Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness

Tell us about the time when you performed a secret random act of kindness — where the recipient of your kindness never found out about your good deed. How did the deed go down?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SECRET.

A secret stream, not really but it appears out of the dark and churns onwards. Who knows what sights it has seen on its way and perhaps we would not want to know.

Today I am at a loss for words and that does not happen often, even my photo programme as done new things and I can only add pictures with a copy paste effort, not being able to use their newly styled html codes which do not work.. I must be a mean, selfish old lady who could not care less about the others in this connection.

On the other hand I have been known to donate to charities without mentioning my name and address. I even worked for the voluntary first organisation in my village doing their accounts and taking part in many exercises including CPR, attending to the injured in an accident. I was on standby, although I was never called out. Voluntary means not being paid for the job, just getting on with it.

I have never found it necessary to do a secret random act of kindness, I just do it if necessary and I have definitely never been interested in knowing what happens afterwards or keeping check of how the deed went down.

As said I am probably only interested in I, me and myself and really have nothing more to say.

This morning I braved the supermarket with a list and Mr. Swiss at my side. I was wondering if famine had broken out in Switzerland. People were buying as if it would soon be doomsday. I saw tropical fruit, also strange forms of nut life. Basically I am an orange, tangerine, apple person and do not really need lychees or passion fruits in my fruit salad. It is because of Christmas you say? Aha, then we buy things that we not normally eat during the year because it is Christmas. I get it all wrong sometimes.

Of course I do special Christmas dinners, they are many. On Christmas Eve we have the main celebration and No. 1 and No. 2 son will be there. No. 2 son will disappear afterwards, travelling to stay with his girlfriend’s family. I will continue with the cooking marathon on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and then we will be fed, probably suffering from overeating.

The meat has been ordered (you never know, there might not be any meat left) a buying plan has been established and the deep freeze is stuffed full. Am I glad it is not custom to have a turkey in Switzerland. I would have to keep a live bird out in the yard and look it in the eyes when its time has come, hiding a chopper behind my back with three felines licking their lips and looking on. I just would not have room for the bird in the freezer. No, I have clinically packed filet of beef, some veal and of course a ham. The veg has already been bought; thank goodness you do not have to kill a brussel sprout or a red cabbage.

I am not a vegetarian, neither are my felines.

“Mrs. Human, we can only eat meat Our delicate digestive system cannot even manage a pea, let alone a brussel sprout.”

With these intelligent words of wisdom from my chief feline Nera, I will close this stupid blog. Will be back to wish all happy seasonal days when a normal sensible daily prompt arrives on the scene again. They seem to be few and far between at the moment and always seem to start with “Tell us about ……”.

Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness

Kind Pingbacks

  1. daily prompt: random act of kindness | aimans…..
  2. Daily Prompt: Secrets | The Daily Post | L5GN
  3. Random Act of Kindness | Melissa Holden
  4. Am I Kind? | The Number FiftyTwo
  5. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Under the Monkey Tree
  6. Drive Thru Difference | Journey to Wholeness
  7. Why It’s Good To Give In Secret | The Jittery Goat
  8. Secretly paying it forward. | Tales of a slightly stressed Mother!
  9. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Nicole Sloan’s Books
  10. A secret kindness | Sue’s Trifles
  11. Trying to be God | crookedeyebrows
  12. I’m so nice | not4faintheartsblog
  13. Shine | Hope* the happy hugger
  14. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness « cognitive reflection
  15. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness « Mama Bear Musings
  16. Secret Santa | charlottesville winter
  17. A little mind-twister on random kindnesses | Rob’s Surf Report
  18. Random Acts of Kindness | News by Carolyn Perez
  19. Random Acts of Kindness: The Travel Edition | Travel. Garden. Eat.
  20. Kindness Is Not Always Random
  21. The Lurker’s List | Secret Kindness
  22. Anger Thermometer | Emotional Fitness
  23. I Have No Secrets: Daily Prompt | Just Visiting This Planet
  24. A hug | Life is great
  25. Paying it Forward | Unlocking The Inner Creative
  26. Daily Prompt: Spread a Little love | One Starving Activist
  27. Random Acts of Insanity | An Upturned Soul
  28. Random Kindness | Flowers and Breezes
  29. Repeated Kindness | A mom’s blog
  30. SECRET… | The Abuse Expose’ with Secret Angel
  32. Blind faith | Tell Tale Therapy
  33. Kindness Should be Random | BLUE BEAD PUBLICATIONS
  34. Random Act Of Kindness, A Little Can Go A Long Way | Kansa Muse
  35. Random Act of Kindness | The Nameless One
  36. Secret | A by no Means Representative Collection of Tales of our People and the World
  37. Kitchen Drawers and Garbage Bins: Lessons in Humility, Kindness and Patience | meanderedwanderings
  38. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  39. The Unseen Soldier ……(wp prompt) | Daily Observations
  40. Invasion of the Alien Butterfly | tjbarkerseattle
  41. Random Act of Kindness | Dhikrcave
  42. Act of Kindness. | ♥Barb’s Magical Land Of Oz♥
  43. Changing times | Kate Murray
  44. The Kindness Litmus: How You Treat Your Waitress
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  46. Lesson From A Random Act Of Kindness | Wild Wonderful Working Woman
  47. Random Kindness…. | Kawanee’s Korner
  48. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Overcoming Bloglessness
  49. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Nola Roots, Texas Heart
  50. An Oldie: Call Me Ho, Ho, Ho! | Tales from the Motherland
  51. would do it all again | peacefulblessedstar
  52. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Basically Beyond Basic
  53. Undisclosed | vic briggs

16 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness

  1. Pingback: Repeated Kindness | A mom's blog


  3. Question: If you could choose tomorrow’s Daily Prompt what would it be?
    Waving at you and the felines from a chilly NJ.
    PS So glad you and the kitties did not have to do a turkey in!


  4. Pingback: Why It’s Good To Give In Secret | The Jittery Goat

  5. Pingback: A hug | Life is great

  6. Pat, the daily prompts recently bordered on the bizarre, if not a bit creepy. I am not talking. No sir! I do sincerely appreciate your cranky point of view today. Best ~ HuntMode


  7. Pingback: Walking the Walk | Manresa, Maine

  8. Pingback: A little mind-twister on random kindnesses | Rob's Surf Report

  9. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Wordz on a Page

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