FOTD 18th April 2024: Unknown

This plant started to grow in one of my beds about a year ago and this year it has quite developped. I do not know if it will have flowers, but I am keeping it to see what happens. If anyone would know what it is I would be pleased.

By the way I have noticed that Cee is not around at the moment. She might have mentioned it, but I hope she is OK and has no problems.

FOTD 18th April 2024: Unknown Plant

FOWC with Fandango: Ruthless

When our building was being renovated, there was no consideration for my plabts outside, the builders were completely ruthless with their work. They were just pushed to one side, after all the construction work was more important. However, I decided to adapt the various developments and my plants had a new place to survive on the scaffolding until the work was finished. Of course I had to re-arrange them daily as the buildiers permanently changed the scaffolding design, but they survived eventually.

FOWC with Fandango: Ruthless