. The Secret Door Remains | Daily Prompt: On the Edge | likereadingontrains
  5. The End of Edginess | The Reluctant Journalist
  6. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | Under the Monkey Tree
  7. Daily Prompt: Activity | A mom’s blog
  8. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | Fasting, Food and other musings by determined34
  9. Even Keel? What’s that? Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  10. Daily Prompt: On the Edge « Mama Bear Musings
  11. On an even keel | Sue’s Trifles
  12. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | littlegirlstory
  13. Daily Prompt:On Edge | Motherhood and Beyond
  14. Dinosaur Day | Andante Cantabile
  15. Instead of Sitting… | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  16. It’s a Balancing Act | mentalrollercoaster
  17. Getting busy | contrailsonmyheart
  18. 144. On the Edge | kevindeisher
  19. All I Need to Keep My Head in the Game | Creative Mysteries
  20. Walking The Precipice | Tony’s Texts
  21. “On the Edge” | Relax
  22. On the Edge? « Restawyle
  23. On The Edge: Finding My Bliss | suzie81’s Blog
  24. Don’t Even Your Keel With Your Heart | The Jittery Goat
  25. Tranquility [Daily Prompt: On the Edge] | unknowinglee
  26. Remember to stay in the lines | notsinglebutnothappy
  27. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  28. Daily Prompt: On The Edge | The Land Slide Photography
  29. I Need Quiet | Hope* the happy hugger
  30. What Keeps Me Happy | Sincerely, Ms. Roberts
  31. BOUNCING AND BALANCING | Emotional Fitness
  32. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | My Atheist Blog
  33. Daily Prompt – Activity | imexcited
  34. Gamer/Blogger/Artist | My OCD Diaries
  35. Even keel. | ayimas
  36. Writer by Nature, Accountant by Trade – On the Edge | thanks for letting me autograph your cat
  37. the UNCATEGORISED|Daily Prompt : On the Edge | the TRASH BASH
  38. Subtle Signals | Spirit Lights The Way
  39. i dance, therefore i am | FamousFeline
  40. Relaxing with Nature | Haiku By Ku
  41. A House With Four Rooms | Spirit Lights The Way
  42. On the edge? Teetering on the brink! | Life & Times
  43. Daily Prompt | On The Edge : Get Off Of My Cloud | Between Screens
  44. I’m a potterer abouterer | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  45. 20 Ways To Improve Life Balance | Spirit Lights The Way
  46. On the Edge | Geek Ergo Sum
  47. Just Another Swinger | JuSt ViSiTiNG THiS PLaNeT…
  48. A talk, a prayer and music | Life is great
  49. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | Imperfectly Perfect
  50. Cast a Different Course….(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  51. On The Edge: From DISASTROUS to MIRACULOUS (Part 2) | The Abuse Expose’ with Secret Angel
  52. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | expandingmiddle
  53. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | Let There be Peace on Earth
  54. Daily Prompt: How to Avoid Sea Worms and Cucumbers | One Starving Activist
  55. Moon With a Moustache… on the edge of a Full Moon | An Upturned Soul
  56. The place between the night and the day | Vampire Maman
  57. Balancing the edge. | life on wry
  58. On the Edge: Today’s Daily Prompt | I solemnly swear i am upto no good!
  59. Daily Prompt: Off the edge and the ledge | SERENDIPITY
  60. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | Ruminations from an Introvert
  61. Just on-edge | cellarfloor
  62. On Edge? Iron! | Love Those “Hands at Home”
  63. Daily Prompt: On edge, what do you do? Usually, I jump off! | jennifermarshcurtis
  64. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | ModrenHippieMom
  65. My Cats – The Editor in Chief & The Momma’s Boi (Daily Promt: On The Edge) | Life In The Passenger Seat
  66. 弱虫モンブランのブログ
  67. On the edge – I sit still, take a deep breath and I pray | Byline Anonymous
  68. Raspberries: my 1000 word response to the Weekly Writing Challenge | alienorajt
  69. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | LADYBOY PROMPT
  70. On the Edge | The Nameless One
  71. Regrown | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  72. That Exhilarating Finish | Many More Ripples
  73. RAMBLING POST | hastywords
  74. Staying Afloat is Vital to My Wellbeing | djgarcia94
  75. Amber Edwards
  76. Calm down, brother | Neva Samaki
  77. Daily Prompt: On The Edge | Simply Julie!
  78. Flash Fiction: As Far as I Go | Fragments of Michael Dickel
  79. Daily Prompt: On the Edge » My Life, My Way, My Words
  80. 1000 Words Daily
  81. Daily Prompt : On the Edge | Retirement and beyond
  82. On The Edge | Taking One Day At A Time
  83. Things that keep me (relatively) sane. | The Girl Who Blogs
  84. Daily Prompt: On the Edge | GG’s World
  85. I found balance | tornin2’s Blog
  86. Always on the Edge! | Indecisive Individual
  87. Daily Domination | IGNITE YOUR PASSION
  88. Daily Prompt: on the Edge | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  89. My Circle of Comfort | Wiley’s Wisdom
  90. Can I really keep myself from going bat$#!t? | Rob’s Surf Report
  91. I’m Sorry Now | Wiley’s Wisdom
  92. Getting inspiration | Yüüki Fotografou
  93. Daily Prompt: On the Edge 19|8 | familyphotosfoodcraft.com
  94. Sweet Madness. | Forlorn Hope: A Diary Of A Broken Heart
  95. On Taking My Meds | clarior e tenebris
  96. Daily Prompt: On the Edge « The Blogging Path
  97. Donkey on the Edge! | Artsy Susie
  98. Between the Ears | bohemian.on.rye
  99. Daily Prompt: On the Edge/Tenderness and Turtles | Overcoming Bloglessness
  100. Daily Prompt: On the Edge Action…Work and Pray | kemkoh
  101. Edgy | My [redacted] Journey
  102. Activity | lindataing
  103. Anatomy of the Heart | Often Me