Daily Prompt: A Brand New You, Effective Tomorrow – No

Tomorrow you get to become anyone in the world that you wish. Who are you? You can choose to be anyone alive today, or someone gone long ago. If you decide to stay “you” share your rationale.

Bernese Alps

I am me and will stay me and am now taking the opportunity to wish all my colleagues in WordPress a very happy New Year: those that daily manage a daily prompt, those that do not always do a daily prompt and even those that never do a daily prompt.

I suppose I could pass a review over the year, but I do not do reviews especially as this year the daily prompts were the same as last year: even the mountains in my photo are the same since thousands of years in the Bernese Alps, they also do not do a daily mountain.  I also noticed that the daily prompt this year was the same as last year and the year before last, but I still look in. You never know there might be something new.

Wishing a happy new year to everyone, wherever you are.

Daily Prompt: A Brand New You – No

Daily Prompt: Childhood revisited – without a computer?

What is your earliest memory? Describe it in detail, and tell us why you think that experience was the one to stick with you.


I have revisited my childhood so often on these prompts that it even bores me, so I am sure it is no longer fun to revisit and why revisit. Was it something great, astounding, spectacular? No, it was not. We did not have computers, not even a real TV, just a box in the corner of the room where you had to squint your eyes to see what was happening and it was all in black and white. Who wants to live in a black and white world? If you really want monochrome you can now do it all on the digital camera or in photoshop. Go back to my childhood?

My favourite shelf is shown on the photo. On the top right my new super Windows 10 computer which is still learning the ropes according to Mrs. Angloswiss. Next to it on the left my previous Acer model, still in working condition although with Windows 7 and a few loose connections which are not so bad if you waggle the lead a bit. On the lower shelf on the right, the silver computer known as Apple, which I am using at the moment to write this unforgettable work of literature.

So in all seriousness I ask you do I really want to return to a childhood where I was even lucky to find a spare electric plug for my tape deck which was the main possibility to listen to music in the days when the Beatles were still visiting art school and John and Paul were still wondering if a song with the title “Love Me Do” would make them famous. I remember recording “Top of the Pops” on Sunday afternoons to annoy everyone with the same songs time and time again.

No today is fun. I was already in my forties when I played my first game on a computer. Was it Kuony’s Rift exploring strange landscapes which never really lead anywhere and shooting down flying saucers which never actually got you to the final stage? I do not think anyone really got to the final stage. I remember sharing the Commodore computer, and afterwards the Amiga computer, with my youngest son. We would paint the wizard’s Kingdom with Wizzball. My son would go to bed earlier than I, and so I had the computer all to myself and must have completed the illustrations evening for evening.

Later I progressed to Facebook Zynga games. Then I was at the retirement age, almost. My company decided that a golden oldie did not look so good in the office, so they decided to give me an early retirement. I was then left to myself with the computer and spent many happy hours farming (Farmville), building a restaurant (Cafeworld) and even building a town (Yoville). This was my second childhood and let’s face it, not many of us get the opportunity to grow up twice. Even I outlived these games as they no longer exist. One day I discovered blogging and am still blogging. In my childhood it was called writing a composition at school, included in the english lessons. I hated writing compositions, the teacher always disagreed with my style. I am sure if they had given us a computer it would have had a more positive influence on my life.

Today we have iPads, a handy instrument for fiddling around with when not knowing what to do with your brain. We also have Kindle, so no longer visiting the library or the bookshop and dragging a bag with a heavy book home. Just find what you want, download it and read it, even if you are on a journey somewhere. With your Kindle you always have something to read.

Back to my childhood? No thanks, just give me the muscles and joints that work and the legs that can take me on journeys to take my digital photos, that is what I need.

Daily Prompt: Childhood Revisited – without a computer?

Daily Prompt: Ear Worm – What shall we cook for dinner?

Write whatever you normally write about, and weave in a book quote, film quote, or song lyric that’s been sticking with you this week.

I normally write about what the WordPress Daily prompt team suggest to write about. This week it was the Christmas week, a little inappropriate to write all about Christmas with all the trimmings, so let’s have a jolly happy go lucky quote from “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens

You are fettered,” said Scrooge, trembling. “Tell me why?”

“I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”

Which is really a cheerful quote – no let’s leave it to Scrooge to meet his fate with the 3 ghosts and his happy ending.

A film quote? Mr. Swiss are doing a re-run at home of the film series Fargo and so I found a nice little quote “There are no saints in the animal kingdom. Only breakfast and dinner.” – No, not so good. You lot are never satisfied. Song lyrics are in three languages at my place, so let’s leave it, What a miserable prompt this is. On the other hand I write about a lot of things, but not so normal.

Harold and his hens

On the other hand, let’s talk about food. That has been sticking with me all week, since around before Christmas because I had to make sure I had enough in the kitchen to feed a family of three during the Christmas holidays. The shops closed on 24th December in the afternoon and remained shut until 26th December when they decided to open for one day, only to close again on 27th December but we survived. Thanks to a careful logistic planning by Mr. Swiss and Mrs. Angloswiss the cupboard was not bare and we ate the remainders in the evening, Phew! now that is behind us all, or is it? No, of course not, the jolly eating carousel with a famine threat hovering in the background is upon us again and we have to survive from New Years Eve until 4th January, with on day in between for buying what we forgot, or may have run out of.

I ran out of ideas of what to cook and Mr. Swiss did not  really have any, the food had to be fresh and the freezer was full. It was then I had an idea.

“Where are you going with  the axe?” asked Mr. Swiss

“I thought I could cook a nice fresh turkey for the new year.”

“with an axe?”

“There is a farm in the next village and they have turkeys running around. I am sure that would not miss one.”

“You cannot just kill a turkey, you will have to ask the farmer.”

“I could do it when he isn’t looking.”

An argument followed and so we forgot about the whole thing. I quite like turkey, but they are just a little too large for our family I suppose.

“I could perhaps go to the chicken farm across the road”

“Forget it” and so the conversation came to an end. I am still wondering what to serve and I would so like some fresh meat. Unfortunately the cows are still in the barn throughout the Winter. Perhaps the next prompt might give me an idea.

Daily Prompt: Ear Worm – What shall we cook for dinner?

Daily Prompt: Fearless Fantasie – che sara sara

How would your life be different if you were incapable of feeling fear? Would your life be better or worse than it is now?

Walk in the mist Feldbrunnen

I feel fear every day, after my golden oldie afternoon sleep: not fear of something that might lurch from the mists in my mind, but something much more concrete. A fear of a regurgitated daily prompt that I had already answered. Oh, yee of faith and belief in the originalities of a fresh daily prompt have nothing to fear, but we that write our best, day for day, we have a dark threat from somewhere in a cyber world that will repeat itself.

I decided to take a walk in the surrounding countryside to gather inspiration for something new to write on a theme that I had already dealt with in July 2014, but to no avail. The weather was not with me, it had made a pact with the dimly lit daily prompt. The fields were swathed in mists, no human apparition to be seen, even the graveyard appeared to be deserted and let us face it, graveyards are never really empty, there is always something there lurking. We have misty days in my area since a week and I am glad that the weather remains outside and I can still see clearly the products on the shelves in the supermarket.

I did not intend writing on today’s daily doomsday prompt. Who is interested in the depths of my fears? Perhaps my favourite vegetables have been attacked by the frosty fingers of the weather, anything can happen in winter. This would mean that the price would increase by 50% and I would have to substitute my tomatoes with cabbage. I like cabbage, but it cannot be eaten with everything. Cabbage and fish would not go together, a fantasy full of fear.

And so I seek inspiration to feed my fears, my fears are subject to starvation. I have been there and done it so often, that I am now immune. Things that should bother me, no longer bother me, because I cannot change my fate. What happens will happen and so I take it one step at a time. Accidents may happen on the way, but that is all part of the excitement in life. If everything ran smoothly without those little incidents, we would have nothing to look forward to when circumstances return to their normal course.

I was so involved in my meditations on my walk through the misty paths that I only saw the threat at the last minute. He appeared from nowhere out of the mist, his bicycle lights blinding me. I jumped to one side and heard a muttered word “sorry” as the bicycle sped on. I could have been killed, run down by the surprise attack from a two wheeled monster. I was on my way home, although crossing the main road had its difficulties. After my confrontation with the bicycle I was prepared for everything. The car lights on the main road were approaching, the car gaining speed. I put my foot on the crossing, its stripes invisible in the mist. I walked on, holding out my arm to warn the driver of the approaching car. Unfortunately the car driver did not see my warning, perhaps because I was wearing a black jacket. He was very nice about everything, called an ambulance straight away and even brought me a large bouquet of roses in hospital. Luckily it was a simple broken leg, and nothing complicated and his insurance will be paying for everything. You see, what is the point of feeling fear. If it is going to happen, it will happen.

Daily Prompt: Fearless Fantasies – Che Sara Sara

Daily Prompt: Young at Heart – if you can keep it on the way

What are your thoughts on aging? How will you stay young at heart as you get older?


“Who is knocking at my door.?”

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Angloswiss?”

“Yes and who are you.”

“Here is my card, Mr. G. Reaper at your service.”

“Now you are wearing original gloves, they resemble a hand of bones. I think you have the wrong door, what are you selling? Not even on a Sunday am I spared with salesmen.”

“My service is not for sale, you get it as part of the package deal, everything included. Do you mind if I come in, it has been an exhausting time at Christmas, people are so reluctant to go further.”

“You have already entered, so you might as well sit down and show me what you have as part of this deal. You can remove your hat and cloak and hang it somewhere, it is quite warm in the apartment. Do you have a sort of catalogue with the different items you have to offer.”

“I prefer to keep my cloak and hat on, some people do not feel comfortable when they see me without them. No, we don’t do catalogues. We were thinking about it but our P.R. man decided it would not be advisable. Everyone would go for the same thing: eternal pain free further existence and a nice big bang at the end where you do not feel anything.”

“At the end of what, if I may ask? What are you actually selling? Everyone sells something today and what is in it for you?”

“Oh everything is in it for me, another satisfied customer, although unfortunately they do not give me a reference for my good reliable service. My results are constant with no disappointments and no extra favours granted. You might be rich or poor but you all get the same treatment in the end.”

“So how is this with the pain free thing. I have back ache, my knees do not do what they should and I have trouble with my balance. Do you have a tablet to cover it all, or is there one for each complaint.”

“I told you I do not really do cures, it is all a matter of how you feel about it. Some struggle until the end, the others do not even notice it, and now and again there is a special offer.”

“Special offer sounds good, think I would like one of those.”

“I will have to talk to the boss, I cannot do the special offer on my own.”

“Your boss sounds to have the last word on everything.”

“He does, although there are actually two bosses and often they do not agree, but let us see what we can do. I will have to make a few notes. What are your thoughts on a return?”

“A return from what?”

“From where you are going of course. Some like to get to the entrance hall and decide not to go further. They get blinded by the bright lights and remember there are still a few things they wanted to do before they went forever to where they were going. That is choice A. We also have choice B. You go into the lights and reconsider. You can then return for a while.”

“I never did like bright lights, I prefer something more soft. It makes it easier to read, my eyesight is not as good as it used to be. Do you supply spectacles?”

“No, they are no longer necessary where you are going.”

“You mean you have a cure for bad eyesight.”

“I have a cure for everything. So we are now at choice B. Do you want to return for a while. Of course there is C, you just go and that’s it.”

“I do not really intend of leaving forever. I think I will return, yes.”

“OK, for a year, five years or 500 years. We do have some special cases, but they are usually the ones that the boss finds they look good, especially if they went out with a head less.”

“I think I am losing the thread somewhere here Mr. Reaper.”

“Just a minute Mrs. Angloswiss, I have a call to take on my mobile phone which is chiming.”

“Yes it is making quite a noise. Your phone is very original, resembles an urn if I may say so.”

“We try to keep with the modern times. Just a moment please.

There has been a mistake Reaper, we forgot to change the year on the eternal clock. You are at least 10 years too early with Mrs. Angloswiss. Give her the complimentary wreath with the lilies and leave, and come home. We have no customers until we put things back to normal. The boys and I have the day off. We are having a game of skittles with a few bones laying around.”

“That is a nice wreath, for me?”

“Yes as a complimentary gift from the organisation. There has been a mistake, I am a few years too early. I must go.”

“Who are you talking to dear.”

“Just a nice visitor, a Mr. G. Reaper. He had to go, but said he will be back another time. He even gave me a lovely wreath of white lillies, although I actually prefer red roses.”

Daily Prompt: Young at Heart – if you can keep it on the way

Daily Prompt: Un/Faithful – In the supermarket?

Tell us about the role that faith plays in your life — or doesn’t.


No, I don’t feel like it, I don’t really feel like writing a blog, but for the want of something better to do I am sitting at the keyboard and waiting for inspiration. First of all let us find a photo. This was no problem. I was in one of my experimental photographic moods yesterday and the sun was shining through the blinds, this being the result. Not a special signal from another place to say “see the light” but just a feat of nature.  So again I have not been saved. Mr. Swiss found that I take interesting photos. Unfortunately Mr. Swiss is not a talent scout for the Pulitzer photo of the year.

This morning Mr. Swiss paid a visit to the temple of nourishment. Our local supermarket decided to open its doors today, even if it is Boxing Day. The people must be fed. I was going with him, but decided that my spirit was willing but the flesh was weak and in any case had quite a pile of ironing from the bed linen washing session yesterday – no rest for the unfaithful

In the name of commercialism the supermarket was open which was an exception in our Roman Catholic canton. In our market town the shops remained shut until Monday. if you really want to know what is happening in the world then take a trip over to Facebook. I have already discovered that Canada has a special sales day today, all the shops are open and the merry shoppers are doing their work and raiding the full shelves of bargain goods. The faith in the meaning of sales is spreading across the world.

So today I am not preaching the good word, if you need it and looking for it I am sure you will find it somewhere even in Internet, although at the moment I find Internet is flooded with photos of Christmas trees and children opening their Christmas gifts or sitting at laid tables overflowing with food. I am still recovering from the exhaustion of my cough which still tends to wake me up during the night when I should be sleeping, but it can only get better.

This really seems to be a blog for the sake of blogging with nothing very much to say. Oh and the title of the blog? Faith plays absolutely no real part in my life, I am too busy blogging about it.

Daily Prompt: Un/Faithful – In the supermarket?

Daily Prompt: Generous Genies – use this gift well

Remember those lovely genies who grant wishes? Well, you’re one and you’ve just been emancipated from your restrictive lamp. You can give your three wishes to whomever you want. Who do you give your three wishes to, and why?

I do remember those lovely genies who granted wishes, they were in my dreams and I made so many wishes, that I think they forgot to note most of them. Now I can do it again and again because I did it the last time only on 6th July 2014 for WordPress Generous Genies 6th July 2014 and now I can do it once more, but of course I now have to find something else to write, because I cannot post the same again.

I am not a Christmas person, do not even have a Christmas tree, and enjoy the season because the others enjoy it and why not. I just thought that perhaps, with one little ounce of respect and interest, WordPress might find something to do with the festive season on 25th December, but that is wishful thinking of course. So my answer to this prompt is that I give my three wishes to the Daily Prompt WordPress team in the hope that they find something new to prompt. I have been in this daily prompt game for a couple of years now and it is just over a year that they began to repeat them all again, so come on daily prompt, prompt yourselves for something original, conforming to the season. It’s Christmas, you know 24, 25, and 26th December when people give gifts to others and the season of goodwill to all men: use your wishes wisely Daily Prompt.

So now I have got that off my chest, but I am not really in a prompt mood at the moment. it began with a sneeze on 20th December and amounted to a complete health breakdown by 23rd December when I more or less spent the day in bed thinking about writing my last will and testimony. Thank goodness for a Mr. Swiss that braved his way into the supermarket on 23rd and dealt with the Christmas food shopping. In between coughs, sneezes and other symptoms I even mange to knock up and meal of some sorts for the family on that day before again retiring to my bed for the afternoon.


This was the only view I had for a day from my hospital/invalid/bedroom. I  took a nice strong knock out tablet in the evening between coughs and slept only to awake for a coughing session in the early morning in the WC as I did not want to wake my sleeping partner, although he could probably not overhear the noise but decided to ignore it. On Wednesday 24th December I awoke and realised that at last I was back pain free and could again arise as normal as I usually can and even walk, although the symptoms had now spread to my inner ears, which resulted in a Menière attack, causing giddiness by every movement which I still have and am now also taking my special tablets.

I decided to venture with Mr. Swiss to the supermarket to collect my meat order as our Christmas celebration begins on Christmas Eve in Switzerland. Somehow things were now on the upward curve and today I am almost a normal functioning body.

You may have noticed my absence from the daily prompt for the last two days, and now you know why. I did not even look at a computer for two days which is an all time record since the discovery of Windows 1.0. It was my Christmas wish perhaps to me, I leaned how to live without a computer, at least for two days.

So be warned daily prompt, use your wishes wisely. There are not many of us die hard golden oldies left in this deserted grid world of old prompts, and not many of us left to tell the the stories of how it used to be when we were all young and lovely and ready to go.

Oh and happy Christmas and all that jazz from me and keep healthy. Be careful of this blog, I hope it is not contangious.

Daily Prompt: Generous Genies – use this gift well

Daily Prompt: Fandom – No longer interested

Are you a sports fan? Tell us about fandom. If you’re not, tell us why not.

I remember the word Fandom from the last time we got this prompt. I had never heard of it then and I did not remember it this time, which shows how much my sportsmanship exists. In my younger days I was a keen follower of football, but I wrote all about it the last time I did this repeated blog and do not intend to write it all again.

Suffice it to be said that in later years I now and again like to watch a football (soccer) match on the television, but I no longer feel the urge to stand in the stadium in the cold weather for 90 minutes watching  22 grown men kick a ball around. Of course if the player is attractive enough to warrant more than a glance, I take more interest.This was the case years ago when the Dutch goalkeeper Erwin Van der Sar was playing for the english team Manchester United. I even went to the lengths of taking a photo from the television.

Champions League Cup Final 2009

He retired in 2011 and since I have no great interest in sports.

So I have fulfilled my duty for this prompt and do not have a lot more to say. I am still suffering from my nose cold which is now a head cold and my head does not feel like concentrating writing anything at the moment.

Daily Prompt: Fandom – No longer interested

Daily Prompt: Safety First – They are coming to get me ha ha

Share the story of a time you felt unsafe.

The Corridor

I never feel safe, they are out to get me I am sure. From the moment when I arise from my midday golden oldie sleep I feel unsafe. They are all hiding in the shadows waiting for me to put a foot wrong. I decided to partake of a doughnut before beginning my daily prompt work and so I took a hearty bite. It was wonderful until I noticed the jam left the doughnut and arrived on my desk. I now have a sticky desk. Luckily the computer remained unharmed.

Today was the day I decided to order my Christmas meat at the local supermarket. It will soon be Christmas and you have to be sure that you will get what you want. I told the lady in the butchers department my needs and she began to write it down.

“When do you want to pick it up” she asked, a very good question of course. I was not alone in the world of meat orders so I replied

“On Friday morning, Christmas Eve.”

“Friday we are closed and celebrating Christmas Day” was the answer.

Mr. Swiss added that Thursday is Christmas Eve so it sees that I had a little mx-up in my head. Admittedly I am suffering from a nose cold at the moment, as I explained in yesterday’s daily prompt, and things are not as they should be. I now needed to recalculate a few things. If the big feast begins on Thursday, I would have to order for Friday and Saturday and then I was left with Sunday which I did not include in my plans. In the meanwhile I discovered that on 26th December, Boxing Day, my supermarket is open, so if necessary I could buy the food for 27th on that day.

To continue with this miserable state of affairs, Mr. Swiss had a problem this week. Actually it could almost have been my problem, but I only got my super Microsoft computer Windows 10 last week, so it was too early for the fantastic new Threshold 2 update. Mr. Swiss got it, although he did not really want it, because he was quite happy with the way things were running, but it arrived and said it was ready to go and it went without really asking. The result after half an hour was a completely new and improved Windows 10 programme. Unfortunately 2 apps were missing and windows Outlook was no longer working as it should. A quick excursion to the Windows web site discovered many complaints from unsatisfied customers whose computers had the same symptoms and a statement from Windows that they were working on it, the update was now being withdrawn from its programme until they have fixed it. In the meanwhile we have a non functioning Outlook and other missing links. If it had worked all the Windows 7 people would have got a new faster programme than up to now, Funny I was thinking about upgrading my old Acer, but have not yet got round to it, and glad I did not: It seems to affect the upgraded computers. My new Windows 10 computer has been left for the time being.

I was actually preparing to write about how satisfied I am with this windows 10 programme, tiles as well, I am loving it, but have decided to wait with my happy dance.

I am still coming to grips with the new WordPress destruction template, although I like it. I know I am the only one, but it works perfectly for me. For a time I felt unsafe, but no longer.

Otherwise what could possibly go wrong? My anemones are growing leaves in the garden, my borage is blossoming and the lawn is growing to Savannah heights and it is only Winter. I am sure they are out to get me, hiding in the shadows, and I will probably trip over a giant sunflower in the garden if this continues – I think it is called global warming. Yes I will prepare some fresh strawberries from the garden for our Christmas dessert.

Daily Prompt: Safety First – They are coming to get me ha ha

Daily Prompt: Take Care – The Analysis of a cold according to Mrs. Angloswiss

When you’re unwell, do you allow others to take care of you, or do you prefer to soldier on alone? What does it take for you to ask for help?

Head cold

And now WordPress have become psychic, they can see into my bedroom, into my unwell body. Yes I have a cold. Not just a cold but a nose cold. Luckily nose colds are not so bad as throat colds. I really do not know where I found this cold. It all started the day before yesterday when I sneezed. I often sneeze, but it was a repetitive sneeze, one of those sneezes that reminded me every five minutes that it was here to stay.

I dragged myself through the day sneezing occasionally. The problem with an Angloswiss sneeze is that that Angloswiss nose is oversized. It is a characteristic of not only my mother’s family but also my dad’s which means i had no chance from the beginning. In the meanwhile I sneezed again, interrupting my report on my health condition. With such a resonance in a nose it cannot be avoided that all people in my neighbourhood have realised that I have a nose cold.

“What did you say Mr, Swiss? There is no such thing as a nose cold. Either you have a cold or you don’t have a cold, but you cannot have an isolated nose cold.”

“Of course you can. The nose cold is when you get through a box of paper handkerchieves in a day, or even sink to using a paper towel from the kitchen if there is nothing else available.”

He still does not believe me. If I have a throat cold it is much worse. The nose cold is shared with everyone near. They hear my sneezes, my nose blows, and partakes in the general noise emissions from the nose. The throat cold is the incremental factor of a nose cold. My throat is generally quite well behaved. I no longer smoke, since almost twenty years, have no tonsils or adenoids and the passage is quite clear. However, if the cold sinks to the throat I get very benevolent  and like to share my cough with everyone.

The throat tends to make itself noticeable during the day, but you can be ignored by the others, or you can retire to a quiet corner where your coughing attacks remain for yourself. In the night there is a different scene. You slip between the sheets at last to recover from the ailments of the day. Gradually you fall asleep and then it happens. There is a tickle in the throat membranes, and you cough, not just once but often, developing into a coughing rhapsody. Of course you make efforts to disguise the coughs, there might be someone nearby that also becomes aware of your coughing spree which will probably prevent that neighbour in getting his own relaxing sleep.

Eventually in the morning you are awake after many trips to the bathroom to dispose of the used handkerchiefs and notice that you did not really get a full night’s sleep. If you did sleep it has the effect that the coughing excursion is stopped in its path and you have the feeling that there is some sort of blockage in your respiratory organs which produce a clearance cough in the morning for some time, until it is dispersed. That is a throat cold, which is my less liked sort of cold. So how can anyone tell me that there is no such thing as a throat cold.

At the moment I am happy with my nose cold, but my nose is not so happy. It is sore and somewhat swollen, and now has an interesting colour – red. You ask if I ask for help. I do not have time to ask for help because I am sneezing continuously with my nose cold. If it was a throat cold I would be coughing so much that I would not be able to ask for anything. I do not soldier on alone, I share my colds, otherwise there is no point in having one. There is help in the medicine cupboard, but the difference is you can cure your cold in a week, and otherwise it take seven days. I now feel a headache approaching, due to the nose blowing exercises.

Daily Prompt: Take Care – the Analysis of a Cold according to Mrs. Angloswiss