Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha

Do you consider yourself funny? What role does humor play in your life? Who’s the funniest person you know?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CLEVER.

Nera watching a bird programme on TV

There are times in the life of a feline when we find something funny. Note the feline does not find it funny; it is pursuing a serious quest, observing a large bird sitting in a nest. Perhaps the feline, known as Nera, believes that this is reality. The bird might fall out of the nest, and a tasty meal will be waiting. We humans see this from a different point of view. Nera is sitting on the floor in the living room watching the TV. We consider this funny, so funny, that Mrs. Human grabs her DSLR camera and hopes that Nera stays for a few minutes to take the Wildlife photo of the year (we return to awards – ah, that was yesterday). You may think this is not wildlife, just a housecat. For Nera there is no such thing as a house cat, she is special execution, as all felines, and does not intend to be the joke of the family.

I do not actually consider myself funny, although perhaps a golden oldie at a local pop concert with her son might be thought of as such. I was going yesterday to watch Philipp Blue Doegg Gerber with J.C.Wirth and Fready Steady but the weather was not so good, so I stayed at home. You have never heard of these musicians from my adopted home town of Solothurn? Here is a sample (bear with the Swiss German at the beginning, you get some good bluesy music eventually).

My humour is perhaps on the dark side of life, not that I enjoy a good murder, but I do tend to find things funny that others may not. I have discovered on my ironic, sarcastic, incomprehensible journey through life, that you can find humour in everything. Mr. Swiss is not always the same opinion, finding that not everyone may understand my humour. Me? I am 66 years old, do not know how long I will be around, so let us make the most of the time that is left. Not that I endeavour the happiest funeral of all time, but I hope someone peps it up with a good speech.

I find there are always situations where a touch of humour could lighten things up. We once had a boss in the office. He was OK, the sonny boy, god’s gift to women (so he thought). As a boss he left you in peace with the work, just saying “make sure that is fixed”. How you fixed it he never wanted to know. One Christmas I decided to brighten up the department which was filled with boring desks, telephones and shelves of files, garnished with computers, terminals and their connecting wires. To add a touch of nature to the department we had a large palm tree. Actually it was mine, but in the way at home, so I took it to the office to add some highlights to our office routine. I had bought some Christmas goodies in the local supermarket, chocolate covered Santa Claus, edible tree decorations and some sparkly tinsel to drape over the branches. OK, not exactly for a palm tree, but we did not have a Christmas tree. Everyone was thrilled in the deparment (5 young ladies waiting for Mr. Right) and our boss? He entered the department in the early morning hours, cried for his coffee (poor man never learnt now to operate a coffee machine – not a man’s job I suppose) and his eyes found the palm tree. He ate a chocolate Christmas star, and then asked what that was supposed to be, studying the bright and shiny palm tree – with Christmas lights of course and looked at me. So as I said, and as Mr. Swiss had often told me, not everyone shares my taste in humour. I think Scrooge boss never knew what humour was.

The funniest person I know has not yet been created. He is distributed according to what he is doing, where he is and whether it appeals to my black and morbid sense of humour. Seriously speaking, I suppose humour is an important part of my life. In every dark corner, there is a spark of amusement, you sometimes have to search, but it is there.

Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha

And now for some hilarious Pingbacks

  1. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | View From The Third eye
  2. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | Under the Monkey Tree
  3. I tried cooking my sister | Improving Slowly
  4. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha 26|8 | familyphotosfoodcraft.com
  5. Even CA could be funny at times-II | A few handpicked things in life
  6. Childhood Funny Words: Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  7. Funny… who me? | The Rider
  8. chipmunk (Clever) | photo potpourri
  9. Is it not funny? | Eccentric Lady
  10. Maybe, sometimes, always. | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  11. Fun with the cops 😉 | A few handpicked things in life
  12. I Never Said I Was Funny, I Simply Agreed | JuSt ViSiTiNG THiS PLaNeT…
  13. Not Really Laughing | Tony’s Texts
  14. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | littlegirlstory
  15. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | DCMontreal
  16. Daily Prompt: Clever | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  17. Funny How? [Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha] | unknowinglee
  18. Not so funny ha ha as funny, what?! | thoughtsofrkh
  19. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | Purple Rosemary
  20. Only joking! | Sue’s Trifles
  21. A Fine Line Between Clever And Stupid. | The Ambitious Drifter
  22. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha « Mama Bear Musings
  23. Laughter is the best medicine | A mom’s blog
  24. The Difference Between Funny And Humor | The Jittery Goat
  25. Daily Prompt: Clever | The Lint In My Pocket
  26. On women being crazy | vicbriggs’s Blog
  27. Making Fun | Joan T. Warren
  28. She Thinks She’s Very Clever | Andante Cantabile
  29. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | Vagabond
  30. 152. The Clever One | kevindeisher
  31. What is funny? Am I funny? | jennifermarshcurtis
  32. Fish On! Oh Yeeeaahhhhhhhh Baby!!! | Honey Did you See that?
  33. Daily Post-A Blonde Walks Into A Bar… | readingwithafeather
  34. Not Funny | Mind of a Mouse
  35. Daily Prompt: I am One of the Funniest People I Know | One Starving Activist
  36. Duncan the Sushi Roll #3 | Neva Samaki
  37. The face of feminism | vicbriggs’s Blog
  38. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | Basically Beyond Basic
  39. Too Clever | clarior e tenebris
  40. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | My Atheist Blog
  41. Mirth. | Hope* the happy hugger
  42. “Funny Ha-Ha” | Relax
  43. Walking Into Dreamland | Anchors Aweigh
  44. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | ModrenHippieMom
  45. We’re Not Carrying That Line Any More | Dad’s Political Cartoon Scrapbook 1939 to 1940
  46. Avoid Being An Unprofessional Interviewer | Anchors Aweigh
  47. Daily Prompt: Leave em’ laughing! | SERENDIPITY
  48. Everyday Adventures
  49. I don’t try to be, but……. | djgarcia94
  50. Funny | suzie81’s Blog
  51. Humour? Hmmm.. | Notes from a gay mentalist
  52. A Face In The Crowd | Cheri Speak
  54. Smiles Are More Flattering Than Frowns (Daily Prompt: Ha-ha) | Running with Reality
  55. LAUGH Build your emotional fitness. | Emotional Fitness
  56. AN APPLE A DAY, OR STOP LOOKING AT MY BREASTS! | Standing Ovation, Seated
  57. I Can Haz Funnies! | Stuphblog
  58. Funny Ha Ha | Real Life Co.
  59. Little things and spare pictures | Life is great
  60. Daily LOL | Life & Times
  61. Quizzical | Spunky Wayfarer
  62. Sometimes even I’m speechless | The Nameless One
  63. Cat on a Hot Wood Shelf – Istagram Picture | alternative.reality
  64. Mr Funny Ha Ha || Short Fiction | Mind My Mind But…
  65. Daily Prompt: Ha Ha Funny-My Father’s Daughter | For the Love of Images
  66. How Does the Moon Cut His Hair? | floatingsheep
  67. A serious discussion of funny… | I Might Ramble
  68. Daily Prompt:Funny Ha-Ha | Motherhood and Beyond
  69. The transcendence of humor | A Girl with a Piano
  70. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | The Blogging Path
  71. That’s a Fly Swatter, Not a Spatula | So I Went Undercover
  72. Breaking news: Humor blogs are actually supposed to be funny- Customer appreciation post | The not really news blog
  73. Daily Prompt: Funny Ha-Ha | Heron There & Everywhere
  74. Wear your Flip Flops | A Day in the Life
  75. Funny as Feck! | The Geeky G4mer
  76. A Ridiculous Me…wp daily prompt | Daily Observations
  77. Am I really all that funny? | Rob’s Surf Report
  78. The Classic Clown | My OCD Diaries
  79. Make Your Own Damn Sandwich | Molly Greye
  80. What if I could make you laugh? | Okay, what if ?
  81. Kids Say the Funniest Things | Heart Healthy Beats
  82. Make ‘Em Laugh | My [redacted] Journey
  83. Funny “Ha-ha” – daily prompt | Lynne McAennyl
  84. Dance Monkey! | Baby Gates Down
  85. Funny Girl in Writing | Virginia Views
  86. Wanna Hear a Joke? | The Amazing May
  87. The jester | Legends of Lorata