5 thoughts on “Flower of the Day: 19.02.2018 An Autumn Arrangement

  1. Autumn is still a pretty season. I think that it is my favorite (if I could have a favorite) because of the foliar color. As a Californian, I have always been fascinated with the color of cooler regions, like New England. Although we lack color, the color we get stands out splendidly against the backdrop of dark green redwoods.
    Anyway, I need to get a picture for my gardening column, so will be going into the local supermarket to get a picture of their cut flowers. I feel so sneaky.

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      • Foliar color in autumn makes us think that we get a real autumn, Sweetgum trees color even where the weather is very mild. Our seasons are not very pronounced. However, after so much warm weather recently, it got rather cool last night, and I am told that it might have snowed on the Summit.


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