Daily Prompt: The Exposures


You see them all the time. It might be your mum or dad, your grandparents, but mostly your childen and grandchildren. Exposure is the new way of life. It all began with tbe computer. At first it was harmless, becasue you were playting games or sending e-mails, but then someone discovered that we can share, and so it came to be that something called “Facebook” was developed. This was the beginning of exposure. It was no longer reserved for the famous and the specials, you can have it to.

You had your own place on the computer. You could tell everyone what you were eating, where you were going on holiday. It was a general “look what I am doing” movement. This was only the first step because in the meanwhile the mobile phones complete with camera arrived on the scene. Now you could illustrate all your actions, and show people how good you were. I know I have been there and done that. See my photo, I am taking a selfie, you can see me. I am exposed, but you must have a mirror to go with it. Most people you see are standing with the telephone at the end of an outstretched arm so that they can get the full effect.

Christmas is a perfect opportunity. You have a family gathering and you can expose the complete family on whatever social site you partake in. Last Christmas was full of golden oldies and their families, all grouped together in their living room, preferably standing in front of the Christmas tree, dressed for the occasion. Another favourite is showing what you are cooking for a special occasion. I have seen it all from the turkey to the specially prepared salmon – in their raw state and cooked. We know no limits. A private sphere no longer exists. Why keept it to yourself, when the whole world can see your achievements.

Holidays are a wonderful thing to show. The neighours stay at home and spend the holiday in the garden, but you have travelled and the photos arrive. Tanned golden oldies (like me) standing in front of the Parthenon in Greece, young couples laying in the sun on a far distant beach in the Bahamas, or just perhaps Italy.  In Winter your first attempts at skiing, and let us not forget the photo on the top of the mountain, which you actually reached in a mountain railway. Everyone dressed in the latest sports clothes, 200 different sorts of Addidas Sneakers, if they have a trade mark on the shoe even better, The neighbours will get jealous, especially if they are not in Facebook.

And me: of course I am in facebook, would not want to miss anything, after all everyone does it. Life has become one big exposure, so lets make the others jealous.

I am in Facebook, in Twitter (only because of the american President, although I have never found him there) and my photos are all on line with connections to a few thousand others. I rarely do selfies, but now and again just to show off. One of the basic features of online life is the showing off. What is the point otherwise? You must see and be seen.

Mr. Swiss left Facebook a couple of weeks ago. He was never really happy about being there. Was it because he only had 20 friends and I had 900? Was he jealous of my online success? He no longer has people congratulating him on his birthday, although he never really wanted to become famous, but preferred to remain in the background. I warned him that he would no longer be able to use the messenger, complete with its video system, but he found his mobile phone is just as good. He is now isolated, no longer is exposed to his social contact list (all 20 of them). We discovered we can still communicate by speech, so no big problem.

I am still in Facebook, relishing in every exposure possible. Must go, one of my online colleagues has just told everone that her washing machine has broken down, in the middle of a wash – oh, the dramas of everyday life.

Facebook Community

“What did you say?”. Of course I have my very own Angloswiss place in Facebook, it is a community – you have to mix with the crowds today, otherwise you run the danger of isolation..

Daily Prompt: The Exposures

7 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: The Exposures

  1. Facebook is such a mixed blessing, but since I discovered “close friends” I’m able to limit the exposure of my political beliefs to those I know agree and who are interested. I really don’t want to debate anything. Occasionally I check out #RealDonaldTrump to read the comments. My Twitter is a gesture designed to sell books. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Facebook is OK, and now and again I might pass a comment on a friends entry but rarely post anything myself. I am glad I have my own Anglo Swiss page, although I am not so sure if it is really as private as I think. However, I am 70 years old and am not sure if I will still be there in 10 years. There are certain risks and privilidges as a golden oldie you can take. I get a nice “belly” laugh at some of the stuff that people write in Face Book. I think I joined twitter, just because it was there. Now my WP stuff goes automatically into Twitter, but who cares. You do not have to read it, like I don’t have to read Trump tweets, although I have never found them. Perhaps it is because he did not accept my friendship on Twitter 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t put much up on Facebook. It’s a good place to scan and see what other people are doing and what our so-called government is doing and where the interesting articles are for reading. Also, I play little games, though until i figure out all the menus in Civilization VI, I think those other games are not going to get much playing time!

    I only do selfies when I need a picture and am afraid what I’ll look like if someone else take the picture!

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    • It is really interesting to read what people put up in Facebook. The best is the faithful followers that pass their comments and likes, usually “that’s wonderful” “oh you poor thing” and all sorts of false comments, but that’s being social I suppose.
      I play Scrabble (mainly against the computer), Camdy Crush (but not as much as I used to) and Soliotaire as well as Magic Puzzles, but not on my computer – on my iPad sitting in the armchair or in bed. I like to do it in comfort.
      I rarely do a selfie. This one was only for the blog. I know a few specialists in Facebook that somehow have the impression they will be discovered with their poses.


  3. I do Facebook but my “friends” are limited to family, friends in the real world and a few other people with whom I share a common interest like dolls. David was like Mr Swiss, he tried Facebook for a short time as his sisters, nieces and nephew were on it but he didn’t really like it and soon left. I don’t really enjoy talking on the telephone so I find checking in to Facebook every day a couple of times keeps me up to date with what people I know are doing and they know I am still alive and well too.Twitter I tried a few years ago but stopped because I got such a lot of what I thought of as spam. I really don’t want to spend all my time reading tweets and as I don’t have a smartphone it is very hard to do it anyway.
    I watched an episode of “The Amazing Race” last night. A show I used to like a lot when it started because of the travel and problem solving but then it became all about personality clashes between teams. I discovered that all the contestants in this season’s race were so called stars on social media. I don’t think I will be watching any more episodes.

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    • What I like with Facebook is that I have contact with far flung family members who I will probably never see again. My school has a site and this year my class members will all become 70 years old as myself. It is wonderful to see them still after so many years.. I also belong to a couple of sites for my London origins and have met up with many that grew up a few streets away from where I lived and we can talk about old times.
      I would be lost without my smartphone today, because I keep all my appointments on it, my medicine stuff and the shopping list. If I write it on paper. I forget where I put the paper and cannot read my handwriting. I also love my smartphone for quick photos in between.


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