Colour Your World: Eggplant


The problem being that the only thing I have in eggplant colour is, yes, an eggplant. I know them better under the name of aubergine, but an eggplant with any other name is, well and aubergine I suppose. As the only family memeber that actually likes them, I have permission to cook them if they are mixed with something else and they eventually appear in as part of a ratatouille.


Here they are and aready to go with the courgettes an peppers in the pan, together with onions and chopped tomato. Of course the garlic is also present, but it refused to have its photo taken. Generally two phots would do, but after telling everyone about the preparation you might as well look at the finished creation.

RatatouilleColour Your World: Eggplant

One Word Photo Challenge: Balance

Patrick at work

My oldest son is autistic and works in a local factory as metalworker. His boss has cockatoo and the cockatoo is always present in the factory, as can be seen in the photo. My husband and I were visiting. It was astonishing how the bird felt at home, and it did not bother my son either. The cockatoo was getting balanced on my son’s shoulder,

Nera drinking water from the toilet

Our cat Nera left us just over a year ago for her tenth life. She found that the freshest water was in the toilet where she practiced her balancing act regularly.
One Word Photo Challenge: Balance

Daily Prompt: This is your Song – Minnie the Moocher in the St. James Infirmary

Take a line from a song that you love or connect with. Turn that line into the title of your post.

It seems that Miinie the Moocher had various talents. She was a red-hot hoochie coocher, meaning hands off, you would probably get burnt, but she was kind and loving and had a heart for everyone, perhaps for too many. Her downfall was that she met Smokey Joe, probably known for the fact that his joint consummation was quite high, he knew no limits, but neither did Minnie. Her family originated from the Asian population and she spent quite a lot of time in China Town. Her hobby was kicking the gong around. Yes, she was very musical and her fame spread to the King of Sweden.

She fell in love with him and Smokey Joe choked on his last joint, Minnie the Moocher had to go down to the St. James Infirmary to pay her last respects. It was a sad day, Smokey Joe laying cold on a slab, but they buried him with full honours and planted maruhana on his grave to ensure that his friends visited the cemetery regularly.

In the meanwhile Minnie had struck on gold, actually on everything. The King of Sweden gave her everything she needed, a golden house with steel framed windows and a diamond car with wheels made of platinum. What more could a mooching girl need. She took over the King’s town house, complete with the stables and a wonderful garden, although she only grew weeds.  She was still not happy, thinking of poor Smokey Joe who fulfilled all her wishes. The King of Sweden fed her and Minnie began to put on weight, although she was still kicking that gong around. One day she decided this was not the life she wanted. She enrolled at high school where they taught her to count and manage the King’s money.

The King did not want a fat frail, he liked them skinny, that was why he chose Minnie. Kicking the gong around kept them thin, and she had even stopped doing that. She was now pining for Smokey Joe. She missed them and so she refused to eat the meals which had at least a dozen courses. One day the inevitable happened. She kicked the gong once too much and the King of Sweden was devistated. He paid for her funeral and her last wish was for six crapshooters to be her pall bearers.

Yes, at last she was together again with Smokey Joe, and they were now happy in the place they wanted to be. It was hot, real smokey and each of them had a gong to kick.

Daily Prompt: This is Your Song – Minnie the Moocher in the St. James Infirmary