FOWC with Fandango: Discover

You think you know it all in life. It has been one big discovery for me. Moving to another country at the age of 20, learning their language, their dialects, their way of life. There was so much that was different, and then I married the country in the shape of Mr. Swiss and even learnt how to cook their food.

Today I have more than 70 years behind me and am still learning, but on a different level. I have now learnt not to depend on my legs so much, which no longer do as well as they used to. I have discovered the advantages of a wheelchair, a scooter and a walker to support me on my daily duties. I have discovered I can do it. Perhaps a little slower, but as a golden oldie there is no longer a rush to do anything.

FOWC with Fandango: Discover

Daily Prompt: Some Things are better not discovered


Today I/we realised that a tap, or whatever you call in your part of the world, does not live forever: especially if it is a super bath tap with a an integrated hot/cold water system. This tap, see photo, is now  18 years old. However, today, the day before Chrismas Eve, when you are glad to have the stress behind you, you discover in the morning that the hot water no longer arrives as it should. It is there, but you have to adjust the tap to the strongest part to get it hot enough.

We checked througout the appartment to see how the other taps were functioning as discovered they were behaving perfectly. At least there was not a sabotage from the central water headquarters. The next step was to call the plumber, although I was convinced that the plumber would not be interested in the tap problems of Mrs. Angloswiss and Mr. Swiss as he was probably now looking forward to spending the next few days in front of the Christmas tree, if not the next week until after the new year.

It is amazing how wrong you can be.We explained the problem by phone and the plumber explained that it is the integrated vlave, or whatever, that was not functioning which was no surprise after 18 years. Today things are not built forever. We were even more suprised when he said he would pick up a new part and call in in the afternoon between 2-3 to fix it. Our visions of a Christmas spent without hot water in bathroom are now slowly disappearing, I hope.  At the moment the plumbers are replacing our dead tap and holding a discussion about our tap.They are not cheap, but we consider it as a Christmas present to ourselves, as we abolished Christmas presents a couple of years ago.

Bath TapIn the meanwhile after 50 minutes, we have a new bathroom tap and the plumber has now returned to his  Christmas tree or whatever. I said I was surprised he managed to find time for us today, just before Christmas, and he said that they had reserved today for such situations. From tomorrow he will have a two week holiday.

The main disadvantage of this problem was that I usually have my golden oldie midday sleep (also Mr. Swiss) after lunch. You cannot have everything I suppose, but I am now discovering that I am missing my after dinner rest.

I think I will now go,before I fall asleep at the computer with sleep deprivation.

Daily Prompt: Some Things are better not discovered