Daily Prompt: The Guilt that haunts me

Share a time when you were overcome with guilt. What were the circumstances? How did you overcome you guilt?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us REFLECTIVE.

A reflective glance on the cold frosty days we had. Today it was sunshine pure and warm. Even my birds gave up visiting the birdhouse for food, they are too fat anyhow.

This will be a shorter contribution as if I stay longer on the computer I will have a haunting guilt that my seasonal evening meal will not be ready on time. Today, Christmas Eve, is the big day in Switzerland, where families get together in the evening, exchange gifts and generally be merry and celebrate. Being Switzerland, the celebration runs on a quieter scale. For a golden oldie like myself it is even quieter, just I, me and myself, Mr. Swiss and sons No. 1 and 2.  Daughter ½ visited two days ago on her way to a Swiss mountain holiday with man and we are now all set.

So to avoid a haunting guilt feeling, I will soon progress to the kitchen, finish dressing my meat and put it in the oven (low temperature and slow cooking method) so that it will be à point and ready on time. The veg has been prepared, the entrée also: all I have to do is to prepare the potatoes and make the port wine sauce. Where do I get such great ideas? If you ever see my son No. 2 hovering around on my blogging sites – just ask him. Usually he just looks in and if it is not about felines, he actually reads what I write.

There is of course a desert, but that is frozen – so thanks to the modern day deep refrigeration that is no problem. It continues tomorrow, but we are less people and there is less to cook at lunch time.

I have never been overcome by guilt, it is not a subject for me. Of course, if anything happens you will be the first to know, you will read it in the international press. “Angloswiss lady sentenced after being found guilty of plagiarism. After receiving her Nobel/Pulitzer/ Booker prize for her blogging talents, it was found that it was all lies. It never happened, it was just the vivid imagination of a golden oldie.”

WordPress gave us a year’s blogging subjects, unfortunately they are the daily prompt blogging subjects we had this year. I have now noticed that up to now I have done them all, have not missed a day and so will continue until the last day of the year. Many are clapping hands at the list we have been given. I seem to be the only one that has made a negative comment in the sense that there is nothing new there.

Wishing you all the best of the season, do not eat too much, do not drink too much and get enough sleep – OK, I know you will, but so will I.

Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me

Guilty Piingbacks

  1. S. Thomas Summers | A Small, White Chapel
  2. Reflections | The Ambitious Drifter
  3. You name it, I’m probably carrying some guilt related to it | thoughtsofrkh
  4. Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me | My Extraordinary Everyday Life
  5. Hopping in Puddles | 365 days of defiance
  6. Sick Love Guilty Plea | Cornelison
  7. Guilty (and a bit neurotic!) | A mom’s blog
  8. Reflective | My Play Nook
  9. “A clear conscience is a continual Christmas.” Benjamin Franklin | The Jittery Goat
  10. The Baggage of Guilt | meanderedwanderings
  11. unpardonable | fragments of life
  12. Buying Reflections | Whispered Words
  13. Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me: Can I think about this after Christmas, please? | sixty, single and surviving
  14. Giving | kaffechai
  15. A Death in Morocco | As I please
  16. Feelings Of Remorse | Flowers and Breezes
  17. The “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and Mother Teresa | MamaMickTerry
  18. Daily Prompt – Guilt: A Poem for Christmas | I Hope You’re Taking Notes
  19. Heroes : Alan Turing | Geek Ergo Sum
  20. I Shall Be Released | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  21. “We always see … | The Nameless One
  22. Nightmare of Guilt | Kansa Muse
  23. Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me | Basically Beyond Basic
  24. A friend who changed my life | life at random outlook
  25. The End | The Land Slide Photography
  26. Daily Prompt: What Does It All Mean | One Starving Activist
  27. One Starving Activist
  28. Treats from My Tree | Light Words
  29. Guilt That Haunts Me: Skelleton In The Closet | Nothing Worth Having Ever Comes Easy
  30. Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me | Learning to Live with A Lingering Guilt | Wordgasm
  31. An Excruciating Spasm Of Guilt | Shadows Of The Divine
  32. Claude Monet’s reflective paintings | Standing Ovation, Seated
  33. Burning Incense | classyasfemme
  34. The Rift | Traci’s Space
  35. Guilt, PTSD and a Dog Named Jack
  36. Guilt Trip Gilbert | treatmentofvisions
  37. Not Guilty, Your Honour | tuckedintoacorner
  38. That chocolate bar that I shouldn’t eat… | WildCinderella
  39. My Eternal Apologies, Baby New Year | A Wild One Within
  40. The Guilt that Haunts Me | hippiebitch420
  41. It was the fiery leaves | tjbarkerseattle
  42. reflective | yi-ching lin photography
  43. without warning, | y
  44. SUGARBUZZ! | Overcoming Bloglessness
  45. Feeling Guilty: | Kawanee’s Korner
  46. Reflecting Guilt | uiramu