RDP Sunday: Dream


He tried sniffing glue, but that was a stress
His hair stuck together in a gooey sticky mess
The dreams were tangled in a labyrinth of fibres
Confusion was complete, too many dividers
The next inspiration was trying marijuana
He then got lost in a land of nirvana
Dreams are elusive and drugs might not work
But he never gave up even if the body did jerk
And so he tried mushrooms, the ones that were magic
The result was a headache which got very tragic
And then he discovered the ultimate key
The final solution was LSD
This was the answer and he now had the knack
He went on a dream trip but never came back

Just to add the plant in the picture, cannabis, was in my garden and no I do not grow it. It grew alone from some bird seed. But I kept it all the same. You never know, and it was a female, the nice bushy ones. Sweet dreams everyone.

RDP Sunday: Dream

Daily Prompt: Dream

Sunset over Feldbrunnen

This is one of my skies I had a dream about. I though the colours were great, really impressive and so I sent a cyber message to a guy called Zeus who had an advertisement in the newspaper “Order your favourite sky with me, immediate delivery if Jupiter agrees”  web site: http://www.greekgod.sky. I decided this would be ideal. I found the web site  and described what I wanted and did a photoshop of the photo which I include. I thought this sky would be great. Zeus answered straight away and said he did not have the colour in his celestial paintbox, but had a contact over at http://www.romangod.sky known as Jupiter, that might be able to help.

I tuned into  http://www.romangod.sky and got the same answer, but said he was working on it to see what could be done. In the meanwhile it would be full moon and probably Diana aka Luna could be of help with the colouring, as well as Selene, who could all be reached with the e-mail address greek.roman.looniemoonies@roman-greek-cooperative.skycolour. I sent a mail asking for help:

“Dear Moon Goddesses,

Enclosed please find the copy of a sky I had a dream about. I would very much like to see this in reality, perhaps tomorrow evening around 9 o’clock so that I could be ready with my camera to take a photo.  Please note, I do not have to have a moon in the photo, so perhaps you could organise a small cloud to cover it until I have made my photos.

Thanking you for you kind consideration

regards – Mrs. Angloswiss”

I then received the following answer:

“Dear Mrs. Angloswiss

We have taken your request into consideration. It seems that Jupiter and Zeus as more into grey and black tones at the moment, with a dash of blue in between. They are also very busy forming animal shaped clouds, having received a new colouring book and steam machine. We would be very glad to be of assistance, but we suggest you just continue to dream up a few new designs. We are doing our best currently to keep the sky colour free, and are unable to comply with your request for a cloud to cover the moon. Due to re-organisation of the responsibilities, this has know been handed over to Thor at http://www.thunder.crash. It might be glad to include such a red sky before organising his next thunder happening. We passed on your mail to his department. Unfortunately it was singed at the edges by a ligtening bolt, but we had a copy in one of our clouds.

Thor is quite busy as it seems to be the thunder season, but says he would oblige if you could perhaps place the remark “by copyright of Thor” on your photo, especially when uploading to various web sites. He finds that there are too many cheap copies of his work in circulation at the moment, due to it being the human firework season.

We trust to have been of assistance. If your problems continue you could perhaps contact your local politician, they are very good and having dreams about things in the sky.

Greek-Roman federation of moon goddesses”

I  decided it is better to sleep and not to dream, it is less confusing.

Daily Prompt: Dream

Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)

What is the best dream you’ve ever had? Recount it for us in all its ethereal glory. If no dream stands out in your memory, recount your worst nightmare. Leave no frightening detail out.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us IMAGINARY.


“I would like to thank you all for this unexpected prize. I really did not expect to be honoured. There are so many others in this world of Blog that write daily, the sweat pouring from their fingertips at the computer and now I have won the first prize. This was a surprise, an honour, something I least expected. Did I deserve this I ask myself? Of course: there are many others that write day for day in the hope of achieving this prize, but the most talented win at the end.

Is this a dream? Pinch me to see if I am awake. I would like to thank my publishers for the efforts involved in suggesting a Daily Prompt. It is not an easy job and I realise there are times when I might even sound ungrateful, impatient, displeased, but this is the shadow side of 150 shades of blogging life.

You cannot please all of the bloggers all of the time, but you can please a special blogger that has sacrificed an hour of her time daily to achieve this well deserved  hard earned achievement.

(Pause for applause, cheers and banners showing “Up with Angloswiss. We love you.”)

There are times in the life of a Blogger when the genius of the blogging effort seems to go unnoticed. Times when the thought occurs, is it really worth the while to endure the hardships of finding a new idea inspired by the powers behind the scenes of the blogging organisation? My advice is do not despair, where there is a blogging will there is a successful path and for such a gifted blogger as myself, the reward suits the efforts involved.

(More claps, cheers and stamping of feet)

At this moment I would like to spare a thought to those whose success slipped out of their fingers in obtaining this award. One of my rivals blogging friends is now recovering in hospital from an accident. It seems she was pushed fell whilst crossing the road and hit by a passing car. Another auspicious blogger fell into the local river and narrowly escaped a drowning fate. They cannot be here today, but I hope are watching the broadcast on the television and at least mentally taking part, if not physically.

At this point I would like to thank Mr. Swiss who avoids listening to his favourite music whilst my creative ideas are developing during my blog writes out of respect for my genial talents. I would also like to thank the faithful 2,478 followers, disciples, who spend hours reading my first class blogs day for day, with untiring patience and liking or even passing a comment. These are not just statistics, but readers who have realised my qualities efforts in the blogging world. I thank you all.

(Clapping cheering and a standing ovation) and then I awake. It was all a figment of the imagination? Just a dream, not true?

I was thinking also of writing a nightmare, but I just could not bring myself to fail in the task of being Blogger of the Year and I did not want to disappoint my public.

“What did you say Mr. Swiss? You think I have overdone it again.” It is not easy being a genius, but after all it was just a dream. Or was it?

Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)

Dreamy Pingbacks

  1. Back In Bug and The Daily Prompt | The Jittery Goat
  2. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams- The Psychology of Dreaming | Journeyman
  3. Fairy Wings- Non Fiction | Rose-tinted Rambles
  4. Sky on floor level | Le Drake Noir
  5. Until then… | Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me
  6. I Dreamed About Avril Lavigne | THE BLACK SPAGHETTI CHRONICLES
  7. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | Incidents of a Dysfunctional Spraffer
  8. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  9. Nighmare | Mara Eastern
  10. One Crazy Mom » My Worst Nightmare
  11. Imaginary | La Gatita Oscura
  12. Care to Dare | Rima Hassan
  13. Best Dream: YOU – Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  14. thoughtsofrkh
  15. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | The Wandering Poet
  16. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams? | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  17. Truman Capote Dreams /Daily Prompt | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  18. DP Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams( Are made of… | Sabethville
  19. Nightmares | Hope* the happy hugger
  20. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) « Mama Bear Musings
  21. I Dreamt of Heaven | Misifusa’s Blog
  22. It’s 3am, I Must Be Up Reading Your Blog | Do Not Get Sick in the Sink, Please
  23. Speed of Light | THE MARRIED MAN WHO LOVES HIS X
  24. This is What a Free Sailboat Looks Like | Exploratorius
  25. Daily Prompt: Worst Nightmare, 26.02.14 | Markie’s Daily Blog
  26. Daily post:sweet dreams | Going New Places!
  27. Since I was Prompted | Treading over Stars
  28. Imaginary: Daily Post | Destino
  29. “I need to climb the cherry tree to get to the marshmallows” | jigokucho
  30. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | Raspberry’s Daydreams
  31. The prophetic nature of my Puerto Rican dreams « psychologistmimi
  32. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) | snippets and words
  33. Sweet Dreams | Knowledge Addiction
  34. Anselo’s Poetry – A Story – Part 7 | Kilbo – Chris Kilbourn
  35. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  36. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | Basically Beyond Basic
  37. What Are Dreams Made Of? | the TEMENOS JOURNAL
  38. Daily Post: Imaginary | Different Isn’t Wrong, It’s Just Different
  39. It’s another Nightmare | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  40. Recurring Nightmares (Are Made of This) | Virginia Views
  41. Accused | Life is great
  42. Nightmares | Flowers and Breezes
  43. Raging Inferno | Views Splash!
  44. Mall Stampede | Musings of a Soul Eclectic
  45. Imaginary | The Land Slide Photography
  46. Dreams are made of this… Who am I to disagree | An Upturned Soul
  47. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams – Mark II, Mod VI | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  48. Reality vs. Dreaming | Busy Mind Thinking
  49. When reality is a nightmare… | A picture is worth 1000 words
  50. Dark Waters | Vampire Maman
  51. Book Excerpt | Sarah’s Typos
  52. It’s Like I Dreamed You Into Life | A Sober Head Full Of Confusion
  53. Sweet dreams are made of this. | The Shevster’s Space
  54. Dreams and Exams | A mom’s blog
  55. imagi-Nation | peacefulblessedstar
  56. Visions of You | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  57. Dream Quest | djgarcia94
  58. 8 Themes Of My Dreams
  59. Their Nightmares And Mine | So Not Simple
  60. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) | Emotional Fitness
  61. Artificial Peace | thejimmieG
  62. A Night with the Living Dead | Menimèse Creare
  63. The Stuff Of Dreams…And Nightmares | moonstonemaiden
  64. The Funny Thing About Dreams | My Musings | WANGSGARD.COM
  65. Why do I dare dream? | Simple Heart Girl
  66. A puzzling storm | MC’s Whispers
  67. I dreamed I was on The Dating Game | Suddenly Single in Marin
  68. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | Diary of Dennis
  69. No Idris Elba, I will not marry you! | Altared Egos
  70. Enter the Sandman | Green Embers
  71. Haiku: Dreams Are Made Of This… | Mirth and Motivation
  72. Sweet Dreams (It’s Morphin’ Time!) | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  73. Sweet Dreams from Angel Grove | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  74. Daily Prompt. Not so sweet dreams. (are made of this) | Matthew Alan Bennett
  75. DP: Imaginary | SPCSA – Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Stuffed Animals
  76. The Night I Was a Hostage | aMUSEing THINGS
  77. Bare | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  78. Daily Prompt: Nightmare in the Woods | Lady K’s Lounge
  79. Daily Prompt: Being Dreamy! | All Things Cute and Beautiful
  80. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams | Just Be V
  81. A Dream: An Open Letter to Air Supply | Kosher Adobo
  82. DREAMS OF ARMAGEDDON | hastywords
  83. DREAM ASYLUM ANALYSIS | hastywords
  84. Sweet Dreams – 1st Conversation about drugs | Yowza, Here We Go!
  85. It Was Almost Black And White | Call Me Incorrigible
  86. The stuff of Nightmares | jwdwrites
  87. Far from Eden | field of thorns
  88. The Shotgun Girls
  89. The Haunted Guns | The Shotgun Girls
  90. The Time I Married the Wrong Man | aMUSEing THINGS
  91. Happy 2014 | aMUSEing THINGS
  92. Dreams | Kate Murray
  93. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | Amanda’s Blog™
  94. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | SIM | ANTICS
  95. El Dreamo | Edward Hotspur
  96. Sweet Dreams Are Made by Computer | Half Baked Log
  97. Dream-maker | The D/A Dialogues
  98. Daily Prompt: Imaginary | That Montreal Girl
  99. Rise of the chickens | 2 times pink
  100. Daily Prompt: The Dream Where Everything Combined | Thinking Diagonally
  101. Visions | Overcoming Bloglessness
  102. Sweet Dreams – Or Not | My Little Avalon
  103. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams/Imaginary | A Taste of Morning
  104. A Tribute to Kate DiCamillo | Parents Are People Too
  105. Still Vivid After 15 Years | Yay! More Gray!
  106. Sweet Dreams: Daily Prompt | 365 Days of Thank You
  107. Sweet Dreams: Daily Prompt | thisblogisepic
  108. Where Angels Learn to Fly…(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  109. Sweet Dreams | Making Life an Art
  110. I dreamed a dream of time … wait, it was something … hold on. | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  111. Daily Prompt: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) | Nola Roots, Texas Heart
  112. Song of the Week: “No Air” by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown | For The Love Of Sass
  113. I Can Only Imagine | The Christian Gazette
  114. Not-So-Sweet Dreams | tuckedintoacorner
  115. I dreamt a dream to-night… | Willow’s Corner

Night Disturbances

Every time I sink into a nice relaxing sleep he is standing at the door looking at me, waiting for me; if I get my hands on that stupid undersized apology for a human – a dwarf? – I will shove that serving tray he is carrying down his neck.

“You will not do anything of the kind. I hate discrimination, just because of my size. I suppose if I was one of your Swiss gnomes, you would take me home and look after me; just because they are more affluent than I am.”

“Dwarf you do not look like you are poor. Even Swiss gnomes cannot afford a fir coat, and what’s the patch on your eye?”

“First of all I have a name, Sydney, and there you have it. One of your so-called super gnomes was having a fight with an aardvark and I rescued him and this is the thanks I got.”

“Just a moment dwarf, our gnomes do not fight with aardvarks.”

“There, you see, you havn’t got a clue what is going on when you are sleeping. Typical! I do you the favour of rescuing one of your helpless gnomes and that is the thanks for it. Just where do your gnomes put their gold bars, and bank notes. Where??? Huh??? They bury them deep in the ground.”

“What does that have to do with rescuing a gnome from an aardvark.”

“Your gnomes are so stupid that take any hollow they find, even if it is an ants nest and there we have the problem. An aardvark is very partial to a good chew of ants and when he discovers gold in the ants nest, there you are.

“Where are we?

“Luckily we are where we should have been thanks to my intervention. Without me your gnome would look a bit silly at the annual gnome convention in the Bahhofstrasse in Zürich without the gold reserves. What did I get for it? A swollen eye from the ant’s formic acid.That is the last time I help a gnome.”

“Ah, that’s the reason for the eye patch. Dwarf, I mean Sydney, you are talking a bit in riddles. You rescued one of our Swiss gnomes and his gold. Take an apple as a reward.”

“Don’t insult me, an apple?”

“Sorry Sydney, but there is no room in my dreams for a banquet.”

“That’s because you humans are a new invention. Now we dwarfs are one of the first, we even go back to the days before the Egyptians built their pyramids and aqueducts.”

“You must be a truly ancient race.”

“Of course we are, we were the first prototype before it was decided to build the bigger version and now look at the mess we are in.”

“You mean the Swiss gnomes were only a copy.”

“A copy? No they were an accident. We were supposed to get the money, but a mistake was made and we had a delivery of xylophones instead.”

“I have never seen a dwarf with a xylophone.”

“Of course not, we do have a certain amount of pride. Do you think we would wander through dreams playing xylophones? You might wake up with the noise and we cannot have that can we?”

“Sydney, I don’t think I want to dream any more.”

“That’s your problem; I decide when I want to go. Do you mind if I take my fir coat off, this dream is getting too hot to handle.”

“What’s the purpose of the fir coat?”

“Well that shows again the stupidity of the human mind. What happens if an Eskimo has a dream about being eaten by a polar bear?”

“We call them nightmares.”

“So an Eskimo is having a nightmare somewhere at the North Cap. He is surrounded by ice and snow and lives in an igloo. Do you really think that nice tight green leggings and a pointed hat and slippers with a frilly t-shirt is the ideal dress for a visit. A dwarf has a fir coat with him at all times. That is why I am wearing it, otherwise I would have to carry it over my arm.”

“What happens if an African has a dream at the equator.”

“We take off the fir coat and wear a raincoat.”

“A raincoat.?”

“It rains every day at the equator and a dwarf must always be prepared.

And now I have to go and deprive someone else of a sound sleep. Nice talking to you, and don’t forget, I will return.”


“Your dreams are not programmes like the television where they are switched on or off. If you knew you were getting a dream before you fell asleep it would not be the same now would it?”

They were his last words and I started snoring