FOWC with Fandango: Silver

I always have aluminium foil ready at home, a good silver coloured paper, for wrapping on goods that I want to freeze. As I do not shop every day, I have home delivery once a week from a supermarket, I still like to have fresh bread. I order it at the local baker, have it delivered the next day, fresh from the oven, and I wrap it in aluminium foil. It then goes in the deep freeze and stays fresh until I use it. Naturally it only stays frozen for a week or two, but it is ideal to eat and I always have fresh bread.

FOWC with Fandango: Silver

RDP Thursday: Badge

“Spe, Labore, Fide” meaning “hope, work, faith”. This was the badge I wore on my hat and my jacket when I went to my grammar school for six years. The school was on the border of the City of London and we had to pass our 11+ examination to get there. That was also combined with an interview with the head misstress, which was more a formality it seemed to me.

The badge looks a bit worse for wear, but I found it in a dark corner of a cupboard and it was once on my jacket, but I managed to separate it and put it away. This was all about 66 years ago and it is a wonder that the badge still exists. The school no longer exists as such, but amalgamated with another school in the region, although a few relics from the days such as the honours board were inaugurated in the new school.

I suppose I can thank the school for the basics of my edudation and I still have a few connections through schoolfriends from the time.

RDP Thursday: Badge