Daily Prompt: Connection

You can interpret this one in many ways. As my connection to the Swiss state due to my meeting Mr. Swiss just over 47 years ago has often been recorded here, I will not write another epic all about my undying love for the Swiss Nation, particularly a certain Mr. Swiss.

Generally I avoid politics on my blog. We all have our own views, some coincide with mine, and some not, but I happen to see this today in Facebook of all places. It shows the connections over the years between the British Prime Minister and the American President. This being an American voting year I thought I would show it here. Makes a change from the insects and other life in my  back yard, although it is perhaps similar.


I knew them all, not personally of course, but by their reputations and now we have a bright future. I think we recognise them all. The last two pictures show us a bright future.

On the left we have Boris Johson, who’s origins apparently are from a Turkish great grandfather, Ali Kemal, lynched by a mob in the 1920’s. Today we do not do so much lynching, so he will probably survive unless he has an accident on his bicycle on his way to work as Mayor of London. Does he have a chance of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain? Well, at least it will be amusing if he succeeds. He always has some funny ideas.

On the right we have yes, Donald Trump. You can say what you like about the man, but he does look after himself. His hair freshly coloured and even his complexion cared for with a new layer of cosmetics daily. Let us hope that the mask does not melt during a political rally.

So enough of policitcs, the connections can be seen above, make your choice.

This morning I was completing my breakfast and my iPhone made strange sounds, extra terrestrial signals. I threw a glance at the machine, which was not vibrating, and it was telling me to take my weekly dose of Vitamin D drops, the oily ones that slide down your throat from the pipette. I was startled, today is Friday, and I take my drops on Saturday morning. I washed my hair yesterday, does that mean I have to wash it again because Friday is a repeat. I asked Mr. Swiss and he confirmed it was Saturday morning. Another golden oldie confusion had be solved, and so I took my drops, reassured that it was actually Saturday.

I had made the connection between my iPhone and my life. If I had not programmed this connection into my iPhone I would have lived a Friday life today without my Vitamin D drops. I discovered the way to connect with my iPhone last week. It is no longer possible to forget anything. Every evening at 11.0’clock the science fiction signal (as it is called) sounds from my iPhone to take my two sorts of tablets. Of course, there were at least 50 various ways to have a reminding tone, but I decided on the scifi version and it works. Even Mr. Swiss thinks that E.T. has landed.

After discovering this iPhone warning, I am no longer worried about missing important appontments. I have even programmed my visit to the doctor at the end of March, as well as my next fertilising date for my orchids and the renewing  of my diabetic tablet receipt. No longer worries about forgetting, or writing on a slip of paper that you might and will lose, no, it is on my iPhone. As a extension of this new discovery I discovered that writing my shopping list on the iPhone was also a good way to connect to my memory. I no longer forget the supplies I must have when on safari in the supermarket, it is all on my list on my iPhone and as the items enter the basket I can delete them. This morning was not a shopping day, but I needed a few things which Mr. Swiss volunteers to fetch.

Mr. Swiss does not have access to my iPhone, he has his own, and still writes his shopping list in the old fashioned way. He prefers this system to a cyber list. However, I decided there must be a way to connect to Mr. Swiss iPhone in the case he might forget what I need. Of course, I sent him a text message. I must say it was so much easier than typing it direct as the iPhone keyboard is somewhat too small for my fingers and my messages leave my iPhone before I have finished writing them. I wrote my needs on a list in my phone and sent my list direct by message to his telephone. It worked, and all he had to do was to cast a glance on my list on his phone. Oh, the wonders of connecting in the cyber world of today.

He even made a remark this week, that I am further than he is with this means of modern communication. Did he have a smile on this face at the time?

Daily Prompt: Connection

19 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Connection

  1. That last pair of pictures at the bottom gave me a good laugh.

    Aside from the atrocious politics of Mr. Trump, he needs a beat down from the fashion police. How can a billionaire have such terrible hair? Seriously, can’t he afford a better hairpiece? Or at least … a barber? I’m horrified at the idea that I’ll have to actually look at that thing on his head for years to come. I think it’s not hair. I think it’s a dead animal of some kind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Another illusion destroyed. I though it was the result of a gene manipulation and real. Mr. Swiss is still laughing at your comments on Trump. Perhaps they were just competing against Kim Jong-un, who at least lets his hair grow naturally.

      Liked by 1 person

    • You mean there are more like us out there. What a relief. Yes we are the cyber ladies. I have even written a few items on my shopping list today for Monday.


    • This is my second iPhone and it seems I learn something new about it every day. I now want a selfie stick, so am searching through Internet. Then no-one is safe from my photos. Must ask son No. 1 if I can accompany him on a rock concert to use it above the heads of the crowds.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Be careful! There was an item in the paper yesterday about some guy using a selfie stick and shooting himself in the face.Of course, you wouldn’t be taking photos of yourself with a gun!

        Liked by 1 person

        • I don’t have the intention. Although it is called a “selfie” stick, you can also use it for non selfies, like getting closer to a subject for a photo where you might be separated by a fence or something. Also very useful for rock concerts it seems, although I have not yet had the opportunity to test it.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I know you like to read , so I have one for you , may cause damage your iphone
    Robopocalypse is a science fiction book by Daniel H. Wilson published in 2011.

    A computer scientist accidentally unleashes a supremely intelligent sentient A.I. named Archos R-14. It becomes self-aware and immediately starts planning the elimination of human civilization and build a new cryptic ecology where organic being merged with robot technology. Over a gradual period of time, Archos R-14 infects all penetrable networked electronic devices, such as cars, airplanes, smart homes, elevators, and other robots, with a “precursor virus”. Before it launches a full-blown attack on humanity, it sends out probing attacks to analyze the technical feasibility of its strategies and to assess human response. In one such instance, it infects Mikiko, a robot that is “in a relationship” with a human mechanic named Takeo, and tries to kill him before being discharged by a coworker. The random attacks are designed to look like sporadic malfunctions of devices that humans depend on for their everyday routines. Domestic robots attack innocents, planes are intentionally set on a collision course, and smart cars start driving out of control. The resulting conflict is known as the New War.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds interesting, I think Stephen King did something similar with one of his books called “Cell” although I havn’t read it yet. The only robot I have up to now is my lawn mower and he is out of action during Winter.


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