FOWC with Fandango: Interrupt

I was paying a visit to Mr. Swiss. The window was open in his room on the second floor and suddently this creature entered. Apparently it is a so-called Stink Bug. We also have them now and again in my garden, but to be quite honest I have never noticed that they stink. It was an interruption until I eventually managed to guide it out of the window and I am sure it was happier outside finding something suitable to digest. I read that they originated in Asia and found they way to Switzerland. Apparently they found they way to Switzerland when the Chinese Garden was created in Zürich and various plants were imported from China. Now you find them in most European countries.

FOWC with Frandango: Interrupt

RDP Monday: Joker

I do not like clowns, they give me a funny feeling as if they were laughing not with me, but at me. They seem to be planning something and not very funny. I think the most evil clowns are those that do not look directly at you, but through you.

This clown is the only exception I make. She visits the golden oldies in Mr. Swiss home and plays some music and makes jokes. She is harmless and arrives weekly. I have had a few conversations with her and everyone looks forward to her visits.

REP Monday: Joker