Colour Your World: Denim


The nice thing about jeans is that they come in all shapes and sizes. I have progressed through the ages and when I now buy them I try the largest size the store has in the lady’s department. If they do not fit, which is gerally the case, I move onto the men’s department.

Although I have now made a note of which shops to visit and which shops to avoid. It seems as I become a senior citizen  the sizes are not as generous as they were, or perhaps my body is expanding. The photo shows the jeans that no longer fit. I keep them in the cupboard hoping for the day when they might fit again.

Colour Your World: Denim

Daily Prompt: Roaring Laughter -Life is one big laugh

What was the last thing that gave you a real, authentic, tearful, hearty belly laugh? Why was it so funny?


The things I do for these daily prompts. Now arisen from he depths of a golden oldie midday sleep I am forced to laugh, for a selfie to show how I can really do a real authentic tearful laugh (missed out belly, is not relevant). Basically I do not have anything to laugh about. First of all I discovered the t-shirt I was wearing was uncomfortable around the neck because I was wearing it reversed, like the back part below the chin. I then decided to take a photo of my feline for today’s prompt and she refused to turn her head and smile.

Today’s lunch was not the success of my life. It was OK, we could eat it. I started on the steak too soon, which produced something resembling a shoe sole, although Mr. Swiss convinced me that it was good, OK I think he said it was  not exactly superb, 5 star hotel standard. Then there was the cauliflower. It was a large cauliflower. Shame I did not take a photo, it was perfect. Unfortunately after 10 minutes in the microwave, which is my usual method, it was still not tender enough to take a hearty bite and so it was returned to the microwave for another 5 minutes. I must say the fried potato cubes were a success, but you do not live on potatoes alone. Eventually with a little delay we sat at the table and enjoyed the meal. There were no belly laughs, we were too busy eating.

I retired to my golden oldie midday sleep and awoke to a dismal, sad, uninspiring daily prompt. First of all I read what I wrote the last time in 2014 and even then remarked that I had received the same prompt within two months, so probably this will arise again in April. Make sure to make notes about your next laughing session. It will be easier to write down and tell everyone about it in April.

“Mr. Swiss, when did I last have a good laugh?”

“You laugh every day, especially when you are reading.”

So there you have it. Give Mrs. Angloswiss a book (actually my Kindle) and she laughs. At the moment I am reading the life and death of General George Patton, so I cannot remember the reason why I laughed at this one although no-one really liked him, I think they mostly hated him and he was not known for a belly laugh. He had a few good quotes “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom” or “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way”, so perhaps I did have a chuckle somewhere.

My favourite amusing writer is without a doubt Terry Pratchet. I am gradually reading through all his many books and have just finished No. 4 entitled “Mort”. The devil has a new apprentice To pass some time,  he decides to take a holiday in the nearby town and gets himself a job as a cook in a restaurant with success. His dishes are a devillish delight. In the meanwhile the apprentice is left in charge and suddenly dead people organisation gets a little out of hand. This appealed to the dark side of my humour which is about the only side I have.

I did it, completed yet another memorable, Pulitzer prize, Nobel prize suspicious blog. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s daily prompt “Tell us about the time you murdered someone. How did you do it? Was it a success and did you get away with it”. Oh how I love those interesting unique daily prompts. I can’t wait, and now to search for a victim. “Mr. Swiss ………….?”

Daily Prompt: Roaring Laughter – Life is just one big laugh