FOWC with Fandango: Sneeze

This guy is not having a sneeze at a football match. It is a Manchester United player (although now retired) and he had a nosebleed. I was watching the match on the TV and took a few photos, although it must have been some time ago. Anyhow he survived despite the blood traced left on his nose.

I am actually quite good at sneezing, with my king-sized nose and usually everyone turns to see where the noise came from.

FOWC with Fandango: Sneeze

RDP Tuesday: Punctillious

Here he is, the hero of Dornach. Who, where? OK stay cool, he is probably only really known in our local town. Dornach is a village in our Kanton of Solothurn and some tribe in Germany decided to attach the Swiss. There was a fight and I believe the Swiss won although it was quite a battle and apparently the fields were plundered and there were many casulaties. If I was 100% Swiss I probably would have learnt it all in school, but being only half a Swiss I only gather half of the facts. And so we have this statue in our town with one of the winners waving a flag to celebrate the battle of Dornach and no, I have never been to Dornach, it is somewhere on the edge of our Kanton. Perhaps I should go there once. The statue is actually next to my doctor practice.

RDP Tuesday: Punctillious