Daily Prompt: Viral

The New York Times is going to feature your blog on its home page, and you’ve been asked to publish a new post — it’ll be the first thing tens of thousands of new readers see. Write it.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FIRST.

Zytgloggeturm, Bern

Readers of the New York Times, if you take a pin and stick it into the middle of Europe on your atlas, somewhere between France, Germany and Italy you will find us. Almost eight million people called the Swiss. To be quite honest about a million are not exactly Swiss, immigrants, but since when does New York only have New Yorkers? So we are similar. If you go further and take microscopic view of Switzerland, you will find we have a capital town somewhere in the middle, called Bern and if you blow this up you will find our Zytglogge Turm, a clock tower which draws tourists with their cameras. There are days when you only hear English with an American accent spoken. We also have a parliament building and a parliament, but such trivial matters are not so important. You have a president as well, Mr. Obama, ah yes of course, but he does not live in New York, but in a town named after your first president Mr. Washington.

Who our first president was? No you are wrong, it was not William Tell and Gessler was an Austrian. I know it is all near together and the Hollywood movies showed it differently. We do not wear leather trousers, hit our knees when we dance (both Bavaria, Germany), or make cuckoo clocks, also a German thing from the Black Forest. Julie Andrews did not make The Sound of Music in the Swiss Alps, based on the singing exploits of the Trapp Family, they were Austrian.

Today I am writing to my many fans on the other side of the pond to say do not believe everything you see at the movies or read in the newspapers. Journalism tends to mislead the average reader at the price of sensationalism. If a New York journalist was reporting on the hero deed of William Tell (who may not have existed) when he shot the apple from his son’s head, it would have been illustrated with a photo showing the success of the mission, an apple pierced by a Swiss made authentic arrow. Of course the photo would have been composed by photo shop before William Tell actually took the shot, in case that he missed. Unfortunately many historic truths have been deformed in this way.

Did Davy Crockett really wear a hat made of Coonskin? It looked good in the film.

It is an honour for an Angloswiss to write in this esteemed newspaper, a leading article, having her talents and gifts of journalistic fact reporting at last recognised. This, especially, being a descendant of the original settlers in these United States of America (named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian citizen).

Due to the fact that the British King lost interest in his American colonies the war of American Independence came to a close in 1783 and the brave colonists in the land of America lead by George Washington, had their own country at last. There was a discussion whether George Washington really did beat the 8,000 British at the battle of Yorktown with cunning and brave fighting, or whether the British had discovered the qualities of bourbon whisky and were an easy pushover when Washington’s army arrived. Who knows, but it was a surprise for all.

However, so it came to pass and I am now writing this award winning article in the New York Times by invitation. Had things been different and this memorable war of Independence had a different result, I would have owned the newspaper and not have to be invited.

On the other hand I would have grown up in a world without MacDonalds Hamburger, Al Capone, Bill Gates, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Dwight D. Eisenhower (the first American president I knew) and not to forget Bill Haley and Elvis Presley, without who The Rolling Stones and Beatles would still have been wondering what to do with their lives. Not forgetting the great Oprah Winfrey. The Swiss are still sorting that out, but it seems there were many misunderstandings and it would be a good idea perhaps for the esteemed New York Times and other American news sources to examine the facts, before further reports on the lady’s visit to Switzerland attending the wedding of her friend Tina Turner.

I will now close this memorable unforgettable tribute to the ex British colony the United States of America. All fees and donations can be paid to my Swiss numbered bank account. Details available through the WordPress Organisation (they are American and might not be interested?). My best selling book can be purchased by visiting the link on my WordPress Blog.

I wish to thank the New York Times for this unforgettable chance to establish my work on the ladder of success, which it deserves.

Daily Prompt: Viral

A viral list of pingbacks

  1. Daily Prompt: Viral – Work in Progress | Let There be Peace on Earth
  2. What is IT? | Upstairs Productions
  3. Wild | Agrifun.com
  4. The Gap | Agrifun.com
  5. Posing | Agrifun.com
  6. Awesome Pizza From Awesome People For Awesome Patrons | The Ergot
  7. First ! | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  8. Let’s take a drive to Changi Beach | We Live In A Flat
  9. Viral | Geek Ergo Sum
  10. Remembering Nana | A mom’s blog
  11. Photo opportunity | Life & Times
  12. Going Viral [Daily Prompt: Viral] | unknowinglee
  13. Daily Prompt: Viral | Under the Monkey Tree
  14. 100 words | dawnyhosking
  15. The First Hit Went A Little Like This | Molly Greye
  16. SEIZING THE MOMENT! Are you ready? | Movers, Shakers, Leadership Makers
  17. New York Times: Daily Blunder | I really just pretend to know stuff
  18. Daily Prompt:Viral | Motherhood and Beyond
  19. Daily Prompt: Viral « Mama Bear Musings
  20. Mommy Guilt | jennifermarshcurtis
  21. Boise Is A Meteorologically Oddity; It Has No Weather | The Jittery Goat
  22. 148. Dancing with the Mouse | kevindeisher
  23. First Contact | The Ambitious Drifter
  24. First… | Apocayptic Wonder
  25. I say tomato… | Sue’s Trifles
  26. prime subject (First) | photo potpourri
  27. A politician can be an idiot | MC’s Whispers
  28. Freinds | cellarfloor
  29. Daily prompt: We live in an accident-free world, but not in a good way | DCMontreal
  30. Daily Prompt: Viral | littlegirlstory
  31. Shoving subjects down students’ throats- Like a Boss | Ideas Opined
  32. A Message to the World | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  33. The Race is On | Andante Cantabile
  34. Front page of The New York Times! | Everyday Adventures
  35. I Didn’t Play Nice So Now It’s Time To Take My Ball And Go Home | Liars, Hypocrites & The Development of Human Emotion
  36. First pic… | Hope* the happy hugger
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  38. On Being Fat | Inkbelle
  39. Black | Jasper Smits
  40. Daily Post: The Mainstream | One Starving Activist
  41. Daily Prompt: Viral : Dear Mr. Crazy | Valley Girl Gone Country
  42. First Timer | Somebody Else’s Moments
  43. Daily Prompt – A note to New York | mostlytrueramblings
  44. The First Time I Saw You | A mom’s blog
  45. “Viral” | Relax
  46. Daily Prompt: Viral – A New World | For the Love of Images
  47. Obama, Merkel and St. Augustine | Blognovic’s Weblog
  48. Cutting a swathe through the Literary Body! | alienorajt
  49. Daily Post: Shameless Self-Promotion on an Epic Scale or Not? | Far from Done
  50. Daily Prompt: Viral | My Atheist Blog
  51. Mommy’s First | clarior e tenebris
  52. The Not Really News Blog sold to New York Times for record-breaking price | The not really news blog
  53. Those Things That Are Magical | Daniel Waltz
  54. Daily Prompt-Friendship | readingwithafeather
  55. Daily Prompt: Viral | Basically Beyond Basic
  56. Daily Prompt – Viral | Joe’s Musings
  57. First Impression | The Cutter Rambles
  58. A peaceful and vanishing time… | A Virtual World
  59. The Detroit Most Never See | A Beautiful Detroit
  60. Obsessing Over Something More Worthwhile/ Daily Prompt: Viral | lopezunleashed
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  62. A Call To Arms | Good2begone
  63. Viral | The Nameless One
  64. The Zombie Virus is Real…..wp daily prompt | Daily Observations
  65. Open Your Eyes! | 1000 Words Daily
  66. The First Lost Tooth | Northwest Frame of Mind
  67. Daily Prompt: Viral » My Life, My Way, My Words
  68. The smell of a mail | Rangelz Blog
  69. Daily Prompt: Viral « The Blogging Path
  70. First Impressions: EDS Defined | Living Because of EDS
  71. FIGHT FAUX NEWS | Emotional Fitness
  72. Layering viral time across Armageddon | Fragments of Michael Dickel
  73. Betty White is not my Grandma | Grandma Drives Me Crazy
  74. Daily Prompt: First | Simply Julie!
  75. Love Rocks | smilingbug
  76. sarahscapes
  77. Yours Truly: Front and Centre (Part II). | Forlorn Hope: A Diary Of A Broken Heart
  78. First Time We Met Izzy | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  79. Daily Prompt: Viral | From Slacker To Scribe
  80. it was all in the presentation | Musings of a Random Mind
  81. Daily Prompt: Viral 22|8 | familyphotosfoodcraft.com
  82. Got Balls? | Lifentruthz
  83. Is music really all that great? | Rob’s Surf Report
  84. Daily Prompt; Viral | terry1954
  85. Not Cool Rolling Stone: A Teacher’s Response | Upstairs Productions
  86. Artsy Susie
  87. The Long Yawn of Mortality | meanderedwanderings
  88. A Place to Exist | Oldest Daughter & Redheaded Sister
  89. Help it’s Friday! A new to-do list. | fictitious1
  90. Virus, virii, viral, viralis. | Legends of Lorata