Colour Your World: Cotton Candy

Bleeding Heart

Known as bleeding heart, which is not a suprise. They are one of the first to flower in my garden during the year. They also enjoy spreading their seeds everywhere.

I have just finished reading a book “Bleeding Heart Square” by Andrew Taylor from a square in London in the part called Holborn. I checked on a map and yes, it exists. It even has a secret entrance which is mentioned in the book. The book is a murder mystery and I found it very good. The title of the book comes more from the real thing and not pretty flowers.


I seem to have quite a pink garden. These are my phlox which flower every year in summer.

Colour Your World: Cotton Candy

Daily Prompt: Saturday Night – Yes, of course

Tell us about the most exciting big night out you had recently.

Oh, I am stumped, without an idea. What shall I write about my exciting, breathtaking Saturday evenings? There is so much to tell everyone, I do not now where to begin. My first thought was a message I received from Facebook from one of my “friends”. Actually I did not really know this friend when he asked me. He was a friend of a friend who was more a friend to Mr. Swiss and my son, something not exactly in my age group, but a friend. I had almost forgotten that I had an event that I can attend this Saturday evening: something to break the boredom of the normal Saturday evenings. Yes, pure excitement.


Shall I go, or not? Will it be too much for my golden oldie condition: thoughts of permanent ear damage through the volume of the music? It was hard rock and loud. It might be that I suffer a collapse due to the excitement, too much for my nervous system. I asked my No. 1 son, who often visits these strange occasions. Indeed I believe this friend of a friend was a friend of my son.

My son told me he would also be there, the reason why he would not be at home on Saturday evening for the meal. He was a VIP and helping out. Knowing my son’s music taste I decided it would be safer to stay at home. Mr. Swiss advised he got the same invitation but would prefer to stay at home. My decision was made, so another Saturday evening disappointment.

What are the alternatives. I remembered we have a new DVD arrival. Of course we all know Downton Abbey, it’s fame has even spread across the pond to our American colonists.

Downton Abbey

We have the complete collection of all the DVD’s. After watching the DVD’s in the last series I was a little disappointed. Of course, the daughters were now all married, to live happily ever after, but there were still a few loose threads to be tied. That could not possibly be all. I/we had heard of a Christmas edition as a grand finale, and I sent Mr. Swiss on a virtual Amazon search. He was successful and it arrived last week. We have not yet watched this, so that would be something to rescue the boredom of our Saturday evening.

Yes, after a deluxe meal of pasta in a parmesan cream sauce garnished with sage leaves from the garden, we could relax in our stressless chairs in front of the TV and watch this memorable epic of typical English life in 1925, where everyone had servants and dressed for dinner. This is a safe bet, because I know I would not fall asleep, before it was finished.

So we are engaged until 11.00 p.m. with still an hour to go to midnight. If we do not fall asleep after this exciting special evening. Mr. Swiss will probably go on a channel jogging trip on the TV, or perhaps even insert one of our new DVD’s from the Harry Bosch series. I will probably curl up with a Kindle and read further in my book “Target Patton”, explaining why and if he was killed at the end of WW2.


And another spectacular, exciting Saturday evening draws to a close. My son will probably arrive home in the early morning hours after participating in the Live Souls Revival. Another reason why I prefer to stay at home. Early morning home coming is not my thing, I might fall asleep on the way home, or due to the volume of the music my ears will be making strange whistling noises.

Daily Prompt: Saturday Evening – Yes, of course