Good Morning


I went to bed with the sounds of a deluge in my ears. It was not just raining cats and dogs, more like dinosaurs and Bluewhales, I soon fell asleep. This morning was peaceful, no rain, just some clouds  hovering telling me “we will be back”. Rain is good for the garden they say, but I am not so sure. Dressed in my nightdress (no-one saw me – I hope) I took an early morning photo of my hostas which are now preparing to flower. This sort have big leaves, but this year they have mega leaves. I also have the yellow-green stripy version which have the smaller leaves. I planted them about 15 years ago. They are a useful plant, return every year. I planted some crocus in between – one of my brilliant ideas. Before they begin to sprout in March, I have a crocus show.

I know, I have become a lazy gardener. When we moved in I was 20 years younger and you have the feeling that you will never grow old and out of action and I did it all by myself, now I have a gardener. You were the bionic woman, supergirl. Suddenly you discover that the Captain Kirk (William Shatner), captain of the starship Enterprise, who you found to be a nice young man, has already celebrated his 80th birthday, but he does not look a day older. Neither do I of course, I might be a golden oldie, but when I look at myself in the mirror I still see the same person I was 50 years ago. Ok, perhaps I now have a sort of grey-silver mêche in my hair and now walk with a cane, but so do most of my colleagues I knew from the early days.

Mr. Swiss also looks exactly the same as the day we met. He now has a new hairstyle, but Bruce Willis also has success with his look.

It is Friday again, but this time I am prepared. Yesterday evening I spent at least 10 minutes of my valuable time composing my shopping list on my mobile phone. I do tend to forget various important items when I go shopping. The advantage is I can beam it over to Mr. Swiss mobile phone also, for a double check that we do not forget anything. Funny, it never used to be like that. I never needed a list, I could remember it all. Perhaps I rely more on digital developments of life because they are there, although my mobile phone has become part of my structure,  an outpost. I seem to have a segment of my brain deposited on it.  I had planned the week-end menus and today we will embark on a shopping safari to capture what we need. In Switzerland the shops close on Sunday and on Saturday I send my assistant shopper to gather the things we might forget on Friday.

Looking at my computer clock, it is time to close down for the morning, my Dyson is waiting with impatience, as well as the mop.

Have fun everyone, look after your computers, mobile phones, iPads and whatever. Remember they also need a break from daily life. Give them a rest now and again and wipe the remains of breakfast from their surface. Oh, sorry, that probably only happens to me.

Here is a my view from my good morning center of operations, everything is growing and green. Yesterday we had a refugee in the appartment, that had escaped from the rain, one of those larger spiders that took a walk across the carpet. My feline was fascinated and so was I. After a discussion with Mr. Swiss we decided to let it live for the time being as it did not seem to be posonous or resemble a tarantula. It has now disappeared.

Back garden

10 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. Good morning to you, too…well, it’s afternoon, now, I’ve done my shopping, already blogged and should be fixing some lunch. The opening sentence of your blog reminded me of a joke I can’t remember but it had something to do with an exploding car factory and raining Datsun cogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The top of the morning, afternoon going on evening, to you. I was not laughing, dinosaurs and blue whales falling on your head are not funny, my head does not like it. Was the joke an irish one? We have no car factories in Switzerland and the only things that tend to explode are our army shots. The Swiss army once set fire to a forest in Liechtenstein by mistake on a maneovre, but that was a few years ago, and we no longer talk about it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I just remember that punchline, ‘raining Datsun cogs’. It wasn’t a memorable joke but we do like to play with words and their sound


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