Macro Moments Challenge: Week 17

Pepper 01.11 (3)

I was busy cooking a ratatouille, you know that stuff with aubergine, courgettes, onion, tomatoes and peppers. I had a big red pepper and decided to choose it as my victim for a macro as spiders and other such creatures seem to have now gone into hibernation, not to mention the flies that have now left us for winter.

I arranged the center of the peperoni with the seeds to get as flat an angle as possible. I noticed my Nikon macro lens does not like too much up and down, and this is the result. It is not a scene from a horror movie, but just the inside of a red pepper.

Macro Moments Challenge: Week 17

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – November 2, 2016

Feldbrunnen to Langendorf via Solothurn 02.11 (17)

Today we took a different route through the town of Solothurn in Switzerland as Mr. Swiss had to call in at the docs in town. Lots of tunnels and other things to see, something completely different.

Canal work

This one was getting a little complicated as we left the supermarket parking, we really did not know which way to go. We had to drive over the hose in the road, they were doing some sort of canalisation work.

Feldbrunnen to Bettlach 02.10 (7)

And sometimes there might be a roundabout in the middle of the road with a horse, as in the village of Bellach near Solothurn, Switzerland.

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – November 2, 2016

Daily Prompt: Let’s go bludgeoning


“That is not a nice photo.”

“I don’t do nice photos, I do realism.”

“But you cannot show something like that to everyone.”

“Why not, you decided you wanted something special for your birthday meal and spent at least 10 minutes explaining to the butcher which piece of meat you wanted and how he should cut it. He selected at least three pieces until you decided and I did not notice that you found it “not nice”, choosing the most juicy tender piece.”

“You agreed to buy it as well.”

“It was your birthday – no problem and you were looking forward to it so much. Ok, it looked like quite a good piece of meat, but a bit sort of, well, dark, and to be quite honest – bloody.”

“Since when are you a vegetarian?”

“I know, I like a bit of meat, but it can also be a chicken leg or even a piece of lamb, as long as it is not Spring lamb and local.”

“What is wrong with spring lamb?”

“Already on my plate in spring – no thankyou. And before you ask, I prefer something from New Zealand. They have more sheep than people.”

“Which means?”

“If one  or two go missing, no-one really notices it.”

“Sounds a bit illogical to me. So now to my birithday meal. Make sure you do not fry it too long, I like my t-bone steaks a little red in the middle.”

“Of course, although I really feel sorry for that piece of meat. What a way to end.”

“My birthday meal? It is in honour of the day.  and it will be remembered forever. Do not forget the herb butter. Make it with some garlic, it adds to the flavour.”

“It definitely will not be foregotten, it cost twice as much as the usual.”

“But it is top quality. It has been stored longer than usual to improve the quality and taste.”

“You mean I pay twice as much for a piece of old meat? And look at the colour, that is more than blood red, it is dried blood red, the joy of every vampire. I think I have lost my appetite, I will make myself a fried egg and some french fries. At least they will be fresh and not be exhibited in a glass window for everyone to see. I am sure no-one buys that meat. We are the first to choose it. I noticed how how the butcher was uncertain about how to cut it.”

“Now what’s the matter, stop crying.”

“I feel sorry for the cow. What a way to end in a glass window at the butchers. It is morbid, almost like a scene from the cabinet of Dr. Mabuse.”

“Are we going to eat this meat or not?”

“You will have to cook it, I cannot bring myself to do it, I feel like a murderer.”

“But the cow is already dead. Ok, forget it, stop crying. I have also now lost my appetite.”

“OK fried eggs and french fries for both of us.”

“And what are you going to do with the meat?”

“No problem, I will give it to the farmer. He must like it, he has at least 100 cows on the farm.”

“But they are milk cows.”

“Are you sure?”

“OK, give it to the farmer. He will probably appreciate it more than us.”

Daily Prompt: Let’s go bludgeoning

Good Morning

Blackbird 30.10 (1)

Had a blackbird visitor in the garden, but she refused to look in my direction, so made the most of it with a few photos.

Today things should be back to normal after the holiday yesterday, although I did not notice very much of a holiday. For me holidays are every day, almost. Just the usual routine to make sure I can find stuff and not have a general mess everywhere. The morning began misty, but it is already clearing. I can hear machine noise in the distance, meaning that work is being continued on the local road organisation. We can escape with the car into town, no problem, but we are still restricted to our side of the village as there is no way of crossing the road to get to the other side, like the chicken did, unless you take a 10 minute walk to the next foot tunnel, which is just too far for me.

Had one of those interesting experiences yesterday. Sometimes this social media stuff brings interesting events. I wrote on a challenge this week, it was CEE’s Share Your World and on of the questions was to show where you were living in the third grade of school. I had no idea what the third grade was, as I am basically a Brit and we do not have grades in school, but as I lived in the same place all my life until I moved over to Switzerland, I had no problem. At the same time someone in Facebook happened to put in the address of her granparents in Google where they lived at the beginning of the 20th centuary to see if she could find any connection, and guess what – my blog on share your world appeared, because my grandparents, my parents and me lived in exactly the same house as her grandparents. She sent me a message with an except from the census details. What a coincidence. I have many photos of the street and now we are connected in Facebook of course. Her grandparents may not have known my family, we are not sure. My grandparents only moved into the house around 1910 and hers were already living there in 1900. The houses were built in 1884.

Of course I sent a few photos and we have exchanged information. She no longer lives in the area and the street was demolished many years ago. I also had some photos of the VE Day celebrations in 1945 which took place in the street to celebrate the end of Word War II. Life is full of surprises, and were it not for the fact that I take part in the “Share Your World” Challenge we would probably have never met in this ever expanding world of cyber contacts.

And now to get things done, instead of sitting at a computer listening to road machines carving up our roads and wondering whether to fetch my camera or not. You never know what might happen in front of the window and I want to be there to capture it.

It is shopping today, so there will be logistics to plan for dinner and tea and perhaps there might be a few extras on the side, like a conversation with the butcher in the meat department.

Have fun everyone, you never know, you might meet a long lost relation in Internet, do not forget to tell us all about it.