Daily Prompt: Conflicted

You’re in the middle of a terrible argument, and everyone turns to you to help resolve it. How do you respond? How do you react to conflict?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us a CONFLICT.


“Who me, an innocent sweet little ginger cat. I never touched your stupid mouse.”

“Now listen Roschti freak, I am the chief around here, they call me Nera and when I say you stole my mouse you did.”

I decided to step in before an ear was chewed or a nose was scratched.

“Nera what is the matter, I can hear your moans and groans indoors. Oh hello Roschti, paying a visit to my felines?”

“No he is not Mrs. Human, he is invading our territorial rights, isn’t he Tabby and Fluffy?” and the other members of the cat clan scratched their claws in approval, or were they just sharpening them.

“Hello Mrs. Human” said Roschti, “exactly, I was just paying my respects to the felines that own you and already I am accused of stealing their lunch, a mouse. I never even saw a mouse. I just wanted to say hello.”

“Come on Roschti freak, even Mrs. Human won’t swallow that one. Since when do felines pay respects, they jump in on the territory and hover around until they can take over.”

“But Nera….”

“No buts Mrs. Human. Remember the morning when you found Tabby and I in a corner and Roschti had broken into our sleeping quarters and was sleeping on our cat tree. Don’t believe him, it is all lies.”

Roschti the new cat in town

“Roschti is this true, do you really want to move in here?”

“That is really asking a silly question Mrs. Human” said Tabby. “Since when do felines tell the truth so do not bother asking. Now Roschti you have two paw lengths to disappear.”

“Otherwise what?”


“Yes Nera”

“Roschti is threatening us and sharpening his claws. He is also hissing. I think he wants to fight. Open the cat flap, and throw water over him.”

They were the last words I heard from my three cats as they all speeded past me into the safety of my their home. A wet Roschti then left our territory, carrying a mouse between his teeth and that feline fight was finished – until the next time.

Somehow I think I should have a few serious words with the felines in connection with standing up to responsibility and not running away from it, on the other hand they are now sleeping their cat naps and I am sure the whole thing will be forgotten when they wake up.

Daily Prompt: Conflicted

Conflicted Pingbacks

  1. Rob’s Surf Report
  2. Conflicted | Kate Murray
  3. Girding our … | Beth Byrnes
  4. Inner Conflict | The Magic Black Book
  5. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | Awl and Scribe
  6. Torn apart by conflict | alienorajt
  7. Conflict | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  8. S. Thomas Summers | National Novel Writing Month – Day II: Some Good Progress
  9. Wisdom From Above (short fiction) | The Jittery Goat
  10. Vote For Me! | It’s My Box
  11. The Wisdom of Solomon | JC Bride ~
  12. “Conflicted” | Relax
  13. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | From Slacker To Scribe
  14. Daily Prompt: Conflict | Eyes to Heart
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  21. Black or White? | Journey to the Centre of My Heart
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  23. Conflict | Kansa Muse
  24. Wait It Out – Daily Prompt: Conflicted | smoke&mirrors
  25. Peace Pup… | Haiku By Ku
  26. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | Thoughts & Things
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  29. Daily Prompt: Conflict | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
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  33. Daily Prompt: Conflicted « Mama Bear Musings
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  36. Conflict | A mom’s blog
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  38. Anxiety Holding Me Back | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  39. Daily Prompt: Conflicted – After the storm… | Ninna’s words ‘n pics
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  42. Most difficult troubles may have a easy resolution | Outreach
  43. Conflicts and Teaching Moments | meanderedwanderings
  44. Field Trip or Office? | Main Line Dads
  45. Conflict | thisblogisepic
  46. riddler | yi-ching lin photography
  47. Life: Resolving Conflicts and Arguments | Wise Counsel
  48. Conflicted | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  49. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | The Daily Post « The Blogging Path
  50. Daily Post: Conflict, How to Deal With It « Morning Pages
  51. Conflict’s relief. . . | marsowords
  52. The Great Sweet Potato Debate…(WP daily Prompt) | Daily Observations
  53. Conflict softening . . . | See Diving
  54. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | Basically Beyond Basic
  55. Battle Baby Bump Royale | Wiley’s Wisdom
  56. Daily Prompt: Conflict, Hulky Style | stuffy tales
  57. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | Nola Roots, Texas Heart
  58. Conflicted: The Beauty of Letting Go | (living a) Rahab Life
  59. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | Overcoming Bloglessness
  60. Daily Prompt: Conflicted | Pam Tanzey, Artist
  61. Peace Must Be In The Middle | YoTrip-Words and Thoughts