Flower of the Day: 30.05.2017 Curcuma, Siam Tulip

Curcuma, Siam tulip

I only know curcuma as a spice used in Indian curries. When I saw this flower in the local store, I was astonished to find what it was. I did not realise it was such a beautiful plant, something really special. I had to check in Internet to make sure I was on the right path, but yes, this is a flower of the curcuma, also known as Siam Tulip.

Flower of the Day: 30.05.2017 Curcuma, Siam Tulip

13 thoughts on “Flower of the Day: 30.05.2017 Curcuma, Siam Tulip

        • No, I did not. I do not keep many plants at home – too much bother, although it would have been a good idea. I just had a look at ginger, and yes that also has a very nice flower. Switzerland is not such a place for attractive tropical plants.


          • But it has its own beauty. My husband and I got to Switzerland when we were touring Europe in a car and he didn’t want to leave. We rented a house on a lake–can’t remember which one–and stayed for a week, I believe. He was entranced by Weinerschnitzel.. Ha.

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