Daily Prompt: Cheering Section

Do you have a mentor? Tell us about him or her. Are you a mentor to someone else? Tell us what that relationship has added to your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SUPPORT.


The honeysuckle in my garden needed support otherwise it would have lead a wandering life over the ground and its flowers would probably have been covered in mud and dirt.

I had a look at the daily prompt to see which victims had already contributed, and at 14.45 my time (2.45 pm) there were no links up on the computer, so this does not seem to be a great inspiration for a daily blog. It was not my inspiration either. I decided to go on a google tour to see what this mentor stuff was really about (pingback to yesterday’s promt) and I found the wise explanation in Wikipedia

“someone who imparts wisdom to and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague”

which brought me to the conclusion that I do not have a mentor. When you have grey hair and aches and pains and bones do not twist and turn as quickly as they used to, then you do not seek wisdom or knowledge, but mostly cures and tablets.

Of course, you are never too old to learn and at the moment Mr. Swiss is giving me daily instructions on how to record programmes from the television. I am not really a television person, prefer a good book or my iPad, but I would be sorry if I missed one of the daily half hours of my favourite and only soap – East Enders. This programme often clashes with a political discussion or documentary, as well as perhaps a German detective series meaning that Mr. Swiss would miss out on his wishes for viewing. For this reason, and as a token of his consideration to my likes and tastes (ok he has also become a faithful follower of the doings in Walford, East London over the years) he records the live programme so that I we can watch it at a more appropriate time.

I am learning and learning fast, and after two weeks intensive training with the remote, I am almost there: almost because I am now able to record the programme. Tuning into the correct channel (we have more than 200), organising the beginning and end time and pressing the OK button is no problem. I can even check to make sure everything is ready to go. I still need some training with starting the play back, but I am making progress. You are really never too old to learn. I do get somewhat confused when I check to find there are many other recordings on the list which had been programmed by my mentor Mr. Swiss, so I hope I make the correct choice when performing a playback.

Of course I can also play mentor when Mr. Swiss decides to iron his shirts or other articles. However, to be quite honest, those days are long gone and due to having a perfect teacher (me) he has everything under control. Oh what wonderful sounds I sometimes hear early in the morning from the ironing board being set up and the steam escaping from the iron.

As this is such an inspirational daily prompt, I am now coming to a close.

My chief cat is approaching.

“Mrs. Human”

“Yes Nera”

“I could teach you how to catch a mouse. You just have to wait at the entrance to their home, perhaps place a paw in the hole and be ready to pounce.”

“Errr – no I do not think so Nera. Very nice of you to offer, but mouse is not my favourite dish.”

“Try it with a pinch of tarragon and garnished with catmint, it is a delicacy.”

I just love my felines, they always have such good ideas.

I thought I was finished, but had a re-check to see if there were any other brave efforts on the prompt list and there were. The list is now nine entries, three of which are our Russian friends spammers inviting us all to spend a holiday in their wonderful country with all its advantages. It is such a shame that their daily prompt efforts have nothing, and really nothing to do what we all spend our time on constructing and thinking about. Shall I include a few words about how wonderful Swiss cheese is, or that we have the most beautiful cows in the world? No, I do not think so, that would just not fit

Daily Prompt: Cheering Section

Cheery Pingbacks

  1. Support | The Magic Black Book
  2. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | Under the Monkey Tree
  3. A fisherman’s son | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  4. Living Without the Crack | JC Bride ~
  5. Support | Kate Murray
  6. sayanything
  7. cheering section | yi-ching lin photography
  8. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | Awl and Scribe
  9. our mother stored | y
  10. True the grit | Beth Byrnes
  11. The Road to Regionals | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  12. NaNoWriMo! | Haiku By Ku
  13. My Cheerleader is a Basket Case | mostlytrueramblings
  14. 213. The Mentor | Barely Right of Center
  15. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Cheering Section – Vinay Sir
  16. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section ~ NaBloPoMo ~ #6 « Mama Bear Musings
  17. THREE SOLUTIONS | crookedeyebrows
  18. It’s Never too Late for a Cheering Section … | Eyes to Heart
  19. André from Holland | Talking with Benjamin Franklin, Theodore Roosevelt and Jesus Christ
  20. Let me tell you about Kate | The River Mom
  21. Battered and Down With Life as a Youth | Kansa Muse
  22. Mentors? | Fruit Salad
  23. I miss him | Life is great
  24. GREAT ARTIST = BAD MENTOR? | Standing Ovation, Seated
  25. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | Basically Beyond Basic
  26. Cheering Section | The Nameless One
  27. This Way | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  28. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | lifebeinggirly
  29. Pursuing My Dreams | amanda hardt
  30. That Time I Met That Chef | Running Into 30Running Into 30
  31. My Mentor | seifsalamakarem
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  34. Who Is My Guru? | Flowers and Breezes
  35. A Book.My mentor. | Eye of Lynx
  36. “Cheering Section” | Relax
  37. You Better Watch Out … | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  38. Two Words | Love in the Spaces
  39. Grandfather | Historiefortelling
  40. Backseat Teacher | A String of Pearls
  41. Who’s Your Biggest Fan? | clearly conveyed communications
  42. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | 8 | Family, Photos, Food & Craft
  43. cheering section | ferwam
  44. A mentor in everybody! | A chain of thoughts…
  45. Eye of Innocence | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
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  47. Counting my blessings | The Novice Gardener
  48. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section « The Blogging Path
  49. Daily Prompt Challenge – “Support” | soletusknow
  50. Daily Prompt:Cheering Section | Motherhood and Beyond
  51. Remembering Rusty | Wiley’s Wisdom
  52. Will work | tjbarkerseattle
  53. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | Morrighan’s Muse
  54. Support. | Forlorn Hope: A Diary Of A Broken Heart
  55. Support | View From The Third Eye
  56. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | IMHO
  57. Supportive | See Diving
  58. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | phoenixtatgirl
  59. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | adorablyobnoxious
  60. Daily Prompt: Cheering Section | Nola Roots, Texas Heart