FOWC with Fandango: Crisis

Machine for pumpint out water

A couple of years ago our hobby room in the cellar was submerged under water. We had some heavy rain, and the complete basement was flooded including the cellars. It was only a few centimetres  of water but that was enough. It was not the water you see, but the water that seeps through into the lower layers. We had these machines for a month pumping out what it could and drying it all. We had to remove the fitted carpet and move all the furniture out. That was a crisis that I do not want to have again.

One Word Challenge: Crisis

Daily Prompt: The Weekly Crisis situation

We all have them. Politicians have them constantly, and the victims are usually the voters, the inhabitants of the countries that have to live with them. No matter where you are, there will be problems. But now I am going to write about my own little crisis situation. It is not something that is eternal, that causes my life to be miserable, just half an hour a week, but it is half hour crisis.

This is the shower, the cleaned shower – that is why I took the photo. Photos of dirty neglected showers I leave to Facebook and other such negative journalistic sources. Ok, nothing special. I also have a bathroom with incorporated shower, but no matter what you have it has to be kept clean. No water stains on the tiles, no unwanted limescale deposits on the sink or the shower screen. If you do not care for your shower, it soon becomes an eysore and so Mrs. Angloswiss cares for her shower weekly. It is the last weekly cleaning operation, usually on Wednesday, because afterwards she has relaxing non-cleaning days until the following week on Monday. No big deal, the more regular you clean something, the less there is to take care of, but no perfect results without work. I have just finished this weeks cleaning operation. Yes, I am now proud of my shower.

But it is a crisis situation weekly. I hate my shower, I hate each and every tile on the wall, and above all the shower itself where you have to bend and use various cleaning liquids to complete the job. If my shower was human, I would kill it, be accused of murder, sentenced to a cell where I would be forced to have a shower daily with other prisoners, but I would not have to clean the shower, or perhaps prisoners, murderers, have to clean their own showers.

I had a deicison today. Shall I meet my crisis situation immediately after my golden oldie midday sleep or go into combat after writing my Pulitzer prize suspicious works of blog. I decided to bring it behind me, together with the bad mood I develop when doing it and so it was an après sleep action. There are not enough profanities in the dictionary to cover it all. Luckily the toilet is dealt with in my morning chores daily. It is the tiled walls and doors to the shower, the sink and cupboard beneath the sink that must be cleansed. It does not really take long. Once I begin, I pursue my task to the bitter end. I spray cleaning liquid which I rinse away in the shower. I have a special cleaning system that does not need to be rinsed away for everything else, it is all specially developed to avoid the rinsing operation. I have limescale remover for the silly corners, stainless steel objects etc. but it has to be done. It is not a self-cleaning shower, how I wish it was.

Eventually it is done, altough the floor has a few wet patches, but when I begin to wipe the floor with my special mop head, of which I have 8 pieces altogether, I know I am on the finishing lap. I have 8 mop heads, because I use a clean one every day and wash them once a week in the washing machine, it is all in my patent Angloswiss cleaning system. I need no cleaning fluid with the mop, just clean water. I can now relax and clean the toothbrush glass and the soap holder, and the job is finished. Another weekly half hour crisis situation mastered. I am now sitting on the porch, writing with a satisified and relaxed feeling, the work is done – until next Wednesday when another crisis situation will have to be conquered

Daily Prompt: The Weekly Crisis Situation