Weekly Writing Challenge: Moved by Music

Music is powerful: it conjures memories, emotions, and people and things of the past. It’s not only a trigger, but an outlet to express who we are. For this challenge, pick one song and write about it — or use it as inspiration for a post

Train Departure Solothurn Main Station

Music is part of my life, always has been. I have my likes, some dislikes, but I know it all. Growing up with the Beatles and Rolling Stones, I rode on the wave of beat music. I knew them all, listening to “Top of the Pops” every Sunday afternoon on the British radio. It was the day of the tape recorder, nothing like those digital iPoddy things of today, we had to do what we could. Listening to it all day after day, you learnt all the words, knew all the guitar riffs and it was just part of daily teenage life in the sixties.

At the same time I was having a musical education at school and not the rough stuff, but the greats. There was a bloke called Beethoven, he was deaf, but still managed to compose a few colourful symphonies with punch. Not exactly foot tapping stuff, but you could feel the atmosphere. Chopin was more on the gentle side of things, but churned out a revolutionary etude which could inspire any rebels stand up for their cause and I believe still today that Bach was the original inspiration for a jazz piano (apologies to Scott Joplin) with his two and three part inventions.

At the same time I was taking Piano lessons at school, naturally only the classics, and this for six years. I have always had a piano and have now progressed to an electric piano, full sized and still tickle the ivories. Luckily I have ear phones so that not all have to bear the torture of listening to the classics/pop songs with mistakes in the timing or notes.

So there I was, being confronted with beat and classic, my musical brain was partaking in a split identity and then I discovered the opera. Now do not laugh, I loved it. I was lucky to live in London, a music centre covering it all. My wages did not, however, cover the price of tickets for Covent Garden (the Carnegie Hall of London), so I could only manage a good seat at the Sadlers Wells opera house and I saw them all. Verdi, Rossini and even some good old Gilbert and Sullivan, the satirists of the Victorian age, everything being sung in English which was the Sadlers Wells way of performing.

Life was one muscal adventure and then I moved to Switzerland and was surrounded by the Italians, Germans and French. I had no chance. I discovered that these countries had their own ways of modern music. Names such as Francois Hardy, Adamo, Paolo Conte, Lucio Dalla, Udo Jürgens and Udo Lindenberg became known to me, singing songs at the top of their country’s hit parades, and I was singing along with them.

I then married Mr. Swiss, perhaps nothing special, but musically it was. Up to that time the only contact I had ever had with jazz was through a cousin of mine who was listening to Duke Ellington and Count Basie when Bill Haley was top of the hit parade. Mr. Swiss had a hobby, more than a hobby perhaps, but he played in a band, was the drummer and what did he play: jazz, not traditional but the real stuff, the bebop, mainstream Cannonball Adderly- Miles Davis-John Coltrane sort of thing. That completed my music education. After 44 years of marriage I can now say I am an amateur expert on jazz, naturally not a full blooded expert, but basically know what I am listening to. I would not want to hold a lecture or lead a discussion on who is the best and what version of a song is the better, but I recognise what I hear.

And now for my all time favourite, greatest song that I just love. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have written here, but perhaps with the photo at the top of the page of a train. Country music is not really my thing, I quite like its sing-songy casual way, but when I heard a song once it stayed with me. I even bought the record because I had to have it. Arlo Guthrie singing The City of New Orleans. I have absolutely no connection to the American Amtrak or whatever, and have never been to New Orleans, but journey of a train travelling through America and the scenes it witnesses on the way have a fascinating and wonderful musical accompaniment. I just love this song and so here it is. I am really not one for plastering videos all over my blogs, I find it a cheap way of saying something I want to say, but in this case it just belongs to the blog, so enjoy it as much as I do.

Weekly Writing Challenge: Moved by Music

Musical Pingbacks

  1. Miami Vice: Definitely Miami and ‘Cry’ | It Rains… You Get Wet
  2. Wake Me Up | Stacy’s Flutterings
  3. Weekly Writing Challenge: Moved by Music | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Driving Through a Hurricane | Mary J Melange
  5. Moved by Music | The Urban Dr. Mom
  6. moved by music | band of color
  7. Adolescence | K beezy is viral
  8. Weekly Writing Challenge- Moved By music | sassy&classy
  9. Weekly Writing Challenge: Moved by Music | Kat Dancing
  10. sonic tonic | nanopod: hybrid studio
  11. Weekly Writing Challenge: Moonlight Serenade | Spiritual Biscuits
  12. Moved by Music Memories | Kansa Muse
  13. the power of inspiration | ramblings
  14. “Sit Down”: The Anthem of My Childhood | 97 Life Street
  15. Moved by Music: DPChallenge | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  16. 5 Songs That Can Get You Through The Dark Days | dark circles, etc
  17. Weekly Writing Challenge: How I Have Been Moved By Music | My Daily Prompt Blog

Daily Prompts: It builds Character

Tell us about a favorite character from film, theater, or literature, with whom you’d like to have a heart-to-heart. What would you talk about?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us a CHARACTER.

Sunset in Feldbrunnen, Switzerland

“That was a spectacular arrival Count Dracula”

“I do my best, although the effects seem to be less today. Modern life seems to lessen the impact of my appearance. There have been so many cheap copies in film that people just seem to think of me as a comic figure.”

“But you are still a popular figure at Halloween.”

“Don’t make me laugh, plastic teeth and red paint is just ridiculous. I like the real thing, just take a look”

and the Count opened his mouth to show two pointed teeth.

“You see, these are vampire teeth, not the cheap imitations. Come a little nearer and I will show you how it works. Ha, ha, ha”

Needless to say I decided not to get closer. It was not just a laugh, but it came from the depth of the throat, more like an invitation to the bite.

“I don’t think I will Count, although I must say your teeth are a marvellous colour, no sign of decay.”

“Of course not, my decay happened many years ago, when I was deemed to become an undead, scouring the surface of this world for nourishment. Oh the delight of fresh white skin, preferably neck, where I can sink my fangs into the depth of the jugular vein.”

“Sorry to interrupt Count, but this interview might be read by children, frail ladies and people with an aversion to seeing fresh blood. Let us keep it human friendly.”

“Not my problem, but if you insist. I see you have a bottle of red liquid on the table. Would that perhaps be….?

“No, sorry Count, your liquid cravings cannot be catered for, it is just plain red wine, but you are welcome to a glass.”

“Many years ago in the old country, I drank my share of red wine in my pre-undead days, but after my transformation, ha, ha, ha (another throaty laugh) I seemed to be unable to treasure the sip of the wine. Just a small question, I noticed there is a hospital at the bottom of the street when I flew over, would they perhaps have a blood bank?”

“You wish to donate blood Count?”

“Do not insult me, I might look like a comic figure, but I am serious. I was hoping that the hospital might donate a pint or two to me – ha, ha, ha (another throaty laugh)”.

“I noticed that you were only available for an interview at midnight. Do you still have problems with daylight.”

“Oh, the innocence and stupidity of the living. Of course I have problems with daylight. Do you think I sleep in dark places and retire to my comfortable coffin through choice? When I think of all the fresh, lively blood moving in the daily world and I am left to the human wanderers of the night, the surplus of mankind. Do you think a victim is at its finest after a visit to a night club or bar, the alcoholic twinge in the blood goes to my head. No, I much prefer something young and fresh. One of the reasons I like to hover at the window of a maiden sleeping peacefully. Even that is now a problem with all these modern burglar alarm systems and blinds at the window. Luckily my teeth regrow, I lost the point of one of my teeth last week when trying to bite through a metal slat. Oh for the days of open windows.”

“Well it was really nice talking to you Count, but I see the first rays of sun creeping over the horizon in the East.”

“Thank you for your consideration. I must go. Goodbye and thankyou for the meal.”

“But you said you do not eat food and I offered you nothing.”

“No problem, a vampire takes what he wants, especially when invited and you invited me.”

Ok, so now I only sleep during the day, go for long walks at night and thank goodness the local blood bank is just at the end of the street, although now and again I might partake of ……..

Daily Prompt: It builds Character

Character Pingbacks

  1. Character | The Magic Black Book
  2. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character | Basically Beyond Basic
  3. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Little Red and the Wolf | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  5. Interesting Character | Kansa Muse
  6. Fallen Tree: Up Close (Character) | photo potpourri
  7. Character From Art | The Ambitious Drifter
  8. The last gunslinger | dawnyhosking
  9. A Short Conversation With Two Characters | The Jittery Goat
  10. Miss Havisham | CombatBabe
  11. A Sign Of Life
  12. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character | Awl and Scribe
  13. Daily Prompt: Somewhere Over the… | One Starving Activist
  14. Favorite Character | Crow Arrow, Inc.
  15. Dear Heathcliff… | alienorajt
  16. Taming Insanity | Finale to an Entrance
  17. 210. Character Chat | Barely Right of Center
  18. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character « Mama Bear Musings
  19. Better Person | crookedeyebrows
  20. Susan Pevensie | JC Bride ~
  21. Monday Momentary Mentors | Tommia’s Tablet
  22. Here’s A Tissue-You Might Need It | Momma Roars
  23. I’m out of excuses! | Rob’s Surf Report
  24. Alice in Wonderland | A mom’s blog
  25. Goofy… | Haiku By Ku
  26. Here’s a Character … The Comic Shakespeare | Eyes to Heart
  27. The Little Man | Fruit Salad
  28. Daily Prompt: Why We Love Jane Eyre | The Library Lady and Rosie Bear
  29. WWJFD? | sayanything
  30. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character | My Atheist Blog
  31. Character | Flowers and Breezes
  32. “It Builds Character” | Relax
  33. Atticus Finch | Life is great
  34. Procrastinate: build character | Emotional Fitness
  35. Atticus | DGSIII
  36. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character — Star Struck | SERENDIPITY
  37. Heart to heart with Don Drapper | Processing the life
  38. My Encounter With “Hannibal” At The Louvre | The Political and Social Chaos Blog
  39. To Arthur Dent | ExLibrisMachina
  40. Character study | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  41. The making of an awesome character | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  42. S. Thomas Summers | Monsters are the Most Interesting People
  43. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character | Photographs by James Collett
  44. fantasy pool | lemon lime follies
  45. Inbetween | Historiefortelling
  46. Meeting the Wicked Witch of the East for Coffee | The Flavored Word
  47. Cinderella…wake up and smell the damn roses already! | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  48. It Builds Character: If You Meet A Character On The Road – Shoot Him / Her!!! | Khana’s Web
  49. Daily Prompt: It Builds Character | Ramblings of a jerk
  50. Yoga in India | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  51. Daily Post: Character | Destino
  52. an ideal dream date | Musings of a Random Mind
  53. Black and White | Little Stories
  54. Daily Prompt: Character | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  55. NaBloPoMo November {4} – How I Met My Favorite Character |
  56. It builds character | ferwam
  57. 24601 | meanderedwanderings
  58. Character| A Memoir of Jane Austen | Words from the heart
  59. Anne and Anna have a chat | Muddy River Muse
  60. On Being Incorrigable | Wiley’s Wisdom
  61. Let’s chat | Legends of Lorata
  62. Daily Prompt: My Little Characters | cancerinmythirties
  63. Does Genius Burn, Jo? | tuckedintoacorner
  64. Characters: Katniss | Gabi’s stuff