Daily Prompt: Never Gonna Give You Up

You. We know *you* are vice-free, dear Daily Post reader. But, or perhaps we should say, “butt,” others around you and in your life are riddled with vices: they smoke; they eat too much celery; they hog the covers; they can’t keep their hands out of the office candy bowl. Which vice or bad habit can you simply not abide in others?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us VICE.
And another song title greets us for the daily prompt. I always hated that song.

Nera sleeping on the washing

“Nera feline, what are you doing?”


“but not on the clean washing that I want to iron.”

“You have a problem? Clean, dry washing is balsam to a tired and weary feline. It refreshes our fur, replenishes our thought programme and it smells good.”

“Nera, move your feline body to another place. My washing will be full of feline hairs and will smell like a feline. This annoys me.”

“Sorry Mrs. Human, explain word “annoy” it does not exist in Miaow”.

“If you do not move immediately, the feline name “Nera” will also have a short life.”

She moved, but reluctantly, was I doing something wrong?

This prompt has emphasised the fact that I am so perfect, and have no vices. I do not smoke, do not drink and life is not even boring. There is always something to do. Of course others might smoke, but I just ignore them, open the windows (even in the midst of Winter) and turn on the fan. They usually disappear, close the door or go outside.

I am such a peace loving person. Conflict situations occur, but I do my best to avoid them. I have a time table during the week. Not that I have to have a time table, but I am just used to doing my own thing. Three mornings are reserved for a shopping trip and the remaining mornings I have certain managerial functions to fulfil. There is a bathroom to be cleaned. No problem, but it seems that I am avoided and ignored when carrying out this task. Perhaps my negative characteristics are prominent, but I have none. I do not like interruptions in the course of my work and tend to be a little loud perhaps, but no problem. Suddenly I find myself alone, everyone disappears: even the felines hide in a quiet place and sleep.

There was a time when I was addicted to eating in the evening. Not just the evening meal, but during the evening I was hunting for salted peanuts and above all potato chips: washed down with a glass of coke this was perfect. Unfortunately there was a disadvantage to this eating orgy. Not only did my cholesterol levels rise, but my sugar mirror also climbed. Who cares? I was enjoying my evenings, but unfortunately there was a negative side. In the morning the living room floor was littered with crumbs remaining from the evening before. Due to my perfect character, I just ignored this. Unfortunately not all are so perfect and a few negative words were spoken. Needless to say my doctor also had a few comments in connection with my super diet. Today I am peanut and potato chip free, almost. I do not eat them in public places in the apartment, just in the kitchen and have reduced the consumption. I only now drink water. My dentist once mentioned something about my teeth having brown stains (was that the cola?).

I never regarded this as a bad habit, but I am often misunderstood.

I am now writing my daily perfect work of literature, being prompted. Today the prompt is really special as the subject matter highlights how perfect my talents are. Again I am sitting alone, abandoned by Mr. Swiss and the three felines. Mr. Swiss is taking a walk in the fresh air (with his iPoddy thing for company) and the three felines are again sleeping.

As you can see I have no vices. I would add, if it is one thing I cannot stand, that annoys me most of all in people, it is those that do everything right, never make mistakes, and are convinced they are the most perfect people in the world.

Daily Prompt: Never Gonna Give You Up

Perfect Pingbacks

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14 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Never Gonna Give You Up

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Never Gonna Give You Up | Views Splash!

  2. Pingback: DP: Vices | Walk With Me


  4. Pingback: A Wanna-be Writer’s Utopia | Write now?

  5. Thanks for the pingback. But the real question is, do you pick your nose? LOL…Hope you aren’t offended by this but if you did read my blog it will give explanation. Feel free to delete if you are.


  6. I too am completely without vices. Everyone loves me. When they find my murdered corpse, no one will be able to understand how such a thing could happen because — “Everyone loved her!” That’s what they always say in the movies, right? Till they discover … the ugly truth …


  7. Pingback: “It’s time to write” – a (somewhat) fictionalized account of my vice. | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  8. Pingback: Feelings | Life is great

  9. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Never Gonna Give You Up | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  10. Pingback: of vanity | Anawnimiss

  11. Pingback: Leaving: A writing prompt from The Write Practice | Write on the World

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