Colour Your World – Blue-green

River Aar

“It’s the way you look at it.”

“It looks blue to me.”

“As I said, according to how you see it.”

“It’s obvious, water is blue really.”

“No, water is, well just water. It does not have any colour. Drink a glass of water and what do you see, nothing, rien, da nada, niente. It has no colour.”

“Anyhow how comes you say that the water is blue-green.”

“It’s the way I see it.”

“Just a moment, your father is completely colour blind.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And your son is colour blind. If you are not careful he will wear a blue sock and a green sock and not see the difference.”

“It’s not that bad. He can drive a car and sees the difference between the red light and the green light.”

“Of course he does, they are in different positions. So you must be colour blind was well.”

“Me, colour blind, never. I am something special, I just carry the problems with me because I am a woman and women are almost never colour blind. Dad was colour blind and son is colour blind and I am something special. If mum had been colour blind as well, then I would be colour blind, but she wasn’t. I will say it again, the water in the River Aar is definitely blue-green, as long as the sun is shining.”

“Huh, what happens when it doesn’t shine?

“Well, it’s just water, and if it rains, it might even turn brown. Once they coloured the river with green to see how the current was flowing.”

“Let’s just agree it is blue-green, then we are all happy, although to me…….”

“Forget it, you must be colour blind.”

Colour your World – Blue-green

Daily Prompt: Now You See Me – let’s disappear

You have a secret superpower: the ability to appear and disappear at will. When and where will you use this new superpower? Tell us a story.

“Who are you? No don’t tell me, another one of those guys from WordPress.”

“How did you guess Mrs. Angloswiss?”

“Fairly obvious, when you walk around in a WordPress t-shirt. I could not imagine anyone else has one. I have been waiting for mine for a few years. What about a prompt: The day I received my WordPress t-shirt.”

“We are working on it. No, todays prompt is a gift from the organisation, you get a superpower and can appear and disappear at will.”

cleaning the kitchen

“Well that’s just fine, couldn’t be better. I was just preparing to clean the kitchen, already put everything on the table, so I suggested you can begin to clean while I disappear.”

“That’s not quite the idea. We thought you could use this power to see things you could not otherwise see and make experiences in life that you will never forget.”

“I did all this on 3rd December 2013, remember?”

“I know we repeat our prompts now and again, but that is for the newbies.”

“I am not a newbie, I am 69 years old so let’s make the most of it. The cleaning cloths are next to the sink, there is a ladder to reach the high places and use my special biological cleaning liquid. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour. I do it regularly every week.”


“No buts, it is now time for me to disappear at will. I won’t be far, just sitting in the living room reading a book or playing with my iPad. I might even be writing today’s daily prompt, starring WordPress Mr. Cleaner, but don’t disappear whilst you are doing the work. It is my day to disappear. And don’t forget to clean the floors when you are finished.”

“All you have to do is swallow this liquid and you are invisible.”

“I am not swallowing any liquids, especially those from wordPress. I might turn into a grid and we all know what happens then. I will be just another brick in the wall. I will be invisible enough in the living room. Rest assured I will not interrupt whilst you are working and no resting on the job making cups of tea and eating biscuits. You can do all that when you get back to your office.”

“But I will get my t-shirt dirty.”

“You only have one t-shirt?”

“I have to pay for them if they get dirty.”

“OK, I will lend you an apron.”

“But it is an apron with a slogan from one of our rival organisations.”

“And? At least they sent me an apron. I am still waiting for my WordPress t-shirt.”

An hour later.

“Mrs. Angloswiss I am finished.”

“Ok, let’s have a look. There are some stains on the chrome steel surface next to the sink. Polish them away and there is some dust on the top ledge next to the door.”

“At once Mrs. Angloswiss. How’s that.”

“It will do, and don’t forget, the next time you repeat this prompt let me know before hand so that I can organise the bathroom for you.”

“Yes Mrs. Angloswiss, goodbye and have a nice day.”

I quite enjoyed that prompt, they should do them more often and look, he has forgotten his WordPress t-shirt. He must have take it off when he put the apron on. I hope it is size XXL.

Daily Prompt: Now you see me – let’s disappear